diplomska naloga
Primož Kunstič (Author), Marijan Žura (Mentor)


Kapaciteta javnega prometa


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;prometna smer;javni promet;kapaciteta avtobusnih postajališč;prog;potnikov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [P. Kunstič]
UDC: 656.132.021(043.2)
COBISS: 2913633 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1666
Downloads: 428
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Public transport capacity
Secondary abstract: This diploma focuses on methods for calculating bus capacity and speed for a variety of facility and operating types. Bus capacity is a complex topic: it deals with the movement of both people and vehicles, depends on the size of the buses used and how often they operate, and reflects the interaction between passenger traffic concentrations and vehicle flow. It also depends on the operating policy of the service provider, which normally specifies service frequencies and allowable passenger loadings. Ultimately, the capacities of bus routes, bus lanes, and bus terminals, in terms of persons carried, are generally limited by the ability of stops or loading areas to pick up and discharge passengers, the number of vehicles operated, and the distribution of boardings and alightings along a route. In the theoretical part methods for determining bus capacities and bus speed for various traffic situations and operating types along the bus routs are taken from Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual-,2nd Edition. In the practical part analyses of bus public transport on studying area Slovenija avto-Kolizej in Ljubljana are shown, according to different conditions of bus operating based on Highway Capacity Manual 2000 and comparisons between them. Different methods for increasing bus capacity and quality of public transport in Ljubljana, such as changing the system of fare payment, creating arterial bus lanes and combinations of both are used. Bus capacity influences on dwell times, travel times, travel speed of buses and on capacity of transported passengers. All these factors influence on the quality of public bus transport.
Secondary keywords: public transport;bus capacity;passenger capacity
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Oddelek za gradbeništvo, Univerzitetni študij, Prometna smer
Pages: XIV f, 94 str.,
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Public transport capacity
Keywords (ePrints): javni promet;kapacitete avtobusnih postajališč;prog;potnikov
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): public transport;bus capacity;passenger capacity
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo obravnava izračun kapacitet postajnih mest, postajališč in avtobusnih prog ter metode za izboljšanje kapacitet na različnih tipih avtobusnih pasov. Kapaciteta javnega prometa je kompleksen pojem. Hkrati obravnava gibanje potnikov in javnih prevoznih sredstev. Kapaciteta postajališč je odvisna od same oblike mreže avtobusnih prog, števila, lokacije in velikosti postajališč, lege postajališč (na vozišču ali izven vozišča), obremenjenosti avtobusnih pasov z ostalimi vozili, tipov avtobusov (standardni, zglobni) in avtobusnih pasov (pasovi v mešanem prometu, posebne pasovi) ter pogostosti voženj avtobusov na posameznih progah. V splošnem delu naloge so predstavljene metode za izračun kapacitet in hitrosti za različne prometne situacije in načine obratovanj avtobusov na avtobusnih pasovih povzete po priročniku TCQSM, 2. izdaja (Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual-,2nd Edition). V praktičnem delu naloge so prikazane izvedene analize javnega prometa (JP LPP) na trasi študijskega območja, od postajališča Slovenija avto na Celovški cesti do postajališča Kolizej na Gosposvetski cesti, v Ljubljani glede na različne načine obratovanja avtobusov po metodologiji HCM 2000 (Highway Capacity Manual 2000) in primerjave med njimi. Uporabljene so različne metode za izboljšanje kapacitet in s tem kakovosti storitev javnega prometa, in sicer sprememba plačilnega sistema, uvedba posebnih avtobusnih pasov (rumeni pas) in kombinacija obeh metod. Kapaciteta postajališč avtobusnih prog vpliva na čase postankov avtobusov, čase potovanj avtobusov med postajališči na progah, potovalne hitrosti avtobusov in kapaciteto prepeljanih potnikov oziroma na kakovost storitev javnega prevoza.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This diploma focuses on methods for calculating bus capacity and speed for a variety of facility and operating types. Bus capacity is a complex topic: it deals with the movement of both people and vehicles, depends on the size of the buses used and how often they operate, and reflects the interaction between passenger traffic concentrations and vehicle flow. It also depends on the operating policy of the service provider, which normally specifies service frequencies and allowable passenger loadings. Ultimately, the capacities of bus routes, bus lanes, and bus terminals, in terms of persons carried, are generally limited by the ability of stops or loading areas to pick up and discharge passengers, the number of vehicles operated, and the distribution of boardings and alightings along a route. In the theoretical part methods for determining bus capacities and bus speed for various traffic situations and operating types along the bus routs are taken from Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual-,2nd Edition. In the practical part analyses of bus public transport on studying area Slovenija avto-Kolizej in Ljubljana are shown, according to different conditions of bus operating based on Highway Capacity Manual 2000 and comparisons between them. Different methods for increasing bus capacity and quality of public transport in Ljubljana, such as changing the system of fare payment, creating arterial bus lanes and combinations of both are used. Bus capacity influences on dwell times, travel times, travel speed of buses and on capacity of transported passengers. All these factors influence on the quality of public bus transport.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): public transport;bus capacity;passenger capacity
ID: 8309598
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