Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
The inclusion of preschool children into organized motor/sports activities |
Secondary abstract: |
The diploma thesis presents the importance of motor/sports activities for the child's integral development, and their influence on the life of an adult. Children get to know themselves and their surroundings through motor/sports activities; they engage creatively, socialize with children of the same age and perform problem-solving tasks. In preschool, child’s play plays a very important role in motor/sports activities. Play helps the child deal with obstacles that would otherwise have been insurmountable to them. Additionally, movement through play is educational, provided the trainer connects the play with other areas of knowledge. Children gain knowledge and revise the knowledge they have acquired. By creating improvised sports equipment, children also expand their imagination. Taking into account the positive effects of motor/sports activities, the author of the thesis has focused on the analysis of parents’ preferences that would help determine under what circumstances parents would enroll their children in organized motor/sports activities more often.
The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze parents' opinions regarding the factors that influence the enrolment of preschool children in organized motor/sports activities.
The research, performed in May 2012, is based on a questionnaire survey filled out by 121 parents (chosen randomly), whose children are between 2 and 6 years old. It consists of two parts. The first part comprises questions that refer to the frequency of the parents' involvement in motor/sports activities, and the second part inquires about the parents’ wishes in connection to the factors of enrolment of their children in organized motor/sports activities.
The data was analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The FREQUENCIES subprogram was used to calculate the frequency of individual answers, the subprogram DESCRIPTIVES was used to calculate descriptive statistics, and the program CROSSTABS was used to determine the connection between ordinal and nominal values. Statistical characteristics were checked at the level of a 5 percent risk (p 0,05).
The questionnaire analysis finds that the parents who take part in organized motor/sports activities themselves are more likely to enroll their children in such activities. Additionally, they are more likely to enroll their children if most of the activity took place outdoors, in the nature, and if the group consisted of children of different ages. The answers in the questionnaire did not confirm the hypothesis that parents are more likely to enroll their children if the sports equipment was better. The hypothesis suggesting that parents are very interested in enrolling their children into swimming activities, on the other hand, was confirmed. |
Secondary keywords: |
physical education;pre-school child;športna vzgoja;predšolski otrok; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
43 str., [5] str. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
The inclusion of preschool children into organized motor/sports activities |
Keywords (ePrints): |
organizirane gibalne/športne dejavnosti |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
organized motor/sports activities |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu je predstavljena pomembnost gibalnih/športnih dejavnosti za otrokov celostni razvoj ter njegovo zdravo staranje. Z gibanjem in gibalnimi izkušnjami otroci spoznavajo sebe in svojo okolico, ustvarjajo, se vključujejo med sovrstnike in rešujejo številne probleme. V gibalnih/športnih dejavnostih v predšolskem obdobju ima zelo velik pomen igra. Ta otroku pomaga premagati oviro, ki je zanj brez igre nepremostljiva, omogoča mu različne realizacije istih problemov, zagotavlja motivacijo za delo in je zato v organiziranih oblikah vadbe nepogrešljiva. Gibanje skozi igro je lahko tudi poučno, če vaditelj igro organizira tako, da jo ustrezno povezuje z drugimi področji. Otroci ob tem spoznavajo nove stvari in utrjujejo že osvojena znanja. Z ustvarjanjem improviziranih pripomočkov in njihovo izvirno uporabo pa lahko otroci bogatijo gibalne izkušnje, pa tudi svojo domišljijo. Upoštevajoč pozitivne učinke gibalnih/športnih dejavnosti na otroke in dejstvo, da strokovno usposobljen vaditelj lahko ponudi številne priložnosti za celosten razvoj otroka, smo se odločili, da analiziramo želje staršev, zaradi katerih bi ti otroke pogosteje vključevali v organizirane gibalne/športne dejavnosti.
Cilj diplomskega dela je bil analizirati mnenja staršev o dejavnikih vključevanja predšolskih otrok v organizirane gibalne/športne dejavnosti.
V raziskavo, ki smo jo izvedli maja 2012, smo vključili 121 naključno izbranih staršev, katerih otroci so stari od 2 do 6 let. Uporabili smo anketni vprašalnik, ki so ga v celoti rešili starši. Sestavljen je iz dveh delov. V prvem se vprašanja nanašajo na pogostost ukvarjanja staršev z gibalnimi/športnimi dejavnostmi, v drugem pa na njihove želje, povezane z dejavniki vključevanja njihovih otrok v organizirane gibalne/športne dejavnosti.
Podatke smo obdelali s statističnim paketom SPSS (StatisticalPackageforthe Social Sciences). Uporabili smo podprogram FREQUENCIES za izračun frekvence posameznih odgovorov, za izračun opisne statistike bomo uporabili podprogram DESCRIPTIVES, za ugotavljanje povezanosti ordinalnih in nominalnih vrednosti pa podprogram CROSSTABS. Statistično značilnost smo preverjali na ravni 5-odstotnega tveganja (p 0,05).
Na osnovi anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovil, da starši, ki se sami vključujejo v organizirane gibalne/športne dejavnosti, tudi svoje otroke pogosteje vključujejo vanje. Prav tako bi jih pogosteje vključevali, če bi dejavnosti večinoma potekale v naravi in če bi bili v skupini otroci različnih starosti. Odgovori v anketnih vprašalnikih niso potrdili hipoteze, ki pravi, da bi na pogostost vključevanja vplivali boljši športni pripomočki. Potrdili pa smo hipotezo, s katero trdimo, da bi starši svoje otroke med ponujenimi oblikami organizirane vadbe najraje vključili v plavanje. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
The diploma thesis presents the importance of motor/sports activities for the child's integral development, and their influence on the life of an adult. Children get to know themselves and their surroundings through motor/sports activities; they engage creatively, socialize with children of the same age and perform problem-solving tasks. In preschool, child’s play plays a very important role in motor/sports activities. Play helps the child deal with obstacles that would otherwise have been insurmountable to them. Additionally, movement through play is educational, provided the trainer connects the play with other areas of knowledge. Children gain knowledge and revise the knowledge they have acquired. By creating improvised sports equipment, children also expand their imagination. Taking into account the positive effects of motor/sports activities, the author of the thesis has focused on the analysis of parents’ preferences that would help determine under what circumstances parents would enroll their children in organized motor/sports activities more often.
The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze parents' opinions regarding the factors that influence the enrolment of preschool children in organized motor/sports activities.
The research, performed in May 2012, is based on a questionnaire survey filled out by 121 parents (chosen randomly), whose children are between 2 and 6 years old. It consists of two parts. The first part comprises questions that refer to the frequency of the parents' involvement in motor/sports activities, and the second part inquires about the parents’ wishes in connection to the factors of enrolment of their children in organized motor/sports activities.
The data was analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The FREQUENCIES subprogram was used to calculate the frequency of individual answers, the subprogram DESCRIPTIVES was used to calculate descriptive statistics, and the program CROSSTABS was used to determine the connection between ordinal and nominal values. Statistical characteristics were checked at the level of a 5 percent risk (p 0,05).
The questionnaire analysis finds that the parents who take part in organized motor/sports activities themselves are more likely to enroll their children in such activities. Additionally, they are more likely to enroll their children if most of the activity took place outdoors, in the nature, and if the group consisted of children of different ages. The answers in the questionnaire did not confirm the hypothesis that parents are more likely to enroll their children if the sports equipment was better. The hypothesis suggesting that parents are very interested in enrolling their children into swimming activities, on the other hand, was confirmed. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
organized motor/sports activities |
ID: |
8310532 |