Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
The applied adjustments for children with special needs in the first trimester of primary school |
Secondary abstract: |
Heterogeneity of the groups is caused by uniqueness of each individual and this uniqueness is also a creator of the educational process. There are various ways the teachers use to cope with the diversity of the students, their interests, abilities and needs. However, when the needs of the students are too specific and they need intensive help, the process of placing the students into a program for special education is triggered. The student can thus receive a program that fits the needs of the student or they receive individual education program. If the application for such programme is answered positively, the student receives the decision that lists the adjustments that should be provided in the classroom. The school then forms teams. There is an individual team for each student and that team has to alleviate deficits, while adjustments, decisions and recommendations should be taken into account. The adjustments that are listed in the individualized programs should be implemented in the classroom by the teachers. When in doubt the teachers can always resort to Instructions for Adjusted Elementary School Program with Additional Professional Help.
The objective of the diploma thesis is to establish if there is compliance between adjustments recorded in the decisions about the directed educational program, adapted implementation and additional professional assistance, individualized programs for students and adjustments for these students. The research has focused on the students of the first trimester, but only on those who have received the direction into these programs. I have used the survey questionnaire for teachers and after gathering the answers I have compared the data with the adjustments in the documentation. The comparing was done with the help of the directions, individual education programs and with the visitations of basic school subjects. Thirty teachers of the first trimester have actively participated in the research and those all have students with the direction for 2011/2012 in the classroom.
I have found that the individualized educational programs have listed more adjustments than the directions into directed educational programs. The directions consist of adjustments that are broadly defined, however, in the individual educational programs they are defined more specifically. The adjustments lacked during the lessons, since there are more listed in the individual education programs. It has also been established that the teachers share an opinion that they adjusted the lessons according to the special needs, but in fact it is just a case of good teaching practice. For a more detailed analysis of the adaptation of instruction for students with special needs the observation of a larger sample, more subjects and a longer period of time would be required. |
Secondary keywords: |
backward child;special education;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;pouk po prilagojenem programu; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika |
Pages: |
73 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
The applied adjustments for children with special needs in the first trimester of primary school |
Keywords (ePrints): |
otroci s posebnimi potrebami |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
children with special needs |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Edinstvenost vsakega posameznega otroka povzroča heterogenost skupin in posledično soustvarja potek vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa.
Učitelji v razredu se z različnostjo učencev, njihovih interesov, zmožnosti in potreb soočajo na najrazličnejše načine. Ko pa so potrebe učencev preveč specifične in je potrebna intenzivnejša pomoč, se sproži postopek o usmeritvi v izobraževalni program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in z dodatno strokovno pomočjo. Če je vloga obravnavana pozitivno, dobi učenec odločbo, v kateri so tudi zapisane prilagoditve, ki se mu morajo zagotoviti pri pouku. Na šoli se oblikuje strokovni tim, ki za vsakega učenca timsko oblikuje individualne prilagoditve, s katerimi bo omilil primanjkljaje, pri čemer morajo upoštevati prilagoditve in priporočila iz odločb. Zapisane prilagoditve v individualiziranih programih izvajajo učitelji pri pouku. V pomoč so jim Navodila za prilagojeno izvajanje programa osnovne šole z dodatno strokovno pomočjo.
Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti skladnost prilagoditev, zapisanih v odločbah o usmeritvi v izobraževalni program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in z dodatno strokovno pomočjo, individualiziranih programov za učence in prilagoditev, ki se za te učence izvajajo pri pouku. Samo raziskovanje je bilo omejeno na učence prvega triletja, ki imajo odločbo o usmeritvi. Za pridobivanje podatkov sem oblikovala anketni vprašalnik za učitelje, primerjala sem zapisane prilagoditve v šolski dokumentaciji, in sicer v odločbah o usmeritvi in v individualiziranih programih učencev, ter opazovala učence pri temeljnih šolskih predmetih, pri čemer sem si pomagala z opazovalno listo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 30 učiteljic prvih treh razredov s celjske regije, ki imajo v šolskem letu 2011/2012 v razredu učenca z odločbo o usmeritvi.
Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da je v individualiziranih programih učencev zapisanih več prilagoditev kot v njihovih odločbah o usmeritvi. V odločbah so prilagoditve zapisane zelo široko in splošno, v individualiziranih programih pa bolj konkretno. Pri samem pouku je opaziti manj prilagoditev, kot jih je zapisanih v individualiziranih programih. Prav tako se je izkazalo, da učiteljice sicer menijo, da prilagajajo pouk za učence s posebnimi potrebami, vendar vpogled v navedene prilagoditve kaže, da gre, v večini primerov, za primere dobre poučevalne prakse. Za natančnejšo analizo prilagajanja pouka za učence s posebnimi potrebami bi bilo potrebno opazovanje večjega vzorca, pri več predmetih in skozi daljše časovno obdobje. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Heterogeneity of the groups is caused by uniqueness of each individual and this uniqueness is also a creator of the educational process. There are various ways the teachers use to cope with the diversity of the students, their interests, abilities and needs. However, when the needs of the students are too specific and they need intensive help, the process of placing the students into a program for special education is triggered. The student can thus receive a program that fits the needs of the student or they receive individual education program. If the application for such programme is answered positively, the student receives the decision that lists the adjustments that should be provided in the classroom. The school then forms teams. There is an individual team for each student and that team has to alleviate deficits, while adjustments, decisions and recommendations should be taken into account. The adjustments that are listed in the individualized programs should be implemented in the classroom by the teachers. When in doubt the teachers can always resort to Instructions for Adjusted Elementary School Program with Additional Professional Help.
The objective of the diploma thesis is to establish if there is compliance between adjustments recorded in the decisions about the directed educational program, adapted implementation and additional professional assistance, individualized programs for students and adjustments for these students. The research has focused on the students of the first trimester, but only on those who have received the direction into these programs. I have used the survey questionnaire for teachers and after gathering the answers I have compared the data with the adjustments in the documentation. The comparing was done with the help of the directions, individual education programs and with the visitations of basic school subjects. Thirty teachers of the first trimester have actively participated in the research and those all have students with the direction for 2011/2012 in the classroom.
I have found that the individualized educational programs have listed more adjustments than the directions into directed educational programs. The directions consist of adjustments that are broadly defined, however, in the individual educational programs they are defined more specifically. The adjustments lacked during the lessons, since there are more listed in the individual education programs. It has also been established that the teachers share an opinion that they adjusted the lessons according to the special needs, but in fact it is just a case of good teaching practice. For a more detailed analysis of the adaptation of instruction for students with special needs the observation of a larger sample, more subjects and a longer period of time would be required. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
children with special needs |
ID: |
8310573 |