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Simona Kovač (Author), Mojca Peček (Mentor)


Stališča študentov razrednega pouka glede vključevanja romskih otrok v redne osnovne šole




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Kovač]
UDC: 376.7(=214.58)(043.2)
COBISS: 9026121 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1187
Downloads: 271
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Wiewpoints of the students of the Primary Teacher Education on the integration of the Roma children in regular primary schools
Secondary abstract: The schooling of the Romani in Slovenia is rather problematic. The Romani children often encounter lower school success, discrimination, prejudices; many of them finish school with the adjusted programme. The important parts in the pupil’s advancement are the teacher’s points of view and expectations, which must be positive. In the theoretical part of the degree are presented the educational specifications of the Romani, the inclusion and multiculturalism and the teacher’s influence on a pupil. What kind of a teacher who teaches the Romani children should be and how the teachers should be trained to have positive standpoint towards the Romani people is also presented. In the empirical part of the degree is introduced the research which establishes which subjects at the faculty influence the students’ viewpoints towards the Romani children of the students, what kind of viewpoints towards the Romani children have the 1st and 4th grade students of the Primary Teacher Education, and what do the 4th grade students believe about their knowledge and competence. In the empirical part of the degree was with the analysis of the syllabus discovered that only one subject affects the students viewpoint towards the Romani children, and that subject is the Theory of Education; even though the students themselves believe that the following subjects are also useful: Pedagogical and Developmental Psychology, The Theory of Education, Pedagogy of Children with Developmental Disorder or none of them. The viewpoints of the students are not inclusive enough, because several students agreed not to accept the Romani child to their class. The 4th grade students believe they are partly or rather incompetent to work with the Romani children, because they do not have enough practical experiences and practice, they lack not knowledge about their culture and language, and practical knowledge.
Secondary keywords: socially handicapped;integration;teacher role;socialno prizadeti;integracija;vloga učitelja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 87 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Wiewpoints of the students of the Primary Teacher Education on the integration of the Roma children in regular primary schools
Keywords (ePrints): Romi
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Romani
Abstract (ePrints): Šolanje Romov je v Sloveniji precej problematično. Romski učenci se v šolah pogosto srečujejo s slabšim učnim uspehom, diskriminacijo, predsodki, veliko jih konča v šolah s prilagojenim programom. Pomembno vlogo pri napredovanju učenca pa imajo tudi učiteljeva stališča in pričakovanja, ki morajo biti nujno pozitivna. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljene specifike izobraževanja Romov, inkluzija in multikulturalizem ter vpliv učiteljevih stališč in pričakovanj na učenca. Predstavljeno je tudi, kakšen naj bi bil učitelj, ki poučuje romske otroke in kakšno naj bi bilo izobraževanje učiteljev, da bi se oblikovala čimbolj pozitivna stališča do Romov. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, katere cilj je bilo ugotoviti, kateri predmeti na fakulteti vplivajo na stališča študentov do romskih otrok, kakšna so stališča študentov 1. in 4. letnika razrednega pouka do romskih otrok in kaj o svojem znanju in kompetencah menijo študentje 4. letnika. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela je bilo z analizo učnega načrta razrednega pouka ugotovljeno, da na stališča študentov do romskih otrok vpliva le en predmet in to je teorija vzgoje, čeprav študentje sami menijo, da so za delo z romskimi otroki koristni tudi predmeti: pedagoška in razvojna psihologija, teorija vzgoje, pedagogika otrok z motnjami v razvoju in nobeden od predmetov. Stališča študentov še niso dovolj inkluzivna, saj kar nekaj študentov romskega otroka ne bi sprejelo v svoj razred. Študentje 4. letnika menijo, da so delno ali precej nekompetentni za delo z romskimi otroki, primanjkuje pa jim predvsem konkretnih izkušenj in prakse, spoznavanja njihove kulture in jezika ter praktičnih znanj.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The schooling of the Romani in Slovenia is rather problematic. The Romani children often encounter lower school success, discrimination, prejudices; many of them finish school with the adjusted programme. The important parts in the pupil’s advancement are the teacher’s points of view and expectations, which must be positive. In the theoretical part of the degree are presented the educational specifications of the Romani, the inclusion and multiculturalism and the teacher’s influence on a pupil. What kind of a teacher who teaches the Romani children should be and how the teachers should be trained to have positive standpoint towards the Romani people is also presented. In the empirical part of the degree is introduced the research which establishes which subjects at the faculty influence the students’ viewpoints towards the Romani children of the students, what kind of viewpoints towards the Romani children have the 1st and 4th grade students of the Primary Teacher Education, and what do the 4th grade students believe about their knowledge and competence. In the empirical part of the degree was with the analysis of the syllabus discovered that only one subject affects the students viewpoint towards the Romani children, and that subject is the Theory of Education; even though the students themselves believe that the following subjects are also useful: Pedagogical and Developmental Psychology, The Theory of Education, Pedagogy of Children with Developmental Disorder or none of them. The viewpoints of the students are not inclusive enough, because several students agreed not to accept the Romani child to their class. The 4th grade students believe they are partly or rather incompetent to work with the Romani children, because they do not have enough practical experiences and practice, they lack not knowledge about their culture and language, and practical knowledge.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Romani
ID: 8308633