diplomska naloga
Rok Avsec (Author), Boris Kompare (Mentor), Matej Uršič (Co-mentor)


Idejne rešitve odvodnje odpadnih voda za naselja od Golnika do Mlake pri Kranju


VKI;diplomska dela;UNI;hidravlično dimenzioniranje;črpališče odpadnih voda;mala čistilna naprava;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [R. Avsec]
UDC: 628.32(043.2)
COBISS: 5181025 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2067
Downloads: 659
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conceptual solutions to wastewater drainage for the settlements from Golnik to Mlaka at Kranj
Secondary abstract: Day by day, water resources are increasingly burdened. For preserving them it is important to pay special attention to wastewater drainage and treatment that is, next to the supply of drinking water, of key importance for preserving and creating quality environment as well as the life of all living beings. The thesis presents conceptual solutions to wastewater drainage for the settlements from Golnik to Mlaka at Kranj. The area in question is known for the rough typology of the terrain and a dispersed settlement. Accordingly, three possible solutions have been designed. Wastewater treatment is envisaged at the central WWTP in Kranj. According to the designed conceptual solutions for each settlement there is a chance of constructing a small WWTP as the settlements are not well connected among eachother. The approximate lenght of the designed seweraged system is 40 kilometres. Its actual lenght depends on each possible solution. The thesis closes with an analysis of total cost (an investment + operating and maintenance costs).
Secondary keywords: hydraulic dimensioning;wastewater pumping station;small wastewater treatment plant (WWTP);
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 80 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Conceptual solutions to wastewater drainage for the settlements from Golnik to Mlaka at Kranj
Keywords (ePrints): hidravlično dimenzioniranje;črpališče odpadnih voda;mala čistilna naprava
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): hydraulic dimensioning;wastewater pumping station;small wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
Abstract (ePrints): Vodni viri so iz dneva v dan bolj obremenjeni. Za ohranjanje le teh je potrebno posebno pozornost posvetiti odvajanju in čiščenju odpadnih voda, ki je poleg oskrbe s pitno vodo ključnega pomena za ohranjanje in ustvarjanje kvalitetnega okolja ter življenja vseh živih bitij. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljene idejne rešitve odvodnje odpadnih voda na območju naselij od Golnika do Mlake pri Kranju. Značilnost obravnavanega območja je razgibana tipologija terena in razpršena poselitev. Temu primerno so bile zasnovane tri variantne rešitve. Čiščenje odpadnih voda je predvideno na centralni čistilni napravi (CČN) Kranj. Zaradi šibke medsebojne povezave naselij je v zasnovanih idejnih rešitvah za posamezno naselje upoštevana tudi možnost izgradnje male čistilne naprave (MČN). Aproksimativna dolžina zasnovanega kanalizacijskega omrežja je 40 km, katerega dejanska dolžina je odvisna od posamezne variantne rešitve. Naloga se zaključi z analizo skupnih stroškov (investicija + obratovalni in vzdrževalni stroški).
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Day by day, water resources are increasingly burdened. For preserving them it is important to pay special attention to wastewater drainage and treatment that is, next to the supply of drinking water, of key importance for preserving and creating quality environment as well as the life of all living beings. The thesis presents conceptual solutions to wastewater drainage for the settlements from Golnik to Mlaka at Kranj. The area in question is known for the rough typology of the terrain and a dispersed settlement. Accordingly, three possible solutions have been designed. Wastewater treatment is envisaged at the central WWTP in Kranj. According to the designed conceptual solutions for each settlement there is a chance of constructing a small WWTP as the settlements are not well connected among eachother. The approximate lenght of the designed seweraged system is 40 kilometres. Its actual lenght depends on each possible solution. The thesis closes with an analysis of total cost (an investment + operating and maintenance costs).
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): hydraulic dimensioning;wastewater pumping station;small wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
ID: 8309657