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Breda Forjanič (Author), Karmen Erjavec (Mentor), Bojan Dekleva (Co-mentor)


Medijska pismenost vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok


Medijska pismenost;Množični mediji;Vzgojitelji;Vrtci;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [B. Forjanič]
UDC: 316.774:371.091.33(043.2)
COBISS: 31344477 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1201
Downloads: 219
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Media literacy of preschool teachers
Secondary abstract: Practice and theoretical approaches in the field of media education have so far only dealt with the media literacy of children. With the present thesis, we want to go further and set up criteria for adult media literacy. Furthermore, we want to measure media literacy of preschool teachers, because - as demonstrated by research (Erjavec in Volčič, 1998c, 1999a, 1999b; Swinkels, 1992) - these children are in need of media literacy the most. Since the socialization begins in the preschool institutions where preschool teachers are children’s identification model, they play a key role in the media literacy of this population. Theorists of media education (Masterman, 1985; Potter, 1998; Erjavec and Volčič, 1998a, 1998b) point out that media literacy is an integral part of modern functional literacy and therefore indispensable for the functioning of the modern media society. This master's thesis will examine media literacy of 206 preschool teachers enrolled in kindergartens in Pomurje. For this task, we will adapt an American (U.S.) questionnaire to measure students' literacy (Hobbs and Frost, 2003). The goal is to determine the influence of cultural capital accumulated in childhood, schooling and educational practices of preschool teachers and the use of media in the kindergarten on their media literacy. The results obtained will enable further research on media education and will also set up a platform for research on media literacy of preschool teachers. The thesis will contribute to the development of media education in Slovenia and thus promoting the inclusion of this very young interdisciplinary scientific discipline (pedagogy, communication) into the scope of work with preschool children.
Secondary keywords: Media literacy;Mass media;Educators;Day-care centres;Slovenia;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 107 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Media literacy of preschool teachers
Keywords (ePrints): vzgojna ravnanja vzgojiteljev
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): educational practices of preschool teachers
Abstract (ePrints): Praksa in teoretični pristopi na področju vzgoje za medije so se do sedaj izključno ukvarjali z medijsko pismenostjo otrok. S pričujočo nalogo pa želimo narediti korak naprej in postaviti merila medijske pismenosti za odrasle. Še več, želimo izmeriti medijsko pismenost vzgojiteljev/-ic predšolskih otrok, saj – kot kažejo raziskave (Erjavec in Volčič, 1998c, 1999a, 1999b; Swinkels, 1992) – so ti otroci najbolj potrebni medijskega opismenjevanja. In ker se socializacija prične v predšolskih institucijah, kjer so vzgojitelji/-ce otrokom identifikacijski vzor, imajo ključno vlogo v medijskem opismenjevanju te populacije. Teoretiki vzgoje za medije (Masterman, 1985; Potter, 1998; Erjavec in Volčič, 1998a, 1998b) poudarjajo, da je medijska pismenost sestavni del sodobne funkcionalne pismenosti in zato nujno potrebna za delovanje v sodobni multimedijski družbi. Magistrska naloga bo preučevala medijsko pismenost dvestošestih vzgojiteljev/-ic predšolskih otrok, vključenih v pomurske vrtce. Za to nalogo bomo priredili ameriški (ZDA) vprašalnik za merjenje pismenosti dijakov (Hobbs in Frost, 2003). Cilj naloge je ugotoviti, kakšen je vpliv akumuliranega kulturnega kapitala v otroštvu, izobrazbe in vzgojnih ravnanj vzgojiteljev/-ic ter uporabe medijev v vrtcu na njihovo medijsko pismenost. Dobljeni rezultati bodo omogočili nadaljnje raziskave na področju vzgoje za medije, postavili pa bodo tudi izhodišča za raziskave na področju medijskega opismenjevanja vzgojiteljev. Naloga bo prispevala k razvoju vzgoje za medije na Slovenskem in s tem naredila korak bliže k vključenosti te zelo mlade interdisciplinarne znanstvene discipline (pedagogika, komunikologija) na področje dela s predšolskimi otroki.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Practice and theoretical approaches in the field of media education have so far only dealt with the media literacy of children. With the present thesis, we want to go further and set up criteria for adult media literacy. Furthermore, we want to measure media literacy of preschool teachers, because - as demonstrated by research (Erjavec in Volčič, 1998c, 1999a, 1999b; Swinkels, 1992) - these children are in need of media literacy the most. Since the socialization begins in the preschool institutions where preschool teachers are children’s identification model, they play a key role in the media literacy of this population. Theorists of media education (Masterman, 1985; Potter, 1998; Erjavec and Volčič, 1998a, 1998b) point out that media literacy is an integral part of modern functional literacy and therefore indispensable for the functioning of the modern media society. This master's thesis will examine media literacy of 206 preschool teachers enrolled in kindergartens in Pomurje. For this task, we will adapt an American (U.S.) questionnaire to measure students' literacy (Hobbs and Frost, 2003). The goal is to determine the influence of cultural capital accumulated in childhood, schooling and educational practices of preschool teachers and the use of media in the kindergarten on their media literacy. The results obtained will enable further research on media education and will also set up a platform for research on media literacy of preschool teachers. The thesis will contribute to the development of media education in Slovenia and thus promoting the inclusion of this very young interdisciplinary scientific discipline (pedagogy, communication) into the scope of work with preschool children.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): educational practices of preschool teachers
ID: 8310470
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