diplomsko delo
Katja Šivec (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Zdravje učiteljev Notranjsko-kraške regije


športni pedagogi;športne poškodbe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Šivec]
UDC: 37.011.3:331.47(497.451)(043.2)
COBISS: 9152073 Link will open in a new window
Views: 729
Downloads: 178
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Health of primary school teachers in Notranjsko-kraška region
Secondary abstract: The theoretical part of my diploma deals with health problems and types of sports injuries of primary school and PE teachers. The diseases and work related injuries that are common among people working in education are also described, and so are some statistical information connected to the topic. In the second, empirical part, I wanted to find out, which health problems were most common among teachers and if these problems were in any way connected to the occupation. I wanted to find out how many times a year primary and PE teachers visited health institutions, what kind of doctors they most often visited and what was the connection between the visits and the duration of the school year. What was also important for the research, was whether teachers took good care of their own health and whether they were enough physically active in their free time. A part of my research was also to find out what types of sports injuries were most common among primary and PE teachers and whether or not the teachers were pleased with their working environment. I got the results by using a questionnaire. The inquiry was anonymous and the sample covered 66 teachers from primary schools in Notranjsko-kraška region in Slovenia. I found out that the most common health problems among primary and PE teachers are allergies and spine and joints injuries. In my opinion these problems are not occupation-related, since they are common also among people outside this profession. Teachers go to the doctor’s approximately two times a year. Most of these visits are visits to dentists, family doctors or gynaecologists and are not directly related to the duration of the school year. The teachers who took part in my research and are mostly non-smokers are satisfied with their own health, but believe that they could take better care of their health, even though they claim they are enough physically active. The biggest issue remains stress, which is being dealt with on a daily basis. Primary and PE teachers injure themselves less than once a year, most frequently they stretch a muscle or twist their foot. Mostly they like to educate PE, even though it can often be difficult. They are only partly pleased with their working environment. By pointing out the most common health problems and sports injuries among primary and PE teachers, I would like to help them avoid these kind of problems and stay healthier, stronger and more capable of solving their daily issues.
Secondary keywords: teacher;health;sport;učitelj;zdravje;šport;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: X, 88 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Health of primary school teachers in Notranjsko-kraška region
Keywords (ePrints): učitelj razrednega pouka
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): primary school teachers
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo v teoretičnem delu opisuje zdravstvene obremenitve učiteljev in podrobneje opisuje vrste poškodb in zdravstvene težave in okvare, s katerimi se srečujejo učitelji razrednega pouka, ki izvajajo športno-vzgojni proces in športni pedagogi. Predstavljene so poklicne bolezni učiteljev in poškodbe pri delu, ki se pojavljajo pri zaposlenih v vzgoji in izobraževanju, za oboje pa so navedeni tudi statistični podatki. V drugem, empiričnem delu, sem želela raziskati, s katerimi zdravstvenimi težavami in okvarami se učitelji največkrat srečujejo ter ali so vrste teh težav povezane z učiteljskim poklicem. Zanimalo me je tudi kolikokrat letno učitelji razrednega pouka in športni pedagogi obiščejo zdravnika, katere zdravnike največkrat obiskujejo in povezavo pregledov s trajanjem šolskega leta. Pomembno je tudi v kolikšni meri učitelji skrbijo za svoje zdravje in ali so v prostem času dovolj fizično aktivni. Raziskati sem želela tudi, kdaj se pojavljajo športne poškodbe in kakšne vrste so, ter v kolikšni meri so učitelji zadovoljni s svojim delovnim okoljem. Do rezultatov sem prišla s pomočjo vprašalnika. Anketiranje je bilo anonimno, vzorec je zajemal 66 učiteljev osnovnih šol Notranjsko – kraške regije v Sloveniji. Ugotovila sem, da se izmed zdravstvenih težav največkrat pojavljajo alergije, ter bolezni in okvare hrbtenice in sklepov, kar pa po mojem mnenju ni povezano z učiteljskim poklicem in se z njimi srečujejo tudi drugi ljudje. Povprečno dvakrat na leto obiskujejo zdravnika, najbolj pogosto zobozdravnika, splošnega zdravnika in ginekologa, le-ti pa niso povezani s trajanjem šolskega leta. S svojim zdravjem so zadovoljni, večina je nekadilcev, vendar so mnenja, da bi za svoje zdravje lahko tudi bolje in več skrbeli, kar se izključuje tudi z odgovori, da so skoraj vsi dovolj telesno aktivni. Največja težava pa je še vedno stres, s katerim se velika večina vsaj občasno srečuje. Učitelji razrednega pouka in športni pedagogi, ki izvajajo športno-vzgojni proces se na delovnem mestu povprečno poškodujejo manj kot enkrat letno, najpogosteje se pojavlja nateg mišice in zvin gležnja. Športno vzgojo radi poučujejo, kljub temu, da je to velikokrat naporno in, da so z delovnim okoljem le delno zadovoljni. Z diplomskim delom želim učitelje opozoriti s kakšnimi zdravstvenimi težavami in poškodbami se lahko srečajo pri opravljanju učiteljskega poklica.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The theoretical part of my diploma deals with health problems and types of sports injuries of primary school and PE teachers. The diseases and work related injuries that are common among people working in education are also described, and so are some statistical information connected to the topic. In the second, empirical part, I wanted to find out, which health problems were most common among teachers and if these problems were in any way connected to the occupation. I wanted to find out how many times a year primary and PE teachers visited health institutions, what kind of doctors they most often visited and what was the connection between the visits and the duration of the school year. What was also important for the research, was whether teachers took good care of their own health and whether they were enough physically active in their free time. A part of my research was also to find out what types of sports injuries were most common among primary and PE teachers and whether or not the teachers were pleased with their working environment. I got the results by using a questionnaire. The inquiry was anonymous and the sample covered 66 teachers from primary schools in Notranjsko-kraška region in Slovenia. I found out that the most common health problems among primary and PE teachers are allergies and spine and joints injuries. In my opinion these problems are not occupation-related, since they are common also among people outside this profession. Teachers go to the doctor’s approximately two times a year. Most of these visits are visits to dentists, family doctors or gynaecologists and are not directly related to the duration of the school year. The teachers who took part in my research and are mostly non-smokers are satisfied with their own health, but believe that they could take better care of their health, even though they claim they are enough physically active. The biggest issue remains stress, which is being dealt with on a daily basis. Primary and PE teachers injure themselves less than once a year, most frequently they stretch a muscle or twist their foot. Mostly they like to educate PE, even though it can often be difficult. They are only partly pleased with their working environment. By pointing out the most common health problems and sports injuries among primary and PE teachers, I would like to help them avoid these kind of problems and stay healthier, stronger and more capable of solving their daily issues.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): primary school teachers
ID: 8308950