doktorska disertacija
Milena Košak Babuder (Author), Marija Kavkler (Mentor), Lidija Magajna (Co-mentor)


Bralno razumevanje in razvoj branja za učenje pri otrocih iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi revščine


bralno razumevanje;metakognicija;programi pomoči;metakognitivni-interstavčni model bralnega razumevanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Košak Babuder]
UDC: 028.5:376(043.2)
COBISS: 9207625 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1854
Downloads: 333
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reading comprehension and reading development for learning in children from unstimulating environment caused by poverty
Secondary abstract: A review of foreign and home research results has shown a significant connection between a level of literacy and a level of education, employment prospects and consequently socio-economic status of an individual and a family. Home environment, life habits related to literacy (reading culture) and level of parents' education have a direct impact on a child's development of literacy. Reading efficiency is an important element of literacy and relates to reading comprehension and reading for learning which are both related to metacognition. Many authors have presented empirical evidences about existence of deficits and poor reading comprehension skills at pupils who come from un-stimulating environment due to poverty and stress the importance of compensating deficits as well as developing reading comprehension. The main aim of the research was to find out latent characteristics of pupils from an unstimulating environment and have or do not have problems with reading comprehension. Moreover, the research was aimed at forming and performing a programme for children with reading comprehension problems which included Metacognitive-inter-sentential model of reading comprehension (Goldfus, 2004). The sample included 168 pupils from an unstimulating environment; half of them struggled with reading comprehension problems while the other half did not. Two subsamples were formed out of the group of 84 pupils with reading difficulties: experimental group of 22 pupils who participated in a special programme for developing their reading comprehension skills and metacognitive strategies, and a control group of 22 pupils who were not included in this training. In the research several measurement instruments were used to investigate reading, linguistic, perceptual-motor and non-verbal intellectual skills and two questionnaires for parents and teachers to gather information about parents’ level of education and occupational status, a child’s attitude to reading, reading literacy in home environment, a child’s school performance and parents’ support at school work. Qualitative and quantitative processing of gathered data was carried out. The results of a questionnaire to investigate metacognitive strategies were analysed by qualitative method. For all manifest variables descriptive analysis was made. In continuation various statistical methods of processing data were applied such as: t-test for independent samples, contingency tables, χ2, factor analysis, discriminative analysis, analysis of variance and repeated measures analysis. They enabled us an insight into latent structure of reading comprehension problems as well as good reading comprehension skills; besides, they enabled a selection of measuring instruments that are of greatest importance to distinguish between a group of pupils with reading comprehension difficulties and a group of pupils without reading comprehension difficulties. The analysis of variance and the analysis of repeated measures enabled us to check the effects and efficiency of a carried programme to improve reading comprehension skills at pupils from experimental group and their progress compared to control group. The results of t-test showed statistically significant distinctions between the groups on majority of manifest variables of the test applied. The given results of factor analysis show the discrepancies in latent structure of reading comprehension difficulties and good reading comprehension; that is why a different treatment of pupils who cope with reading comprehension problems is a must, especially in the field of developing phonological awareness, vocabulary, linguistic skills and automation of reading as pre-conditions to achieve sufficient reading comprehension. With the help of discriminative analysis we found out which measuring instruments enable us to be more successful at detection and diagnostic assessment of reading comprehension difficulties at pupils who come from a deprived and un-stimulating home environment due to poverty. Compared to pupils in control group, pupils of experimental group who struggle with reading comprehension difficulties have made significant progress in reading comprehension skills, reading accuracy, vocabulary and all language skills. The results of manifest variables in tests which were used to check their efficiency at the end of the programme show that the programme is beneficial for those pupils who come from an un-stimulating home environment due to poverty and have reading comprehension problems. Analysing the responses in questionnaires for parents and teachers, it is clear that parents of pupils who face reading comprehension difficulties are not able to fully encourage and support the development of cognitive factors which are important for reading. That is why it is so important to take care of pupils’ deficits by appropriate treatment in school. On the basis of these findings we can conclude that it is vital to introduce changes into school practice considering the process of teaching pupils who come from a deprived and un-stimulating home environment due to poverty. Support programmes should be started in the pre-school period, especially at the beginning of schooling. The results of this research show the need for thorough changes in teaching the studied group of pupils which should include teaching learning strategies how to overcome and compensate for pupils’ deficits as well as develop reading comprehension skills for successful learning. With appropriate teaching help, teachers and other school professionals can contribute to break the vicious cycle of poverty.
