Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Research of graphic and visual arts |
Secondary abstract: |
This dissertation deals with the learning process of the artistic field of printmaking, both from the point of view of the teacher and the pupil. It discusses common problems that occur with the collage printmaking and monotyping techniques, respectively. Later, it evaluates the pupils’ opinions on both techniques, and specifies the skills the pupils are required to posses. Two fourth year classes (22 pupils) are covered in the experiment. The results, collected using observation and survey, show that monotyping is the easier technique to perform in the classroom, as it requires less tools and less demanding organization of the classroom and work procedures. The pupils liked both techniques equally. The problems with the collage printmaking were caused due to lack of the pupils’ fine motor skills, which proved not to be sufficiently developed yet, and with the monotyping due to their unclear picture of the work procedure. Especially in monotyping, the pupils had difficulties imagining the end product. Finally, most of the pupils failed to evaluate their product objectively. |
Secondary keywords: |
art education;graphic arts;primary school;likovna vzgoja;grafika;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
VI, 115 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Research of graphic and visual arts |
Keywords (ePrints): |
grafika |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
printmaking |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomski nalogi sem raziskala, kako poteka pouk likovnega področja grafike s strani učitelja in učencev. Kakšne težave se pojavijo pri grafični tehniki kolažni tisk in kakšne pri monotipiji, kako so učencem všeč ti grafični tehniki ter nekatere zmožnosti učencev. Raziskavo sem izvedla dveh četrtih razredih (22 učencev). Želene podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo opazovanja in anketnih vprašalnikov. Ugotovila sem, da ima učitelj boljše pogoje za izvedbo grafične tehnike monotipije. Za to ne potrebuje toliko pripomočkov, manjša je organizacija postopkov dela in prostora. Učencem sta zelo všeč obe tehniki. Pri izvajanju likovne naloge kolažnega tiska so učenci imeli težave predvsem zaradi slabše motorične spretnosti, pri monotipiji pa zaradi slabše predstave postopka dela. Raziskane zmožnosti učencev so se izkazale za še ne popolnoma razvite. Učenci imajo težave s predstavo izgleda končnega izdelka, to je slabše pri kolažnem tisku, ter večina učencev lastnega izdelka ni vrednotila objektivno. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
This dissertation deals with the learning process of the artistic field of printmaking, both from the point of view of the teacher and the pupil. It discusses common problems that occur with the collage printmaking and monotyping techniques, respectively. Later, it evaluates the pupils’ opinions on both techniques, and specifies the skills the pupils are required to posses. Two fourth year classes (22 pupils) are covered in the experiment. The results, collected using observation and survey, show that monotyping is the easier technique to perform in the classroom, as it requires less tools and less demanding organization of the classroom and work procedures. The pupils liked both techniques equally. The problems with the collage printmaking were caused due to lack of the pupils’ fine motor skills, which proved not to be sufficiently developed yet, and with the monotyping due to their unclear picture of the work procedure. Especially in monotyping, the pupils had difficulties imagining the end product. Finally, most of the pupils failed to evaluate their product objectively. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
printmaking |
ID: |
8310657 |