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Razumevanje mitoze v osnovni šoli v Sloveniji




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Pust Badovinac]
UDC: 576.353:373.3(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 9262153 Link will open in a new window
Views: 888
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Understanding mitosis in middle school in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The results of our research have shown that Slovenian middle school students have a weak understanding of mitosis and genetics. They have a solid knowledge of the basic cell structure which they have learned at school, but the meaning of cells within living organisms is poorly understood. Most of them don’t know that all living beings are made of cells. Moreover, they don’t know that division of cells takes place in all of them and that this is how gametes are created as well. They do know, however, that living beings inherit certain characteristics. They have heard of expressions such as genes, DNA and chromosomes through various media, but they can’t tell the difference between them or understand the mechanisms through which they function. Genes are frequently equated with characteristics. Students are unaware of the fact that each body cell carries complete hereditary information. The method of classifying images of mitosis phases which we have summarised from the Biology Inquiries (Schields, 2006) proved to be a successful way of learning about mitosis, as the knowledge on this subject matter, along with all chosen fields of genetics, improved significantly after our lesson. Four weeks after the lesson was carried out, a test showed a slight decrease of knowledge but the results were still very good. We have thus proven that the knowledge gained by the students through the method of classifying images of mitosis phases was longer lasting, as it was based on understanding.
Secondary keywords: biology;comprehension;primary school;biologija;razumevanje;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Biologija in kemija
Pages: V, 78 str., IX
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Understanding mitosis in middle school in Slovenia
Keywords (ePrints): mitoza
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mitosis
Abstract (ePrints): Naša raziskava je pokazala, da je pri osnovnošolcih v Sloveniji razumevanje mitoze in genetike šibko. Učenci sicer dobro poznajo osnovno zgradbo celice, ki so se jo učili v šoli, slabše pa poznajo njen pomen v živem bitju. Večina jih ne ve, da so vsa živa bitja zgrajena iz celic in da pri vseh poteka celična delitev ter da tudi spolne celice nastanejo z delitvijo. Vedo pa, da vsa živa bitja dedujejo lastnosti. Iz različnih medijev so slišali za izraze, kot so geni, DNA in kromosomi, ne poznajo pa razlik med njimi in mehanizmov njihovega delovanja. Gene pogosto enačijo z lastnostmi. Ne vedo, da je vsaka telesna celica nosilka kompletne dedne informacije. Metoda razvrščanja slik faz mitoze, ki smo jo povzeli po delu Biology Inquiries (Schields, 2006), se je izkazala kot uspešen način učenja mitoze, saj se je znanje o mitozi in vseh izbranih področij genetike po naši učni uri bistveno izboljšalo. Štiri tedne po izvedeni učni uri je test pokazal rahel upad znanja, ki pa je bilo še vedno zelo dobro. Na ta način smo dokazali, da je znanje, ki so ga učenci usvojili s to metodo, trajnejše, saj temelji na razumevanju.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The results of our research have shown that Slovenian middle school students have a weak understanding of mitosis and genetics. They have a solid knowledge of the basic cell structure which they have learned at school, but the meaning of cells within living organisms is poorly understood. Most of them don’t know that all living beings are made of cells. Moreover, they don’t know that division of cells takes place in all of them and that this is how gametes are created as well. They do know, however, that living beings inherit certain characteristics. They have heard of expressions such as genes, DNA and chromosomes through various media, but they can’t tell the difference between them or understand the mechanisms through which they function. Genes are frequently equated with characteristics. Students are unaware of the fact that each body cell carries complete hereditary information. The method of classifying images of mitosis phases which we have summarised from the Biology Inquiries (Schields, 2006) proved to be a successful way of learning about mitosis, as the knowledge on this subject matter, along with all chosen fields of genetics, improved significantly after our lesson. Four weeks after the lesson was carried out, a test showed a slight decrease of knowledge but the results were still very good. We have thus proven that the knowledge gained by the students through the method of classifying images of mitosis phases was longer lasting, as it was based on understanding.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mitosis
ID: 8310334