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Subjektivna izkušnja ustvarjalnega procesa




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Kocjan]
UDC: 73(043.2)
COBISS: 9302857 Link will open in a new window
Views: 951
Downloads: 139
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Subjective experience of the creative process
Secondary abstract: The subject matter of this bachelor's thesis is the creative process. In the first section I present some theoretical knowledge about creativity and the creative process found in literature. The theme of the second section of my thesis is the subjective experience of the creative process. The source of information for this part are the testimonies of artists, in particular of the two world renowned painters – Vincent van Gogh and Francis Bacon. Their statements reveal how far the creative process reaches, how it works and what influences it. Theme of the third, pedagogical section of the thesis is the encouragement of children's creativity. Bearing in mind the knowledge acquired in the previous two sections, I consider the factors one must take into account while attempting to do so. I conclude that creative process is complex and dependent on multiple intertwined factors, originating from the creator as well as the environment. In order to efficiently encourage children's creativity we must learn and take into account the characteristics of the creative process. Creativity is conditioned by the confluence of many factors, such as student's personality, his feelings and emotions, his interests, motivation, brain abilities and talents, school as an environment, material demands, time and so on. Schools should pay attention to what kind of environment they represent and what kind of behavior and thinking they encourage. More emphasis should be placed on lateral thinking, allowing ambiguity, insecurity and mistakes, on freedom and encouraging children's wide interests. It would also be reasonable to enrich the experience obtained in the school environment with the experience obtained outside school. Teachers should, among other things, themselves be an example of creativity and encourage children's self-confidence. In my opinion the encouragement of creativity shouldn't be unilateral, but holistic.
Secondary keywords: creativity;artistic creation;attitude;ustvarjalnost;umetniška stvaritev;stališče;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 93 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Subjective experience of the creative process
Keywords (ePrints): ustvarjalnost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): creativity
Abstract (ePrints): Tema pričujoče diplomske naloge je ustvarjalni proces. V prvem delu predstavljam nekaj teoretičnih spoznanj o ustvarjalnosti in ustvarjalnem procesu, ki jih najdemo v literaturi. Tema drugega dela moje diplomske naloge je subjektivna izkušnja ustvarjalnega procesa. Vir informacij v tem delu so pričevanja umetnikov, predvsem dveh svetovno znanih slikarjev – Vincenta van Gogha in Francisa Bacona. Njihove izjave razkrivajo, kako daleč sega ustvarjalni proces, na kakšen način deluje in kaj lahko vpliva nanj. Tema tretjega, pedagoškega dela diplomske naloge pa je spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti pri otrocih. Z ozirom na spoznanja, pridobljena v prvih dveh delih, razmišljam o dejavnikih, ki jih je pri tem potrebno upoštevati. Ugotavljam, da je ustvarjalni proces kompleksen in odvisen od številnih medsebojno prepletenih dejavnikov, ki izvirajo tako iz ustvarjalca kot iz okolja. Če želimo učinkovito spodbujati ustvarjalnost pri otrocih, moramo spoznati in upoštevati karakteristike ustvarjalnega procesa. Ustvarjalnost je pogojena s sovplivanjem številnih dejavnikov, kot so osebnost učenca, njegovo počutje, zanimanja, motivacija, možganske sposobnosti in talenti, šola kot okolje, materialne zahteve, čas, ipd. Šole bi morale biti pozorne na to, kakšno okolje predstavljajo ter kakšno vedenje in mišljenje spodbujajo. Več poudarka bi moralo biti na lateralnem mišljenju, dopuščanju nejasnosti, negotovosti in napak, na svobodi in spodbujanju širokih interesov otrok. Smiselno bi bilo obogatiti izkušnje, ki jih nudi šolsko okolje, z izkušnjami pridobljenimi izven šole. Učitelji pa bi morali biti med drugim pozorni na to, da so tudi sami zgled ustvarjalnosti in da spodbujajo samozavest otrok. Poskusi spodbujanja ustvarjalnosti po mojem mnenju ne smejo biti zastavljeni enostransko, temveč celostno.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The subject matter of this bachelor's thesis is the creative process. In the first section I present some theoretical knowledge about creativity and the creative process found in literature. The theme of the second section of my thesis is the subjective experience of the creative process. The source of information for this part are the testimonies of artists, in particular of the two world renowned painters – Vincent van Gogh and Francis Bacon. Their statements reveal how far the creative process reaches, how it works and what influences it. Theme of the third, pedagogical section of the thesis is the encouragement of children's creativity. Bearing in mind the knowledge acquired in the previous two sections, I consider the factors one must take into account while attempting to do so. I conclude that creative process is complex and dependent on multiple intertwined factors, originating from the creator as well as the environment. In order to efficiently encourage children's creativity we must learn and take into account the characteristics of the creative process. Creativity is conditioned by the confluence of many factors, such as student's personality, his feelings and emotions, his interests, motivation, brain abilities and talents, school as an environment, material demands, time and so on. Schools should pay attention to what kind of environment they represent and what kind of behavior and thinking they encourage. More emphasis should be placed on lateral thinking, allowing ambiguity, insecurity and mistakes, on freedom and encouraging children's wide interests. It would also be reasonable to enrich the experience obtained in the school environment with the experience obtained outside school. Teachers should, among other things, themselves be an example of creativity and encourage children's self-confidence. In my opinion the encouragement of creativity shouldn't be unilateral, but holistic.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): creativity
ID: 8310672
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