diplomska naloga
Aljaž Maslo (Author), Dušan Žagar (Mentor), Matjaž Četina (Co-mentor)


Vpliv krajevno spremenljivega vetra na sliko tokov v tržaškem zalivu, simulacije z modelom PCFLOW3D


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;matematični model;tridimenzionalni model;hidrodinamični modul;PCFLOW3D;Tržaški zaliv;krajevno spremenljiv veter;povprečen veter;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Maslo]
UDC: 519.61/.64:532.5:551.46(043.2)
COBISS: 4790369 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1872
Downloads: 459
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂinfluence of space variable wind on the currents in the gulf of Trieste, simulations with PCFLOW3D model
Secondary abstract: The study compares currents due to space variable wind with the ones due to space invariable wind i n the Gulf of Trieste. All previous simulations of circulation in that area with the exception of the study of Vanja Ramšak (2007) were carried out with the uniform or space invariable winds. We wanted to determine the sensitivity of circulation to more realistic, space variable winds. The results of the Aladin metorological model were used as an approximation of the real winds. We analyzed two cases: scirocco and bora wind. From selected space variable winds, we also calculated their uniform spatially averaged versions. In order to determine the optimal boundary conditions at the open boundary several simulations with PCFLOW3D model were performed. Their results sugested t h a t tidal boundary condition brought the most relevant results. Therefore, all further analyses were performed using the tidal open boundary condition. The results of simulations using space variable and uniform winds were compared graphically and numerically. The average absolute error has been identified as the most reliable estimate of precision for numerical analysis evaluation. Graphical analyses were then used for the interpretation of numerical results. The analyses shows that the differences between the circulation of the space variable and uniform wind are significant. At the end of the thesis, simulation results were compared to measurements. Despite the small number of measurements we found a better agreement between the results of the space variable wind as using the uniform winds results.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;mathematical model;three-dimensional model;hydrodynamic module;PCFLOW3D;the Gulf of Trieste;space variable wind;uniform wind;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Univerzitetni študij gradbeništva, Hidrotehnična smer
Pages: XVIII, 92 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The influence of space variable wind on the currents in the Gulf of Trieste, simulations with PCFLOW3D model
Keywords (ePrints): matematični model;tridimenzionalni model;hidrodinamični modul;PCFLOW3D;Tržaški zaliv;krajevno spremenljiv veter;povprečen veter.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mathematical model;three-dimensional model;hydrodynamic module;PCFLOW3D;the Gulf of Trieste;space variable wind;uniform wind.
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo primerja sliko tokov vsled krajevno spremenljivega vetra s tokovi zaradi krajevno nespremenljivega vetra na območju Tržaškega zaliva. Vse dosedanje simulacije dinamike tokov na omenjenem območju, z izjemo seminarske naloge Vanje Ramšak (2007), so bile opravljene s povprečnimi, torej krajevno nespremenljivimi vetrovi. V nalogi smo želeli ugotoviti občutljivost tokov na bolj realne, torej krajevno spremenljive vetrove. Za najboljši približek realnih vetrov so bili uporabljeni rezultati modela Aladin. Analizirali smo primer vetra juga in burje. Iz izbranih krajevno spremenljivih vetrov smo izračunali njihove enakovredne povprečne različice. Za določitev optimalnega robnega pogoja na odprtem robu je bilo s PCFLOW3D opravljenih več simulacij. Iz opravljenih simulacij je bilo razvidno, da bodo za nadaljne analize najbolj primerni rezultati, dobljeni s plimnim robnim pogojem. Rezultati simulacij krajevno nespremenljivega in povprečnega vetra so bili med seboj primerjani grafično in numerično. Za numerično analizo se je izkazala kot najbolj zanesljiva ocena ujemanja povprečna absolutna napaka. Z grafično analizo so bili kasneje interpretirani rezultati numerične analize. Iz analize je razvidno, da so razlike med cirkulacijo v primeru krajevno spremenljivega vetra in povprečnega vetra precejšnje. Na koncu naloge so rezultati opravljenih simulacij primerjani z meritvami. Kljub majhni količini meritev je bilo ugotovljeno boljše ujemanje rezultatov krajevno spremenljvega vetra v primerjavi z rezultati povprečnega.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The study compares currents due to space variable wind with the ones due to space invariable wind i n the Gulf of Trieste. All previous simulations of circulation in that area with the exception of the study of Vanja Ramšak (2007) were carried out with the uniform or space invariable winds. We wanted to determine the sensitivity of circulation to more realistic, space variable winds. The results of the Aladin metorological model were used as an approximation of the real winds. We analyzed two cases: scirocco and bora wind. From selected space variable winds, we also calculated their uniform spatially averaged versions. In order to determine the optimal boundary conditions at the open boundary several simulations with PCFLOW3D model were performed. Their results sugested t h a t tidal boundary condition brought the most relevant results. Therefore, all further analyses were performed using the tidal open boundary condition. The results of simulations using space variable and uniform winds were compared graphically and numerically. The average absolute error has been identified as the most reliable estimate of precision for numerical analysis evaluation. Graphical analyses were then used for the interpretation of numerical results. The analyses shows that the differences between the circulation of the space variable and uniform wind are significant. At the end of the thesis, simulation results were compared to measurements. Despite the small number of measurements we found a better agreement between the results of the space variable wind as using the uniform winds results.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mathematical model;three-dimensional model;hydrodynamic module;PCFLOW3D;the Gulf of Trieste;space variable wind;uniform wind.
ID: 8310511