doktorska disertacija
Stanislav Avsec (Author), Janez Jamšek (Mentor)


Metoda merjenja tehnološke pismenosti učencev 9. razreda osnovne šole


tehnika in tehnologija;tehnološka pismenost;tehnološko mišljenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Avsec]
UDC: 62:37.011.33(043.3)
COBISS: 9141833 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1297
Downloads: 261
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Method for measuring technological literacy of 15-year-old pupils
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to define a new, valid and reliable method for the holistic measurement of technological literacy (TL) which considers all three main components – knowledge (K), capabilities (C) and critical thinking and decision-making (CTDM). Technology education (TE) is a term encountered at all educational stages. The objective of its educational content is to impart TL that is manifested as technological K, C and the ability to CTDM specific to use of technologies, management and the evaluation of technologies. The latter three elements define TL. Specific to the subject Design and Technology, they are also to be found in the primary school curriculum. This thesis encompasses an overview and an assessment of the existing methods for measuring TL. Existing methods can measure only one component at a time; moreover, tools and instruments differ widely. Considering the disadvantages of the existing methods and the latest psychometric research results, a new method that can simultaneously measure, assess and evaluate all three main components of TL is proposed. This method is centered around standards for TL. Its key features are the construct-measure-result approach, test range definition usage and a genuine design approach facilitating determination of its test items. The method was first tested and evaluated by means of a pilot test deploying an upgrade of the current criteria to the post-test level and measurement validation. Such a method was further used to measure the TL of 15-year-old pupils in primary school. Two groups were placed within an experimental and a control environment, respectively. The data thus obtained were statistically treated for the purpose of validating the method’s reliability and validity. Factors influencing TL were determined and discussed. TE subjects within the framework of a given curriculum did/do not fully evolve, thus failing to incorporate the requisite TL parameters and standards and, therefore, failing to contribute to the creation of a more competitive technological environment in keeping with the needs and requirements of the Slovenian economy.
Secondary keywords: engineering;knowledge;assessment;primary school;tehnika;znanje;vrednotenje;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: XII, 222, CCXXXIX str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Method for measuring technological literacy of 15-year-old pupils
Keywords (ePrints): tehniško izobraževanje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): technology education
Abstract (ePrints): Osrednji namen dela je bila določitev nove veljavne in zanesljive metode za celostno merjenje tehnološke pismenosti po vseh njenih treh komponentah (znanje, zmožnosti ter kritično razmišljanje in odločanje) hkrati. Tehniško izobraževanje predstavlja izobraževanje vsebin tehnike in tehnologije za učence/dijake/študente od osnovnošolskega do univerzitetnega študija z namenom biti tehnološko pismen. Učinki TI se kažejo v obliki tehnološkega znanja, zmožnosti in sposobnosti kritičnega razmišljanja in odločanja o uporabi, ravnanju in presoji/oceni tehnologij, kar določa tehnološko pismenost. Zasledimo jo tudi v obstoječem učnem načrtu obveznega osnovnošolskega predmeta Tehnike in tehnologije. Delo zajema pregled in vrednotenje obstoječih metod za merjenje tehnološke pismenosti. Le te merijo le po eno komponento tehnološke pismenosti, orodja in instrumenti za merjenja pa se med seboj zelo razlikujejo. Ob upoštevanju vseh pomanjkljivosti obstoječih metod in zadnjih dognanj psihometrije, je podana nova metoda merjenja tehnološke pismenosti, ki meri istočasno vse tri njene komponente. Njena vsebinska domena so standardi tehnološke pismenosti. Ključnega pomena je izbrani pristop konstrukt-mera-rezultat pri določitvi testne baterije ob originalnem pristopu zasnove in določitve testnih postavk. Metoda je najprej preskušena in vrednotena na testnem vzorcu pilotnega testa z nadgradnjo do sedaj obstoječih kriterijev določanja testne pole za post-test in veljavnosti merjenja. Tako umerjena metoda je v nadaljevanju uporabljena za merjenje tehnološke pismenosti učencev 9. razreda osnovne šole, in sicer na eksperimentalni in kontrolni skupini. Zbrani podatki so statistično obdelani za namen ugotavljanja veljavnosti in zanesljivosti metode ter proučevanja dejavnikov vpliva na tehnološko pismenost. Učni načrti predmetov tehnike niso v dovolj veliki meri razvijali tehnološko pismenost in jih je smiselno dopolniti/uskladiti s področji standardov tehnološke pismenosti in s tem vplivati na konkurenčno zagotovitev inženirskega kadra za potrebe slovenskega gospodarstva.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of this thesis is to define a new, valid and reliable method for the holistic measurement of technological literacy (TL) which considers all three main components – knowledge (K), capabilities (C) and critical thinking and decision-making (CTDM). Technology education (TE) is a term encountered at all educational stages. The objective of its educational content is to impart TL that is manifested as technological K, C and the ability to CTDM specific to use of technologies, management and the evaluation of technologies. The latter three elements define TL. Specific to the subject Design and Technology, they are also to be found in the primary school curriculum. This thesis encompasses an overview and an assessment of the existing methods for measuring TL. Existing methods can measure only one component at a time; moreover, tools and instruments differ widely. Considering the disadvantages of the existing methods and the latest psychometric research results, a new method that can simultaneously measure, assess and evaluate all three main components of TL is proposed. This method is centered around standards for TL. Its key features are the construct-measure-result approach, test range definition usage and a genuine design approach facilitating determination of its test items. The method was first tested and evaluated by means of a pilot test deploying an upgrade of the current criteria to the post-test level and measurement validation. Such a method was further used to measure the TL of 15-year-old pupils in primary school. Two groups were placed within an experimental and a control environment, respectively. The data thus obtained were statistically treated for the purpose of validating the method’s reliability and validity. Factors influencing TL were determined and discussed. TE subjects within the framework of a given curriculum did/do not fully evolve, thus failing to incorporate the requisite TL parameters and standards and, therefore, failing to contribute to the creation of a more competitive technological environment in keeping with the needs and requirements of the Slovenian economy.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): technology education
ID: 8308895