zgodovinska in kulturna dediščina Tržiča kot vsebine pri pouku Družbe v 5. razredu OŠ
Lavra Stritih (Author), Darja Kerec (Mentor)






Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Stritih]
UDC: 908(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 9307465 Link will open in a new window
Views: 738
Downloads: 115
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tržič: historical and cultural heritage of tržič as a teaching content at social science in fifth grade of primary school.
Secondary abstract: The historical appearance of Tržič is closely related to the Ljubelj pass, where the original settlement was situated. For not clearly known reasons the residents moved downwards and formed a new settlement – later named Tržič. It is first mentioned in the chronicles of the Stična monastery in 1261, which is written in Latin; it is known as the under Ljubelj square »forum in Lubellino«. Nowadays we can find many indicators of our predecestors’s lives. The town centre has been culturally protected since 1985. The present municipality Tržič was created in 1952. The diploma paper consists of three important chapters. The first describes the position, the history of the town and its inhabitants and shortly even the town’s economic development. Further on, there is the description of the culturally historical monuments, customs and habits. The second part consists of the didactical work, with a lesson plan for the revision of the knowledge about the history of the home town in the fifth grade, as well as of a detailed lesson plan. In the last part we find an analysis which tested how well the pupils in the fifth grade of the Bistrica primary school know the cultural and historical heritage of Tržič.
Secondary keywords: local studies;cultural heritage;primary school;domoznanstvo;kulturna dediščina;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 69 str., [6] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Tržič: historical and cultural heritage of tržič as a teaching content at social science in fifth grade of primary school.
Keywords (ePrints): Tržič
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Tržič
Abstract (ePrints): Nastanek Tržiča na tedanjem območju je zelo povezan s prelazom na Ljubelju, kjer naj bi prvotno stalo naselje. Od tam naj bi se prebivalci zaradi ne popolnoma znanih razlogov preselili nižje in ustanovili novo naselje – kasneje imenovano Tržič. Naselje Tržič se prvič omenja v kroniki samostana v Stični leta 1261, ki je pisana v latinščini, kot trg pod Ljubeljem »forum in Lubellino«. V Tržiču danes najdemo veliko ostankov življenja in dela naših prednikov. Od leta 1985 je mestno jedro zavarovano kot kulturi spomenik. Sedanja občina Tržič je nastala leta 1952. Diplomsko delo zajema tri pomembna poglavja. Prvo opisuje lego, zgodovino kraja in prebivalcev, na kratko tudi gospodarski razvoj mesta. V nadaljevanju je opis kulturnozgodovinskih spomenikov ter običajev, šeg in navad. Drugi del zajema didaktični del z učno pripravo za ponovitev snovi o zgodovini domačega kraja za 5. razred in podrobno analizo učne ure. V zadnjem delu najdemo raziskavo, s katero je bilo preverjeno, kako dobro učenci 5. razreda devetletne Osnovne šole Bistrica poznajo kulturno in zgodovinsko dediščino Tržiča.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The historical appearance of Tržič is closely related to the Ljubelj pass, where the original settlement was situated. For not clearly known reasons the residents moved downwards and formed a new settlement – later named Tržič. It is first mentioned in the chronicles of the Stična monastery in 1261, which is written in Latin; it is known as the under Ljubelj square »forum in Lubellino«. Nowadays we can find many indicators of our predecestors’s lives. The town centre has been culturally protected since 1985. The present municipality Tržič was created in 1952. The diploma paper consists of three important chapters. The first describes the position, the history of the town and its inhabitants and shortly even the town’s economic development. Further on, there is the description of the culturally historical monuments, customs and habits. The second part consists of the didactical work, with a lesson plan for the revision of the knowledge about the history of the home town in the fifth grade, as well as of a detailed lesson plan. In the last part we find an analysis which tested how well the pupils in the fifth grade of the Bistrica primary school know the cultural and historical heritage of Tržič.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Tržič
ID: 8310677
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