Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Strategies of solving written division algorithms in fifth grade of primary school |
Secondary abstract: |
The diploma thesis addresses the issue of solving strategies of written division and other connected elements, such as problems, calculation errors and the time of solving presented tasks. The theoretical part outlines key elements, required for pupils’ success at mathematics, problems with which pupils deal at learning mathematics and methods of overcoming these problems. Also presented are calculation strategies, ways of teaching these to pupils and common errors that occur at written calculation.
The empirical part brings forth results of a research, which was focused at recognizing:
- most frequent problems of pupils at written division,
- most widely used strategies of pupils in 5th grade relative to pupils’ success rate at mathematics,
- most common errors at these tasks, also relative to success rates and
- the correlation of success rate at mathematics to the time, spent in solving written division tasks.
The data were collected through an examination, structured observation and discussions with pupils. The research included 16 fifth-grade pupils of Janko Kersnik Brdo primary school and it` s branch school in Blagovica.
The research has shown that pupils encounter different kinds of problems at written division tasks, while the most widely used strategy is retrieval of arithmetical facts. The latter is also tightly connected to the majority of errors that pupils make. Furthermore, the research shows that pupils’ success in mathematics rate influences their choice of strategy at solving written division tasks, type and number of errors, and time of solving presented tasks. |
Secondary keywords: |
mathematics;learning strategy;primary school;matematika;strategija učenja;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
V, 89 str., [6] str. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Strategies of solving written division algorithms in fifth grade of primary school |
Keywords (ePrints): |
učne strategije |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
learning strategies |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Diplomsko delo poleg pojma strategij obravnava tudi druge dejavnike (težave, napake in čas reševanja), ki so vključeni v reševanje nalog pisnega deljenja. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljeno, od česa je odvisen uspeh ali neuspeh učencev pri matematiki, s katerimi učnimi težavami se učenci soočajo pri matematiki in kateri so ukrepi pomoči. Poleg tega je predstavljeno tudi, katere so strategije računskih operacij, kako lahko učencem pomagamo pri učenju le-teh ter katere težave in napake lahko nastanejo pri pisnem računanju.
V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni rezultati po zastavljenih raziskovalnih vprašanjih, s katerimi je bilo ugotovljeno:
- s katerimi težavami se učenci najpogosteje srečujejo pri pisnem deljenju;
- katere strategije reševanja nalog pisnega deljenja uporabljajo učenci v 5. razredu in ali učenčeva uspešnost pri matematiki vpliva na izbor strategij;
- katere napake učenci najpogosteje delajo pri nalogah pisnega deljenja in ali so vrste napak odvisne od uspešnosti učencev pri matematiki ter
- ali učenčeva uspešnost pri matematiki vpliva na čas reševanja nalog pisnega deljenja.
Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo preverjanja znanja, strukturiranega opazovanja in z razgovori z učenci. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 16 učencev 5. razreda Osnovne šole Janka Kersnika Brdo in njene podružnične šole v Blagovici.
Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se učenci pri reševanju nalog pisnega deljenja srečujejo z različnimi vrstami težav. Petošolci najpogosteje uporabljajo strategijo priklica aritmetičnih dejstev, na izbor strategije pa vpliva učenčeva uspešnost pri matematiki. Napake, ki jih učenci najpogosteje delajo pri reševanju nalog pisnega deljenja, se prav tako navezujejo na priklic aritmetičnih dejstev, vrste in število narejenih napak pa so odvisne od učenčeve uspešnosti pri matematiki. Ta vpliva tudi na čas reševanja nalog pisnega deljenja. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
The diploma thesis addresses the issue of solving strategies of written division and other connected elements, such as problems, calculation errors and the time of solving presented tasks. The theoretical part outlines key elements, required for pupils’ success at mathematics, problems with which pupils deal at learning mathematics and methods of overcoming these problems. Also presented are calculation strategies, ways of teaching these to pupils and common errors that occur at written calculation.
The empirical part brings forth results of a research, which was focused at recognizing:
- most frequent problems of pupils at written division,
- most widely used strategies of pupils in 5th grade relative to pupils’ success rate at mathematics,
- most common errors at these tasks, also relative to success rates and
- the correlation of success rate at mathematics to the time, spent in solving written division tasks.
The data were collected through an examination, structured observation and discussions with pupils. The research included 16 fifth-grade pupils of Janko Kersnik Brdo primary school and it` s branch school in Blagovica.
The research has shown that pupils encounter different kinds of problems at written division tasks, while the most widely used strategy is retrieval of arithmetical facts. The latter is also tightly connected to the majority of errors that pupils make. Furthermore, the research shows that pupils’ success in mathematics rate influences their choice of strategy at solving written division tasks, type and number of errors, and time of solving presented tasks. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
learning strategies |
ID: |
8308813 |