diplomska naloga
Katja Zgonec (Author), Marijan Žura (Mentor), Tomaž Guzelj (Co-mentor)


Elastičnosti v prometu


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;cene;stroški;potovanja;napovedi;rast;promet;potovalni čas;ankete;izražene preference;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [K. Zgonec]
UDC: 338.47:656(043.2)
COBISS: 4559201 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1802
Downloads: 447
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Elasticities of traffic
Secondary abstract: Elasticity is usually the common standard according to which we observe the responses of consumers and sellers to the changes on the market; the latter are influenced by various factors: the price of substitutes and complementary goods, the preferences and consumer’s income. However, in transport we also consider the following factors – the reason for travel, time period, how much time there is to spare and vehicles. Thus, in my dissertation I strive to point out just how much the demand for transport depends on external conditions and transport services. In the theoretical section I have summed up various types of elasticity described by different authors; however, in the practical section of the dissertation the main focus is on the travel time and gross domestic product (GDP) as they tend to be one of the most important factors influencing the decision of which route to take and how many journeys to make. In the first part of the practical section, with regard to GDP growth the calculated elasticity values of traffic work are given; whereas in the second part, the elasticity values of traffic according to travel time are stated and these based on two different, but real-life cases in Slovenia. In the third part of the practical section the analysis of the stated preference survey is presented for which I have made use of the logit model; in the analysis people’s responses to the changes in transport services are reported. All in all, in this dissertation I have set some parameters to design a model which can in the future prove to be efficient in planning and predicting decisions to travel.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;travel expenses;traffic forecast;traffic growth;travel time;stated preference survey;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 71 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Elasticities of traffic
Keywords (ePrints): cena ali strošek potovanja;napoved in rast prometa;potovalni čas;anketa izražene preference
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): travel expenses;traffic forecast and traffic growth;travel time;stated preference survey
Abstract (ePrints): Elastičnost se običajno uporablja kot merilo, kako se kupci in prodajalci odzivajo na spremembe na tržišču, na katere vplivajo različni dejavniki: cena substitutov in komplementarnih dobrin, preference ter dohodek potrošnika. V transportu pa tudi namen potovanja, časovno obdobje, razpoložljivost časa in prevoznih sredstev. Namen naloge je prikazati, kako je povpraševanje po transportu odvisno od zunanjih pogojev in prometne ponudbe. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen povzetek različnih vrst elastičnosti različnih avtorjev, v praktičnem pa je bila večja pozornost namenjena potovalnemu času in bruto domačemu proizvodu (BDP-ju), kot enima izmed najbolj pomembnih dejavnikov, ki vplivata na izbiro poti in količino potovanj. V prvem delu praktičnega dela so izračunane vrednosti elastičnosti prometnega dela glede na rast BDP, v drugem pa vrednosti elastičnosti prometa glede na potovalni čas za dva različna realna primera v Sloveniji. V tretjem delu praktičnega dela je bila napravljena analiza ankete izražene preference z logit modelom, pri kateri je šlo za ugotavljanje odziva ljudi na spremembo prometne ponudbe. V okviru naloge so bili izračunani parametri modela, ki nam v prihodnje lahko pomagajo pri načrtovanju in napovedovanju potovalnih odločitev.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Elasticity is usually the common standard according to which we observe the responses of consumers and sellers to the changes on the market; the latter are influenced by various factors: the price of substitutes and complementary goods, the preferences and consumer’s income. However, in transport we also consider the following factors – the reason for travel, time period, how much time there is to spare and vehicles. Thus, in my dissertation I strive to point out just how much the demand for transport depends on external conditions and transport services. In the theoretical section I have summed up various types of elasticity described by different authors; however, in the practical section of the dissertation the main focus is on the travel time and gross domestic product (GDP) as they tend to be one of the most important factors influencing the decision of which route to take and how many journeys to make. In the first part of the practical section, with regard to GDP growth the calculated elasticity values of traffic work are given; whereas in the second part, the elasticity values of traffic according to travel time are stated and these based on two different, but real-life cases in Slovenia. In the third part of the practical section the analysis of the stated preference survey is presented for which I have made use of the logit model; in the analysis people’s responses to the changes in transport services are reported. All in all, in this dissertation I have set some parameters to design a model which can in the future prove to be efficient in planning and predicting decisions to travel.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): travel expenses;traffic forecast and traffic growth;travel time;stated preference survey
ID: 8309910