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Jasmina Šket (Author), Mojca Lipec-Stopar (Mentor)


Opismenjevanje v posebnem programu vzgoje in izobraževanja




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Šket]
UDC: 373.32.016:003(043.2)
COBISS: 9141065 Link will open in a new window
Views: 907
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Literacy within special education programme
Secondary abstract: Literacy is a demanding and long-termed process which lapses through all four communication skills – reading, writing, talking and listening. Reading and writing skills are influenced by different factors which must work coordinated for sucessful result. In the process of literacy teachers can use different methods of initial reading and writing. Children within a special programme of education start with systematic literacy when they are about 9 years old. Before learning how to read and write they intensively develop abilities that are needed for reading and writing. Learning how to read and write depends on the ability of children because between them arise major differences in gaining access to the knowledge of reading and writing. Some children remain on the level where they develop abilities needed for reading and learning, others are at the stage where they identify letters and only few have the knowledge of reading and writing. The purpose of the research was to gain an insight into the literacy within the special programme of education, and on the basis of gained information suggest changes in the previously mentioned programme. I gained information through an observation of children at literacy classes and by interviewing (using a questionnaire) special education teachers. The results of observation and the questionnaire were conflicting. Special education teachers estimate that literacy is important for children in special education programme. Therefore they perform many different activities for learning how to read and write, but there is just a small number of children who have this knowledge. As the most appropriate method for learning special education teachers assess logographic method, but from the gained information we can assume that the actual use of this method is rare. According to the questionnaire we could say that the special programme of education is adequate for the children, while the information obtained by observation shows that the programme is too difficult for them. From the answers of special education teachers we can assume that the children are literate while information gained by observation shows that there is a small number of those who can actually read and write. Due to the obtained information it may be concluded that the special education programme needs changes. The need for changes was also pointed out by some special education teachers who expressed the need for more directions, which would make it easier to adapt the class to individuals.
Secondary keywords: literacy;teaching method;backward child;pismenost;didaktična metoda;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: 95 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Literacy within special education programme
Keywords (ePrints): opismenjevanje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): literacy
Abstract (ePrints): Opismenjevanje otrok je zahteven in dolgotrajen proces, ki poteka preko vseh štirih komunikacijskih dejavnosti – branja, pisanja, govorjenja in poslušanja. Na učenje branja in pisanja vplivajo različni dejavniki, ki morajo za uspešen rezultat med seboj delovati usklajeno. Sam proces opismenjevanja zahteva uporabo različnih metod začetnega branja in pisanja. Otroci v posebnem programu vzgoje in izobraževanja začno s sistematičnim opismenjevanjem na drugi stopnji izobraževanja, to je v starosti 9 let, prej pa intenzivno razvijajo predbralne in predpisalne sposobnosti. Opismenjevanje je v veliki meri odvisno od sposobnosti otrok, saj se med njimi pojavljajo velike razlike pri osvajanju znanja branja in pisanja. Nekateri otroci ostajajo na predbralni in predpisalni stopnji, drugi so na stopnji prepoznavanja črk, le malo pa jih bere in uporablja pisni jezik. Namen raziskave je bilo pridobiti vpogled v opismenjevanje v posebnem programu ter na podlagi spoznanj predlagati morebitne spremembe v programu. Tako sem informacije pridobivala z opazovanjem ur opismenjevanja ter z anketiranjem specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagoginj. Rezultati opazovanja in anketnega vprašalnika so bili zelo nasprotujoči. Pokazali so, da specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoginje ocenjujejo, da je pismenost za otroke v posebnem programu pomembna, poleg tega izvajajo dejavnosti za opismenjevanje, pa vendar je zelo malo otrok opismenjenih. Kot najprimernejšo metodo so specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoginje ocenile logografsko metodo, vendar iz navajanja dejavnosti, ki jih v okviru opismenjevanja uporabljajo, lahko sklepamo, da je dejanska uporaba te metode redkost. Glede na odgovore anketnega vprašalnika bi lahko rekli, da je posebni program vzgoje in izobraževanja za otroke ustrezen, medtem ko informacije pridobljene z opazovanjem kažejo, da je program za otroke pretežak. Iz odgovorov specialnih in rehabiltacijskih pedagoginj lahko razberemo, da so otroci v posebnem programu opismenjeni, medtem ko informacije pridobljene z opazovanjem kažejo na to, da je otrok z znanjem branja in pisanja zelo malo. Glede na pridobljene informacije lahko zaključimo, da bi posebni program vzgoje in izobraževanja potreboval spremembe. Potrebo po spremembah so poudarile tudi nekatere specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoginje, ki izražajo potrebo po bolj razčlenjenem programu, s katerim bi lažje prilagajale pouk posameznikom.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Literacy is a demanding and long-termed process which lapses through all four communication skills – reading, writing, talking and listening. Reading and writing skills are influenced by different factors which must work coordinated for sucessful result. In the process of literacy teachers can use different methods of initial reading and writing. Children within a special programme of education start with systematic literacy when they are about 9 years old. Before learning how to read and write they intensively develop abilities that are needed for reading and writing. Learning how to read and write depends on the ability of children because between them arise major differences in gaining access to the knowledge of reading and writing. Some children remain on the level where they develop abilities needed for reading and learning, others are at the stage where they identify letters and only few have the knowledge of reading and writing. The purpose of the research was to gain an insight into the literacy within the special programme of education, and on the basis of gained information suggest changes in the previously mentioned programme. I gained information through an observation of children at literacy classes and by interviewing (using a questionnaire) special education teachers. The results of observation and the questionnaire were conflicting. Special education teachers estimate that literacy is important for children in special education programme. Therefore they perform many different activities for learning how to read and write, but there is just a small number of children who have this knowledge. As the most appropriate method for learning special education teachers assess logographic method, but from the gained information we can assume that the actual use of this method is rare. According to the questionnaire we could say that the special programme of education is adequate for the children, while the information obtained by observation shows that the programme is too difficult for them. From the answers of special education teachers we can assume that the children are literate while information gained by observation shows that there is a small number of those who can actually read and write. Due to the obtained information it may be concluded that the special education programme needs changes. The need for changes was also pointed out by some special education teachers who expressed the need for more directions, which would make it easier to adapt the class to individuals.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): literacy
ID: 8308890