Secondary keywords: poverty;reading difficulty;literacy;revščina;težave pri branju;pismenost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: XIII, 300 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Reading comprehension and reading development for learning in children from unstimulating environment caused by poverty
Keywords (ePrints): revščina
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): poverty
Abstract (ePrints): Pregled rezultatov tujih in domačih raziskav je pokazal povezanost stopnje pismenosti s stopnjo izobrazbe, možnostjo zaposlitve in posledično socialno-ekonomskim statusom posameznika in družine. Domače okolje, življenjske navade, povezane s pismenostjo (bralna kultura), in zlasti stopnja izobrazbe staršev neposredno vplivajo na razvoj pismenosti otrok. Pomemben element pismenosti je bralna učinkovitost in z njo povezano bralno razumevanje in branje za učenje, s katerima je povezana metakognicija. Ugotovitve številnih avtorjev navajajo empirične dokaze o obstoju primanjkljajev in šibkem bralnem razumevanju pri učencih iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi revščine ter poudarjajo pomen kompenzacije primanjkljajev in razvijanje bralnega razumevanja. Osrednji cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti latentne značilnosti učencev iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi revščine s težavami in brez težav na področju bralnega razumevanja ter oblikovati in izpeljati z učenci s težavami na področju bralnega razumevanja program, ki je vključeval Metakognitivni-interstavčni model bralnega razumevanja (Goldfus, 2004). V vzorec je bilo vključenih 168 učencev, 84 učencev iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi revščine in imajo težave na področju bralnega razumevanja ter 84 učencev iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi revščine brez težav na področju bralnega razumevanja. Iz skupine učencev s težavami na področju bralnega razumevanja smo oblikovali dva podvzorca: eksperimentalno skupino z 22 učenci, ki so bili deležni 15-urnega treninga razvijanja bralnega razumevanja in metakognitivnih strategij, ter kontrolno skupino z 22 učenci, ki ni bila vključena v program. V raziskavi so bili uporabljeni različni merski instrumenti, s katerimi smo ugotavljali bralne, jezikovne, perceptivno-motorične in neverbalne intelektualne sposobnosti ter anketna vprašalnika za starše in učitelje, s katerima smo zbrali informacije o izobrazbi in zaposlitvenem statusu staršev, o otrokovem odnosu do branja, bralno pismenostjo v domačem okolju ter šolski uspešnosti učencev in sodelovanju staršev pri šolskem delu. Narejena je bila kvalitativna in kvantitativna obdelava podatkov. Odgovori vprašalnika za ugotavljanje metakognitivnih strategij so bili kvalitativno obdelani. Za vse manifestne spremenljivke je bila narejena deskriptivna analiza. V nadaljevanju so bile uporabljene različne statistične metode obdelave podatkov, kot so: t-test za neodvisne vzorce, kontingenčne tabele, χ2, faktorska analiza, diskriminantna analiza, analiza variance in analiza ponovljenih meritev. Omogočile so nam vpogled v latentno strukturo težav na področju bralnega razumevanja in latentno strukturo dobrega bralnega razumevanja ter izbiro merskih instrumentov, ki so največjega pomena pri razlikovanju skupine učencev, ki imajo težave na področju bralnega razumevanja od skupine učencev, ki so brez težav na področju bralnega razumevanja. Analiza variance in analiza ponovljenih meritev sta nam omogočili preveriti učinke in uspešnost izvedenega programa za izboljšanje bralnega razumevanja pri učencih iz eksperimentalne skupine ter njihov napredek v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino. Rezultati t-testa so pokazali statistično pomembne razlike med skupinama na večini manifestnih spremenljivk apliciranih testov. Dobljeni rezultati faktorske analize kažejo na razlike v latentni strukturi težav na področju bralnega razumevanja in latentni strukturi dobrega bralnega razumevanja, ki terjajo drugačno obravnavo učencev, ki imajo težave na področju bralnega razumevanja, z večjim poudarkom na razvoju fonološkega zavedanja, razvoju besednjaka in jezikovnih spretnosti ter avtomatizacije branja kot predpogojev za doseganje dobrega bralnega razumevanja. S pomočjo diskriminantne analize smo ugotovili, kateri merski instrumenti nam omogočajo uspešnejše odkrivanje in diagnostično ocenjevanje težav na področju bralnega razumevanja pri učencih iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi revščine. Učenci eksperimentalne skupine, ki imajo težave na področju bralnega razumevanja, so v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino pomembneje izboljšali bralno razumevanje, pravilnost branja, besednjak in veščine jezikovnega izražanja. Rezultati na manifestnih spremenljivkah apliciranih preizkusov, s katerimi smo ob zaključku programa preverili njegovo učinkovitost, kažejo, da je program za učence iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi revščine in imajo težave na področju bralnega razumevanja dober in učinkovit. Iz analize odgovorov iz vprašalnikov za starše in učitelje je razvidno, da starši učencev, ki imajo težave na področju bralnega razumevanja, ne morejo dovolj učinkovito spodbujati in podpirati razvoja kognitivnih dejavnikov pomembnih za branje, zaradi česar je še toliko bolj pomembno, da za primanjkljaje učencev poskrbijo z ustrezno obravnavo v šoli. Na osnovi teh ugotovitev lahko zaključimo, da bi bilo potrebno v šolah uvesti spremembe v procesu poučevanja učencev iz manj spodbudnega okolja zaradi revščine in pričeti s programi pomoči že v predšolskem obdobju, še zlasti na samem začetku šolanja. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na potrebo po temeljitih spremembah vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa poučevanja preučevane skupine učencev, ki terja učenje učnih strategij za premagovanje in kompenzacijo primanjkljajev ter razvijanje bralnega razumevanja za uspešno učenje. Učitelji in šolski strokovni delavci lahko z ustrezno učno pomočjo prispevajo k pretrganju začaranega kroga revščine.