diplomsko delo
Urška Kolar (Author), Mojca Peček (Mentor)


Stališča študentov razrednega pouka, predšolske vzgoje in pedagogike do vključevanja ranljivih otrok v redne osnovne šole




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Kolar]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 9025865 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1259
Downloads: 346
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Students of university programs for primary teacher education, preschool education and pedagogy and their attitudes on including children at risk into primary school programs
Secondary abstract: In my paper I have set out to research the inclusive viewpoints of students for Primary Teacher Education, Students of Preschool Education and Students of Pedagogy towards the children at risk at the beginning of their study programs. I was also curious to find out if the stances between aforementioned students would wary and also whether the programs they attend guide them towards the development of said inclusive competency. In the theoretical part I have presented the different groups of children at risk and described the problems which they deal with at the regular primary schools and what is the best way to cope with these children. Inclusive education is very important for every single child, especially for those at risk because it enables them to enter a wider social surroundings. For this inclusive education to take place it's really important to put the emphasis on the role of the people in pedagogic roles, their knowledge, abilities, competences and viewpoints towards the children at risk. We can talk about an inclusive school, meant for all the children, when the teacher's stance towards those who are different and less fortunate is positive. Empirical part is divided between qualitative and quantitative portion of the research. The qualitative part includes an analysis of goals of aforementioned education programs where I tried to point out how much emphasis on the development of inclusive competences there really is. I have deduced that inclusive competences are best evolved in the time of gaining qualifications during your study years. The quantitative part consists of the results of the survey and the analysis of the viewpoints of particular students towards the children at risk. I wasn't interested in the results alone, however; I wanted to find out about the differences in their opinions based on what career they are pursuing - let it be the students of Preschool Education, students of Pedagogy or students of Primary Teacher Education. The analysis and thorough comparison of the answers showed that the general personal opinion of all these students doesn't really wary. There were minor differences, however, within certain questions about particular groups of children at risk. I can only point out the students of their first year of either of the three different programs I've mentioned - they are at the beginning of their inclusive competency because their opinion on children at risk with various disadvantages is only partially inclusive.
Secondary keywords: backward child;integration;attitude;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;integracija;stališče;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 98 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Students of university programs for primary teacher education, preschool education and pedagogy and their attitudes on including children at risk into primary school programs
Keywords (ePrints): ranljivi otroci
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): children at risk
Abstract (ePrints): V svojem diplomskem delu sem raziskala, kako inkluzivna so stališča študentov razrednega pouka, predšolske vzgoje in pedagogike na začetku njihovega študija. Ugotavljala sem tudi, če obstajajo razlike v stališčih do ranljivih otrok med omenjenimi skupinami študentov. Poleg tega me je zanimalo, ali so študijski programi za učitelje, vzgojitelje in pedagoge usmerjeni k razvijanju inkluzivnih kompetenc. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila posamezne skupine ranljivih otrok, opisala sem težave, s katerimi se soočajo v rednih osnovnih šolah ter navedla primere ustreznega načina dela s temi otroki. Inkluzivno izobraževanje je izrednega pomena za vse otroke, še posebno za ranljive, saj jim tako omogočimo vstop v širše družbeno okolje. Bistvenega pomena za uresničevanje inkluzije so vloga pedagoških delavcev, njihovo znanje, kompetence in predvsem stališča do ranljivih otrok ter inkluzivnega poučevanja, saj so le-ta temelj uspešne inkluzije. O inkluzivni šoli, namenjeni vsem otrokom, lahko govorimo v primeru, ko je učitelj pozitivno naravnan do drugačnosti in kadar so njegova stališča do ranljivih otrok in njihovega vključevanja v redne osnovne šole pozitivno naravnana/inkluzivna. Empirični del diplome sem razdelila na kvantitativni in kvalitativni del. Prvi del zajema kvalitativno analizo ciljev študijskih programov, kot so razredni pouk, predšolska vzgoja in pedagogika. Osredotočila sem se na izobraževanje bodočih pedagoških strokovnjakov in s tem povezan razvoj kompetenc, še posebej inkluzivnih. Čas študija je tako najbolj primeren za razvoj inkluzivnih kompetenc. Drugi del obsega predstavitev rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika in analizo stališč, ki jih imajo študentje posameznih študijskih smeri do ranljivih otrok. Niso pa me zanimala zgolj stališča sama, želela sem ugotoviti tudi, kakšne razlike se pojavljajo (če sploh se) v stališčih študentov razrednega pouka, predšolske vzgoje in pedagogike. Analiza in konkretna primerjava odgovorov je pokazala, da med omenjenimi skupinami študentov v splošnem pogledu ni prihajalo do razlik v stališčih do ranljivih učencev. Do statistično pomembnih razlik je prišlo le znotraj posameznih vprašanj, in sicer pri stališčih, povezanih z nekaterimi skupinami ranljivih otrok. O stališč študentov prvih letnikov lahko povem, da so na poti k oblikovanju inkluzivnih stališč, saj so stališča do posameznih ranljivih otrok, kot so slepi in slabovidni, gluhi in naglušni ter otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, le delno inkluzivna.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my paper I have set out to research the inclusive viewpoints of students for Primary Teacher Education, Students of Preschool Education and Students of Pedagogy towards the children at risk at the beginning of their study programs. I was also curious to find out if the stances between aforementioned students would wary and also whether the programs they attend guide them towards the development of said inclusive competency. In the theoretical part I have presented the different groups of children at risk and described the problems which they deal with at the regular primary schools and what is the best way to cope with these children. Inclusive education is very important for every single child, especially for those at risk because it enables them to enter a wider social surroundings. For this inclusive education to take place it's really important to put the emphasis on the role of the people in pedagogic roles, their knowledge, abilities, competences and viewpoints towards the children at risk. We can talk about an inclusive school, meant for all the children, when the teacher's stance towards those who are different and less fortunate is positive. Empirical part is divided between qualitative and quantitative portion of the research. The qualitative part includes an analysis of goals of aforementioned education programs where I tried to point out how much emphasis on the development of inclusive competences there really is. I have deduced that inclusive competences are best evolved in the time of gaining qualifications during your study years. The quantitative part consists of the results of the survey and the analysis of the viewpoints of particular students towards the children at risk. I wasn't interested in the results alone, however; I wanted to find out about the differences in their opinions based on what career they are pursuing - let it be the students of Preschool Education, students of Pedagogy or students of Primary Teacher Education. The analysis and thorough comparison of the answers showed that the general personal opinion of all these students doesn't really wary. There were minor differences, however, within certain questions about particular groups of children at risk. I can only point out the students of their first year of either of the three different programs I've mentioned - they are at the beginning of their inclusive competency because their opinion on children at risk with various disadvantages is only partially inclusive.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): children at risk
ID: 8308637