diplomska naloga
Matej Kocjan (Author), Jože Korelc (Mentor)


Določevanje optimalne zasnove konstrukcijskih elementov


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;optimizacija;jeklene konstrukcije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Kocjan]
UDC: 624.014.2(043.2)
COBISS: 4344929 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2084
Downloads: 422
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Determination of optimal topology of structural components
Secondary abstract: The thesis discusses determination of structural elements’ optimal design. The first part of the thesis describes the optimum design which consists of two separate parts. The topology optimization, which puts roughly outlined construction to an optimal form, is made in the initial phase of optimization. Hereby we have two methods at our disposal; the first being, to optimize on a limit load, and the second, to optimize on maximum rigidity for a given volume. In the second stage, the form obtained by topology optimization is described with new parameters in a way that also takes technology of producing the final construction into account. In this stage we use the optimization on limited load. The second part of the thesis describes procedures that are used in actual examples. All mathematical procedures are implemented in the software Mathematica with the help of AceGen and AceFEM appenix, which are analysis programs using the method of finite elements. We carried out the topology optimization for the cantilever, beam and column examples whereas the optimization of parameters was made only for a cantilever example. Results obtained in the research were checked for the EN 1993-1-1 requirements.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;optimization;steel construction;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXII, 82 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Determination of optimal topology of structural components
Keywords (ePrints): optimizacija;jeklene konstrukcije
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): optimization;steel construction
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomska naloga obravnava določevanje optimalne zasnove konstrukcijskih elementov. Postopek optimalne zasnove, ki je opisan v prvem delu naloge, je sestavljen iz dveh ločenih delov. V začetni fazi optimiziranja izvedemo topološko optimizacijo, s katero se iz grobo opisane konstrukcije približamo optimalni obliki. Pri tem imamo na voljo dve metodi, in sicer optimiziranje na mejno obtežbo ter optimiziranje na maksimalno togost pri danem volumnu. V drugi fazi obliko, dobljeno s topološko optimizacijo, približno opišemo z novimi parametri na način, ki upošteva tudi tehnologijo izdelave končne konstrukcije in račun poženemo ponovno. V tej fazi uporabimo optimizacijo na mejno obtežbo. V drugem delu naloge so opisani postopki, uporabljeni na dejanskih primerih. Vsi matematični postopki se izvajajo v programskem paketu Mathematica s pomočjo dodatkov AceGen in AceFEM, ki sta okolji za analizo po metodi končnih elementov. Topološko optimizacijo smo izvedli za primer konzole, preklade in stebra, med tem ko smo optimizacijo parametrov izvedli samo na primeru konzolo. Na koncu smo še preverili ali dobljeni rezultat zadosti zahtevam standarda EN 1993-1-1.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The thesis discusses determination of structural elements’ optimal design. The first part of the thesis describes the optimum design which consists of two separate parts. The topology optimization, which puts roughly outlined construction to an optimal form, is made in the initial phase of optimization. Hereby we have two methods at our disposal; the first being, to optimize on a limit load, and the second, to optimize on maximum rigidity for a given volume. In the second stage, the form obtained by topology optimization is described with new parameters in a way that also takes technology of producing the final construction into account. In this stage we use the optimization on limited load. The second part of the thesis describes procedures that are used in actual examples. All mathematical procedures are implemented in the software Mathematica with the help of AceGen and AceFEM appenix, which are analysis programs using the method of finite elements. We carried out the topology optimization for the cantilever, beam and column examples whereas the optimization of parameters was made only for a cantilever example. Results obtained in the research were checked for the EN 1993-1-1 requirements.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): optimization;steel construction
ID: 8309052