Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Children`s literature in the journal Ciciban after the year 2000 |
Secondary abstract: |
In my undergraduate thesis there are various different definitions of the youth literature concept presented. Based on this we can behold, that the understanding of youth literature is not simple but very complex.
I have decided to write my thesis »Youth literature in the children's magazine Ciciban after the year 2000« because I find the topic very interesting and useful to research and analyse. Also in my opinion it would be a very good starting point for working in class with pupils, because my knowledge – being a class teacher - about the magazine could serve well as additional working material. Since the magazine »Ciciban« offers various contents, which I have come to know after doing a thorough analysis, I could use it as additional working material in all the classes, however in my thesis I focused primarily on narration and poetry.
As a researcher I was interested in what genres are represented in the before mentioned magazine, according to genres in youth literature to which extent poetry and narration are represented, what genres prevail in the magazine, which topics can be found in texts most often, are there more foreign authors then Slovenian or do texts of foreign/domestic origin dominate the magazine and could the magazine »Ciciban« be used as an additional teaching tool according to the curriculum.
In my thesis the genres of youth literature are presented and defined, accompanied by practical examples from the observed magazine »Ciciban«, which enables us to observe features of a certain literature genre. |
Secondary keywords: |
Otroška književnost;Diplomske naloge;Literarne zvrsti; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
83 str., [39] f. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Children`s literature in the journal Ciciban after the year 2000 |
Keywords (ePrints): |
mladinska kniževnost |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
youth literature |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu je predstavljenih več različnih opredelitev pojma mladinska književnost. Na podlagi tega vidimo, da razumevanje mladinske književnosti ni enostavno, ampak je kompleksno.
Za diplomsko nalogo, Mladinska književnost v reviji Ciciban po letu 2000, sem se odločila, ker se mi zdi tema izredno zanimiva za raziskovanje in analiziranje. Poleg tega bi bilo to zelo dobro izhodišče za delo v razredu, saj se mi zdi, da bi poznavanje revije in njene vsebine lahko kot razredna učiteljica zelo dobro uporabila v razredu, kot dodatno gradivo. Ker revija Ciciban ponuja raznolike vsebine, kar sem ugotovila na podlagi analiziranja, bi jo lahko uporabila kot dodatno gradivo pri vseh predmetih, vendar pa sem se tokrat analize in raziskovanja lotila z vidika mladinske književnosti. Osredotočila sem se na pripovedništvo in pesništvo.
Kot raziskovalko me je zanimalo: katere zvrsti so zastopane v reviji Ciciban, glede na zvrsti v mladinski književnosti; v kolikšni meri je zastopano pesništvo in v kolikšni meri je zastopano pripovedništvo; katere zvrsti prevladujejo v reviji; katere so najpogostejše teme besedil; ali prevladujejo besedila slovenskih ali tujih avtorjev oz. prevladujejo besedila, ki so slovenskega ali tujega izvora; in ali bi bilo možno, glede na cilje v učnem načrtu, revijo Ciciban/njene vsebine uporabiti, kot dodatni učni pripomoček.
V diplomskem delu so predstavljene in opredeljene zvrsti mladinske književnosti, ki so podprte tudi s konkretnimi primeri iz obeh letnikov revije Ciciban. To nam omogoča, da na konkretnem primeru opazujemo značilnosti določene literarne zvrsti. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
In my undergraduate thesis there are various different definitions of the youth literature concept presented. Based on this we can behold, that the understanding of youth literature is not simple but very complex.
I have decided to write my thesis »Youth literature in the children's magazine Ciciban after the year 2000« because I find the topic very interesting and useful to research and analyse. Also in my opinion it would be a very good starting point for working in class with pupils, because my knowledge – being a class teacher - about the magazine could serve well as additional working material. Since the magazine »Ciciban« offers various contents, which I have come to know after doing a thorough analysis, I could use it as additional working material in all the classes, however in my thesis I focused primarily on narration and poetry.
As a researcher I was interested in what genres are represented in the before mentioned magazine, according to genres in youth literature to which extent poetry and narration are represented, what genres prevail in the magazine, which topics can be found in texts most often, are there more foreign authors then Slovenian or do texts of foreign/domestic origin dominate the magazine and could the magazine »Ciciban« be used as an additional teaching tool according to the curriculum.
In my thesis the genres of youth literature are presented and defined, accompanied by practical examples from the observed magazine »Ciciban«, which enables us to observe features of a certain literature genre. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
youth literature |
ID: |
8308694 |