diplomsko delo


Samospoštovanje gluhih in naglušnih mladostnikov v večinskih in zavodskih šolah




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Humar Slapnik]
UDC: 376.1-056.263(043.2)
COBISS: 9183817 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1024
Downloads: 253
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Self-esteem of deaf and hard of hearing students in regular and special schools
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of the thesis is clarified the difference between self-concept and self-esteem. Self-concept is defined as a set of relations which the individual establishes on the conscious or unconscious way with oneself. On the other hand, self-esteem represents valuable relationship to oneself. It is clarified how their development is influenced by various factors - family, kindergarten, school, age and gender. The following part defines the characteristics of the deaf, who do not hear the sounds and voices from the environment, and hard of hearing people, who are receiving sounds only partially. Special attention is paid to their education, which may take place in regular schools or in special institutions. The theoretical part is concluded with knowledge of self-concept and self-esteem of deaf and hard of hearing adolescents, which can be deduced from the existing literature. The empirical part focuses on analyzing and interpreting the results of research carried out between deaf and hard of hearing young people who are educated in regular elementary and secondary schools and those who attend the institute for the deaf and hard of hearing children. I wanted to determine what is the self-concept of deaf and hard of hearing students at the primary and secondary school in general, but also whether there are differences depending on the institution they attend and what impact on self-concept have age and gender. The results indicate that interviewees’ self-concept generally includes the mean values between high and low self-concept. We were unable to prove the gender differences. Furthermore there were no significant differences between secondary students in regular school and in the institutional school as well as between pupils and secondary students involved in the institutional school. However, there were notable - but still non-dominant- differences between self-concept of pupils in regular primary school and pupils in the institutional primary school, as well as between pupils and secondary students who attend regular schools. The final part of the thesis consists of analyzing this hypothesis and also suggestions given for the possible improvement of future research.
Secondary keywords: aurally handicapped;deaf;self-concept;self-esteem;naglušni;gluhi;samopodoba;samospoštovanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 80 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Self-esteem of deaf and hard of hearing students in regular and special schools
Keywords (ePrints): samopodoba
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): self-concept
Abstract (ePrints): V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je pojasnjena razlika med samopodobo, ki je opredeljena kot množica odnosov, ki jih posameznik vzpostavlja do samega sebe na zavesten ali nezaveden način, in samospoštovanjem, vrednostnim odnosom do samega sebe. Pojasnjeno je, kako na njun razvoj vplivajo različni dejavniki – družina, vrtec, šola, starost in spol. V nadaljevanju so opredeljene značilnosti gluhih, ki zvokov in glasov iz svojega okolja ne slišijo, in naglušnih, ki jih sprejemajo le delno. Posebna pozornost je namenjena njihovemu izobraževanju, ki lahko poteka v večinskih ali zavodskih šolah. Teoretični del se zaključuje s spoznanji o samopodobi in samospoštovanju gluhih in naglušnih mladostnikov, ki jih je mogoče razbrati iz že obstoječe literature. Empirični del je namenjen analiziranju in interpretiranju rezultatov raziskave izvedene med gluhimi in naglušnimi mladostniki, ki se izobražujejo v večinskih osnovnih in srednjih šolah in tistimi, ki obiskujejo zavod za gluhe in naglušne. Ugotoviti sem želela, kakšno je samospoštovanje gluhih in naglušnih osnovnošolcev in srednješolcev na splošno, pa tudi to, ali obstajajo razlike glede na ustanovo, v kateri se izobražujejo, in kakšen vpliv imata na samospoštovanje starost in spol. Rezultati so pokazali, da samospoštovanje anketiranih na splošno zajema srednje vrednosti med visokim in nizkim samospoštovanjem, razlike med spoloma nismo uspeli dokazati, prav tako ni bilo bistvenih razlik med srednješolci večinskih in zavodskih šol ter med učenci in dijaki, vključenimi v zavode, smo pa opaznejše (vendar še vedno ne prevladujoče) razlike zaznali med samospoštovanjem osnovnošolcev v večinskih in tistih v zavodskih šolah, pa tudi med osnovnošolci in srednješolci, ki obiskujejo večinske šole. Končni del diplomskega dela sestavljajo analizirane hipoteze in s tem tudi predlogi, ki so podani za možno izboljšanje raziskave v prihodnje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the theoretical part of the thesis is clarified the difference between self-concept and self-esteem. Self-concept is defined as a set of relations which the individual establishes on the conscious or unconscious way with oneself. On the other hand, self-esteem represents valuable relationship to oneself. It is clarified how their development is influenced by various factors - family, kindergarten, school, age and gender. The following part defines the characteristics of the deaf, who do not hear the sounds and voices from the environment, and hard of hearing people, who are receiving sounds only partially. Special attention is paid to their education, which may take place in regular schools or in special institutions. The theoretical part is concluded with knowledge of self-concept and self-esteem of deaf and hard of hearing adolescents, which can be deduced from the existing literature. The empirical part focuses on analyzing and interpreting the results of research carried out between deaf and hard of hearing young people who are educated in regular elementary and secondary schools and those who attend the institute for the deaf and hard of hearing children. I wanted to determine what is the self-concept of deaf and hard of hearing students at the primary and secondary school in general, but also whether there are differences depending on the institution they attend and what impact on self-concept have age and gender. The results indicate that interviewees’ self-concept generally includes the mean values between high and low self-concept. We were unable to prove the gender differences. Furthermore there were no significant differences between secondary students in regular school and in the institutional school as well as between pupils and secondary students involved in the institutional school. However, there were notable - but still non-dominant- differences between self-concept of pupils in regular primary school and pupils in the institutional primary school, as well as between pupils and secondary students who attend regular schools. The final part of the thesis consists of analyzing this hypothesis and also suggestions given for the possible improvement of future research.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): self-concept
ID: 8309918