diplomska naloga
Teja Jeglič (Author), Dušan Žagar (Mentor), Boris Kompare (Thesis defence commission member), Matjaž Mikoš (Thesis defence commission member), Viktor Grilc (Thesis defence commission member), Gregor Petkovšek (Co-mentor)


Modeliranje razlitja nafte v Tržašem zalivu


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VKI;UNI;razlitje nafte;numerično modeliranje;Eulerjev pristop;advekcija;difuzija;Tržaški zaliv;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [T. Jeglič]
UDC: 519.61/.64:532.5:551.46:665.61(043.2)
COBISS: 5063521 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1908
Downloads: 510
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Oil spill modelling in the Gulf of Trieste
Secondary abstract: During the last two decades modeling tools called Nafta and Nafta2 were developed at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering. The tool is based on the Lagrangian description of oil-spill problem, where the oil slick is split into oil droplets moving according to the surrounding velocity field. An alternative approach using Eulerian description of processes, which are relevant for spreading of oil slick on the sea surface is presented. Advection, diffusion due to gravity of oil and evaporation are also taken into account. The oil slick is represented as a continuous layered medium with the oil slick thickness as a main variable. The diffusion due to gravity-viscosity forces is precisely a function of the oil slick thickness, which results in a more natural description of this process within the proposed model compared to the Lagrangian-based particle tracking method used in all currently available modeling tools. Fundamentals of the new model are described in detail and are supported by numerous numerical simulations programmed in high-level technical computing language MATLAB. The Euler approach is also applied in a case study of the Gulf of Trieste and compared with the existing model Nafta2, including an upgrade with a time-dependent velocity field.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;oil spill;numerical models;Eulerian approach;advection;difussion;Gulf of Trieste;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Univerzitetni študij gradbeništva, Hidrotehnična smer
Pages: IX, 51 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Oil spill modelling in the Gulf of Trieste
Keywords (ePrints): razlitje nafte;numerično modeliranje;Eulerjev pristop;advekcija;difuzija;Tržaški zaliv
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Oil spill;Numerical models;Eulerian approach;Advection;Diffusion;Gulf of Trieste
Abstract (ePrints): V zadnjih dveh desetletjih je bilo na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo razvito orodje Nafta in Nafta2, ki temelji na Lagrangeovem opisu problema razlitja nafte v morju. Po Lagrangeovem opisu nafto obravnavamo kot skupek delcev, ki se gibljejo v danem hitrostnem polju. V tem diplomskem delu je predstavljen alternativen pristop, kjer pri numerični simulaciji uporabimo Eulerjev opis procesov, ki so pomembni pri modeliranju širjenja nafte po površini morja, kot so to na primer advekcija, difuzija zaradi lastne teže nafte in izhlapevanje. Takšen pristop omogoča obravnavo naftnega madeža kot porazdeljeno maso na vodni površini, kjer v enačbah kot glavna spremenljivka nastopa debelina naftnega madeža. Ker je proces difuzije zaradi lastne teže odvisen od debeline naftnega madeža na danem mestu, je v primerjavi z obstoječimi modeli, ki temeljijo na Lagrangeovi metodi sledenja delcev, formulacija difuzije v predlaganem modelu naravnejša. Osnovni principi novega modela so natančno predstavljeni in podprti s številnimi simulacijami, ki so bile izdelane v programu za matematično modeliranje MATLAB. Eulerjev pristop uporabimo na zgledu Tržaškega zaliva in ga primerjamo z obstoječim programom Nafta2, ter ga tudi nadgradimo za primer, ko se hitrostno polje s časom spreminja.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): During the last two decades modeling tools called Nafta and Nafta2 were developed at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering. The tool is based on the Lagrangian description of oil-spill problem, where the oil slick is split into oil droplets moving according to the surrounding velocity field. An alternative approach using Eulerian description of processes, which are relevant for spreading of oil slick on the sea surface is presented. Advection, diffusion due to gravity of oil and evaporation are also taken into account. The oil slick is represented as a continuous layered medium with the oil slick thickness as a main variable. The diffusion due to gravity-viscosity forces is precisely a function of the oil slick thickness, which results in a more natural description of this process within the proposed model compared to the Lagrangian-based particle tracking method used in all currently available modeling tools. Fundamentals of the new model are described in detail and are supported by numerous numerical simulations programmed in high-level technical computing language MATLAB. The Euler approach is also applied in a case study of the Gulf of Trieste and compared with the existing model Nafta2, including an upgrade with a time-dependent velocity field.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Oil spill;Numerical models;Eulerian approach;Advection;Diffusion;Gulf of Trieste
ID: 8309462