diplomska naloga
Jure Božič (Author), Tatjana Isaković (Mentor), Janko Logar (Co-mentor)


Ocena potresnega odziva in projektiranje armiranobetonskega nadvoza v skladu s standardom Evrokod 8/2


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;potresni odziv;nadvoz;elastična analiza;nelinearna analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Božič]
UDC: 06(4):624.012.45:624.042.7(043.2)
COBISS: 4655201 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1962
Downloads: 547
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Estimation of seismic response and seismic design of an overpass according to standard Eurocode 8/2
Secondary abstract: Seismic design of typical reinforced concrete overpass according to the standard SIST EN 1998-2:2006 (EC8/2), which has been officially used in Slovenia since January 1st, 2008, is presented. Two types of structures were analyzed and compared: a) limited ductile (DCM) type and b) ductile type (DCH). It was found that the ductile type of structure is more suitable in the particular type of the analyzed viaduct, supported by circular columns. Different methods of analysis, included into the standard EC8/2, were also used and compared. The limited ductile type of the overpass was analyzed using linear as well as nonlinear methods of analysis. The simplified nonlinear N2 method was used for its analysis in the transverse direction. Since the structure is regular and the seismic intensity relatively weak, the seismic response, determined by linear and nonlinear methods was quite similar. Different analytical models of the structure were also compared. Special attention was devoted to the influence of different foundation models to the seismic response of structure. Different models taking into account equivalent springs were compared with the model, where the soil was modeled with equivalent truss element. It was found that the influence of the analyzed models to the seismic response of the structure was not significantly different. The seismic analysis taking into account cracked cross-sections of RC elements is included into the standard EC8/2. Two methods, included into the standard, which can be used to estimate the amount of cracking, can give very different results. Therefore they were analyzed in more details and compared. It was found that in the analyzed structure the method suitable for the columns of the constant cross section (method 1 in the standard) predicted cracking better than the more general method 2, which overestimated the amount of cracking in the analyzed overpass.
Secondary keywords: civil engieering;graduation thesis;seizmic response;bridge;elastic analysis;nonlinear analysis;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 106 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Estimation of seismic response and seismic design of an overpass according to standard Eurocode 8/2
Keywords (ePrints): Potresni odziv;nadvoz;elastična analiza;nelinearna analiza
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Seismic response;bridge;elastic analysis;nonlinear analysis
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi smo prikazali postopek projektiranja tipičnega armirano betonskega nadvoza za vpliv potresne obtežbe in sicer v skladu z najnovejšo verzijo standarda SIST EN 1998-2:2006 (EC8/2), ki je bil v Sloveniji s 1.1.2008 sprejet kot uradni standard. Analizirali smo in med sabo primerjali dva različna tipa konstrukcije: a) delno duktilen (DCM) in b) duktilen (DCH). Ugotovili smo, da je za primer obravnavanega nadvoza, ki je podprt s stebri krožnega prereza, bolj primerna varianta duktilne konstrukcije (DCH). Med seboj smo primerjali različne metode analize, ki so vključene v standard EC8/2. Poleg linearnih metod analize smo srednje duktilno konstrukcijo analizirali tudi s pomočjo poenostavljene nelinearne N2 metode in sicer v prečni smeri konstrukcije. Ker je analizirana konstrukcija regularna in intenziteta potresne obtežbe razmeroma šibka, se potresni odziv, določen z linearnimi in z nelinerano metodo, ni bistveno razlikoval. Obravnavali smo tudi različne analitične modele konstrukcije. Posebno pozornost smo namenili vplivu različnih modelov temeljev na odziv konstrukcije. Primerjali smo različne modele, kjer so temelji nadomeščeni z ekvivalentnimi vzmetmi ter model, kjer plasti zemljine modeliramo z ekvivalnetnimi nihajkami. Ugotovili smo, da bistvenih razlik glede vpliva na potresni odziv konstrukcije ni. Standard EC 8/2 dopušča potresno analizo, v kateri upoštevamo razpokanost armirano betonskih elementov. Za oceno razpokanosti standard priporoča dve metodi, ki lahko dasta zelo različne rezultate. Zato smo v nalogi te metode analizirali in jih primerjali med seboj. Ugotovili smo, da v obravnavanem primeru z metodo, primerno za stebre konstantnega prereza (metoda 1 v standardu) bolje ocenimo efektivni vztrajnostni moment stebrov, medtem ko je razpokanost ocenjena z alternativno bolj splošno metodo (metoda 2 ) prevelika.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Seismic design of typical reinforced concrete overpass according to the standard SIST EN 1998-2:2006 (EC8/2), which has been officially used in Slovenia since January 1st, 2008, is presented. Two types of structures were analyzed and compared: a) limited ductile (DCM) type and b) ductile type (DCH). It was found that the ductile type of structure is more suitable in the particular type of the analyzed viaduct, supported by circular columns. Different methods of analysis, included into the standard EC8/2, were also used and compared. The limited ductile type of the overpass was analyzed using linear as well as nonlinear methods of analysis. The simplified nonlinear N2 method was used for its analysis in the transverse direction. Since the structure is regular and the seismic intensity relatively weak, the seismic response, determined by linear and nonlinear methods was quite similar. Different analytical models of the structure were also compared. Special attention was devoted to the influence of different foundation models to the seismic response of structure. Different models taking into account equivalent springs were compared with the model, where the soil was modeled with equivalent truss element. It was found that the influence of the analyzed models to the seismic response of the structure was not significantly different. The seismic analysis taking into account cracked cross-sections of RC elements is included into the standard EC8/2. Two methods, included into the standard, which can be used to estimate the amount of cracking, can give very different results. Therefore they were analyzed in more details and compared. It was found that in the analyzed structure the method suitable for the columns of the constant cross section (method 1 in the standard) predicted cracking better than the more general method 2, which overestimated the amount of cracking in the analyzed overpass.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Seismic response;bridge;elastic analysis;nonlinear analysis
ID: 8309197