diplomska naloga
Marko Mlinar (Author), Tomaž Ambrožič (Mentor), Miran Kuhar (Co-mentor)


Določitev vplivnih količin za redukcijo odčitka živosrebrnega barometra Princo 469 NOVA TM Economy model


geodezija;diplomska dela;UNI;zračni tlak;živosrebrni barometer;težnostni pospešek;gravimeter;višine;redukcije;popravki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Mlinar]
UDC: 528.27:551.508.4(043.2)
COBISS: 2965089 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2133
Downloads: 479
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Establishing influental quantities for the purpose of Princo 469 NOVA TM Economy model mercury barometer reading reduction
Secondary abstract: My thesis thoroughly examines influences, which directly affect mercury barometer readings. In order to obtain true values of the air pressure, the following influences must be taken into consideration: mercury temperature, Earth's gravity, correction of the instrumental error, which includes the influence of inaccurate instrument setting and the influence of scale error, capillarity and defective vacuum space. With regard to the indicated influences the value of air pressure is obtained at standard temperature and gravity. For the purpose of individual barometer readings comparison, the readings must be reduced to the mean sea level or reference level, where the geopotential altitude of a barometer is needed. So as to establish individual corrections, the value of the acceleration of gravity on barometer level and the altitude of the barometer had to be determined. Due to above mentioned influences this thesis discusses the Earth's gravity field and vertical systems that were used. Finally, readings on »Princo 469 NOVATM Economy model« mercury barometer have been made providing that all the required reductions have been carried out.
Secondary keywords: air pressure;mercury barometer;acceleration of gravity;gravimeter;altitudes;reductions;corrections;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Oddelek za geodezijo, Univerzitetni študij geodezije, Smer: Geodezija
Pages: XXI, 151 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Establishing influential quantities for the purpose of Princo 469 NOVATM Economy model mercury barometer reading reduction
Keywords (ePrints): zračni tlak;živosrebrni barometer;težnostni pospešek;gravimeter;višine;redukcije;popravki
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): air pressure;mercury barometer;acceleration of gravity;gravimeter;altitudes;reductions;corrections
Abstract (ePrints): V nalogi so podrobneje opisani vplivi, ki neposredno vplivajo na odčitek na živosrebrnem barometru. Za pridobitev prave vrednosti zračnega tlaka, moramo upoštevati naslednje vplive: vpliv temperature živega srebra, vpliv zemeljske težnosti, instrumentalni popravek, ki zajema vpliv nenatančne postavitve, vpliv napake skale, vpliv kapilarnosti in vpliv nepopolnega vakuuma. Ko upoštevamo navedene vplive, dobimo vrednost zračnega tlaka na standardni temperaturi in standardni težnosti. Za medsebojno primerjavo posameznih odčitkov barometrov, moramo odčitke reducirati na srednji nivo morja oz. ničelni nivo, za kar potrebujemo geopotencialno višino barometra. Za določitev posameznih popravkov smo morali določiti vrednost težnostnega pospeška na nivoju barometra ter višino barometra. Zaradi navedenih vplivov je v nalogi podrobneje opisano zemeljsko težnostno polje ter višinski sistemi, ki so v uporabi. Za konec je narejen še odčitek na živosrebrnem barometru Princo 469 NOVATM Economy model, za katerega so opravljene vse potrebne redukcije.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): My thesis thoroughly examines influences, which directly affect mercury barometer readings. In order to obtain true values of the air pressure, the following influences must be taken into consideration: mercury temperature, Earth's gravity, correction of the instrumental error, which includes the influence of inaccurate instrument setting and the influence of scale error, capillarity and defective vacuum space. With regard to the indicated influences the value of air pressure is obtained at standard temperature and gravity. For the purpose of individual barometer readings comparison, the readings must be reduced to the mean sea level or reference level, where the geopotential altitude of a barometer is needed. So as to establish individual corrections, the value of the acceleration of gravity on barometer level and the altitude of the barometer had to be determined. Due to above mentioned influences this thesis discusses the Earth's gravity field and vertical systems that were used. Finally, readings on »Princo 469 NOVATM Economy model« mercury barometer have been made providing that all the required reductions have been carried out.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): air pressure;mercury barometer;acceleration of gravity;gravimeter;altitudes;reductions;corrections
ID: 8309847