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): A review of foreign and home research results has shown a significant connection between a level of literacy and a level of education, employment prospects and consequently socio-economic status of an individual and a family. Home environment, life habits related to literacy (reading culture) and level of parents' education have a direct impact on a child's development of literacy. Reading efficiency is an important element of literacy and relates to reading comprehension and reading for learning which are both related to metacognition. Many authors have presented empirical evidences about existence of deficits and poor reading comprehension skills at pupils who come from un-stimulating environment due to poverty and stress the importance of compensating deficits as well as developing reading comprehension. The main aim of the research was to find out latent characteristics of pupils from an unstimulating environment and have or do not have problems with reading comprehension. Moreover, the research was aimed at forming and performing a programme for children with reading comprehension problems which included Metacognitive-inter-sentential model of reading comprehension (Goldfus, 2004). The sample included 168 pupils from an unstimulating environment; half of them struggled with reading comprehension problems while the other half did not. Two subsamples were formed out of the group of 84 pupils with reading difficulties: experimental group of 22 pupils who participated in a special programme for developing their reading comprehension skills and metacognitive strategies, and a control group of 22 pupils who were not included in this training. In the research several measurement instruments were used to investigate reading, linguistic, perceptual-motor and non-verbal intellectual skills and two questionnaires for parents and teachers to gather information about parents’ level of education and occupational status, a child’s attitude to reading, reading literacy in home environment, a child’s school performance and parents’ support at school work. Qualitative and quantitative processing of gathered data was carried out. The results of a questionnaire to investigate metacognitive strategies were analysed by qualitative method. For all manifest variables descriptive analysis was made. In continuation various statistical methods of processing data were applied such as: t-test for independent samples, contingency tables, χ2, factor analysis, discriminative analysis, analysis of variance and repeated measures analysis. They enabled us an insight into latent structure of reading comprehension problems as well as good reading comprehension skills; besides, they enabled a selection of measuring instruments that are of greatest importance to distinguish between a group of pupils with reading comprehension difficulties and a group of pupils without reading comprehension difficulties. The analysis of variance and the analysis of repeated measures enabled us to check the effects and efficiency of a carried programme to improve reading comprehension skills at pupils from experimental group and their progress compared to control group. The results of t-test showed statistically significant distinctions between the groups on majority of manifest variables of the test applied. The given results of factor analysis show the discrepancies in latent structure of reading comprehension difficulties and good reading comprehension; that is why a different treatment of pupils who cope with reading comprehension problems is a must, especially in the field of developing phonological awareness, vocabulary, linguistic skills and automation of reading as pre-conditions to achieve sufficient reading comprehension. With the help of discriminative analysis we found out which measuring instruments enable us to be more successful at detection and diagnostic assessment of reading comprehension difficulties at pupils who come from a deprived and un-stimulating home environment due to poverty. Compared to pupils in control group, pupils of experimental group who struggle with reading comprehension difficulties have made significant progress in reading comprehension skills, reading accuracy, vocabulary and all language skills. The results of manifest variables in tests which were used to check their efficiency at the end of the programme show that the programme is beneficial for those pupils who come from an un-stimulating home environment due to poverty and have reading comprehension problems. Analysing the responses in questionnaires for parents and teachers, it is clear that parents of pupils who face reading comprehension difficulties are not able to fully encourage and support the development of cognitive factors which are important for reading. That is why it is so important to take care of pupils’ deficits by appropriate treatment in school. On the basis of these findings we can conclude that it is vital to introduce changes into school practice considering the process of teaching pupils who come from a deprived and un-stimulating home environment due to poverty. Support programmes should be started in the pre-school period, especially at the beginning of schooling. The results of this research show the need for thorough changes in teaching the studied group of pupils which should include teaching learning strategies how to overcome and compensate for pupils’ deficits as well as develop reading comprehension skills for successful learning. With appropriate teaching help, teachers and other school professionals can contribute to break the vicious cycle of poverty.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): poverty
ID: 8309992