diplomska naloga
Blaž Goljevšček (Author), Sebastjan Bratina (Mentor), Tatjana Isaković (Thesis defence commission member), Bojan Majes (Thesis defence commission member), Tomaž Hozjan (Co-mentor)


Analiza nosilnosti AB "PI" plošče v običajnih pogojih in pogojih požara


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;"pi" plošča;armatura;nosilnost;požarna analiza;temperatura;požarna odpornost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [B. Goljevšček]
UDC: 614.84:624.012.45:624.073(043.2)
COBISS: 5062753 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3604
Downloads: 804
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bearing capacity analysis of the RC "PHI"slab under normal and free conditions
Secondary abstract: In the graduation thesis, we analyze the bearing capacity of the reinforced concrete “phi” slab under normal and fire conditions. In the beginning, we present the dimensioning process of the slab according to the Eurocode principles and rules, in terms of meeting the requirements for mechanical resistance, functionality and durability. Next, we use the finite element method to analyze a nonlinear mechanical response of the “phi” slab under the influence of short-term static load and compare the results with the results of the load test. Good correlation between the results is established. And finally, we analyze the capacity of the “phi” slab under fire conditions. According to the Eurocode the fire resistance is in the first place determined by the simplified method of isotherm 500 °C, and then by using the advanced computational method. Both methods are two-phased. In the first phase, we calculate the temperature field across the “pi” slab during fire indepentent of the chosen method. In the second phase, we determine the fire resistance of the slab. By using the simplified method fire resistance is determined by the calculation of the bending capacity of the cross section in the middle of the span of the “phi” slab. While in the advanced computational method we analyze the mechanical response of the slab during fire, by using the finite element method. When vertical displacements exceed the critical value determined by the regulations, fire resistance of the “phi” slab is reached. We can conclude that the fire resistance determined by both methods does not differ significantly.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;"phi" slab;reinforcing steel;capacity;fire analysis;temperature;fire resistance;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 80 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Bearing capacity analysis of RC “pi” slab under normal and fire conditions
Keywords (ePrints): “pi” plošča;armatura;nosilnost;požarna analiza;temperatura;požarna odpornost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): “phi” slab;reinforcing steel;capacity;fire analysis;temperature;fire resistance
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi analiziramo nosilnost armiranobetonske “pi” plošče v običajnih pogojih in pogojih požara. Ploščo najprej projektiramo skladno z načeli in pravili standarda Evrokod in sicer tako, da bo dovolj konstrukcijsko odporna, uporabna in trajna. V nadaljevanju z metodo končih elementov analiziramo nelinearni mehanski odziv “pi” plošče na kratkotrajno statično obtežbo ter rezultate primerjamo z rezultati obremenilnega preizkusa. Ugotovimo dobro ujemanje rezultatov. Na koncu analiziramo še odpornost “pi” plošče v pogojih požara. Požarno odpornost plošče določimo na dva načina skladno z Evrokodom in sicer s poenostavljeno ter z napredno računsko metodo. Metodi sta dvofazni. V prvi fazi neodvisno od izbrane metode izračunamo razporeditev temperatur po “pi” plošči med požarom. V drugi fazi določimo požarno odpornost plošče. Pri poenostavljeni računski metodi dokaz temelji na računu upogibne odpornosti prečnega prereza na sredini razpetine “pi” plošče med požarom, pri napredni metodi pa z metodo končih elementov analiziramo mehanski odziv plošče med požarom ter preverjamo, kdaj navpični pomiki “pi” plošče prekoračijo s predpisi določeno mejno vrednost. Ugotovimo, da se požarni odpornosti po obeh metodah bistveno ne razlikujeta.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the graduation thesis, we analyze the bearing capacity of the reinforced concrete “phi” slab under normal and fire conditions. In the beginning, we present the dimensioning process of the slab according to the Eurocode principles and rules, in terms of meeting the requirements for mechanical resistance, functionality and durability. Next, we use the finite element method to analyze a nonlinear mechanical response of the “phi” slab under the influence of short-term static load and compare the results with the results of the load test. Good correlation between the results is established. And finally, we analyze the capacity of the “phi” slab under fire conditions. According to the Eurocode the fire resistance is in the first place determined by the simplified method of isotherm 500 °C, and then by using the advanced computational method. Both methods are two-phased. In the first phase, we calculate the temperature field across the “pi” slab during fire indepentent of the chosen method. In the second phase, we determine the fire resistance of the slab. By using the simplified method fire resistance is determined by the calculation of the bending capacity of the cross section in the middle of the span of the “phi” slab. While in the advanced computational method we analyze the mechanical response of the slab during fire, by using the finite element method. When vertical displacements exceed the critical value determined by the regulations, fire resistance of the “phi” slab is reached. We can conclude that the fire resistance determined by both methods does not differ significantly.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): “phi” slab;reinforcing steel;capacity;fire analysis;temperature;fire resistance
ID: 8308995