doktorska disertacija
Tatjana Pretnar (Author), Janez Jerman (Mentor)


Medkulturna analiza stališč učiteljev do inkluzije otrok s posebnimi potrebami




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Pretnar]
UDC: 373.3:376(043.3)
COBISS: 9366601 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1574
Downloads: 208
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Secondary title: An intercultural analyisis of teachers’ attitudes towards the inclusion of children with disabilities
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the research is to present the standpoints of teachers and their opinion with regard to the inclusion of children with special needs into elementary schools, which are being included on the basis of legislation, rights of the child, ideas of multiculturalism, and post-modern attitudes and values. The results acquired have been compared with the results of the Slovak sample. We were particularly interested in standpoints of teachers with regard to the children with special needs, the efficiency of inclusion of children with special needs into elementary schools, the appropriate spatial and material conditions for work with children with special needs, technical assistance and support as well as cooperation with experts, who deal with children with special needs. Through open questions we wanted to establish the following: what would be the most appropriate manner of schooling of children with special needs, have the child’s rights to proper guidance been respected, what is the extent of the flow of information between team experts, kindergarten, and elementary school, and what are, in the opinion of teachers, the factors that influence successful inclusion practice. The doctoral dissertation also introduces legal bases and human rights for schooling of children with special needs in elementary schools. The research has been conducted with the use of the descriptive and functional multivariate method. The data have been collected through the quantitative approach. The research is very important, because a child’s development is particularly intense during his or her elementary education. The positive interaction among children with special needs and other pupils also largely depends on standpoints of a teacher and his qualifications. With the acquired information we were able to highlight advantages as well as deficiencies of inclusive education, and to draw out individual factors, which, in the opinion of teachers, influence the good practice. The scientific contribution of doctoral dissertation contributes to the inclusion theory, whereas the applicative contribution contributes to intervention, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge.
Secondary keywords: backward child;integration;attitude;primary school;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;integracija;stališče;osnovna šola;Otroci s posebnimi potrebami;Disertacije;Inkluzija;Osnovne šole;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 196 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): An intercultural analyisis of teachers’ attitudes towards the inclusion of children with disabilities
Keywords (ePrints): inkluzija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): inclusion
Abstract (ePrints): Z raziskavo smo želeli prikazati stališča učiteljev in njihovo mnenje glede vključenosti otrok s posebnimi potrebami (OPP) v osnovne šole (OŠ), kateri se vključujejo na podlagi zakonodaje, otrokovih pravic, ideje multikulturalizma ter postmodernističnih stališč in vrednot. Dobljene rezultate smo primerjali z rezultati vzorca na Slovaškem. Zanimala so nas predvsem stališča učiteljev do: otrok s posebnimi potrebami, uspešnosti vključevanja OPP v OŠ, ustreznih prostorskih in materialnih pogojev za delo z OPP, strokovne pomoči in podpore ter sodelovanja s strokovnjaki, ki obravnavajo OPP. V odprtih vprašanjih smo želeli izvedeti: kakšen naj bi bil najboljši način šolanja OPP, ali so upoštevane otrokove pravice do pravilne usmeritve, kakšna je pretočnost informacij med strokovnjaki tima ter vrtca in OŠ ter kateri so po mnenju učiteljev dejavniki, ki vplivajo na uspešno inkluzivno prakso. V doktorski disertaciji smo predstavili tudi zakonske osnove in človekove pravice za všolanje OPP v OŠ. Raziskava je bila izvedena z uporabo deskriptivne in funkcionalne-multivariatne metode. Podatke smo pridobili s kvantitativnim pristopom. Raziskava je pomembna, saj se otrok intenzivno razvija prav v času osnovne šole. Od stališč učitelja in njegove usposobljenosti je odvisna tudi pozitivna interakcija med OPP in ostalimi učenci. S podatki, ki smo jih dobili na vzorcu, smo lahko osvetlili tako prednosti kot pomanjkljivosti inkluzivnega izobraževanja in izluščili posamezne dejavnike, ki po mnenju učiteljev vplivajo na dobro prakso. Znanstveni prispevek doktorske disertacije prispeva k teoriji inkluzije, aplikativni prispevek pa k intervenciji, ocenjevanju in k razširjanju znanja.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of the research is to present the standpoints of teachers and their opinion with regard to the inclusion of children with special needs into elementary schools, which are being included on the basis of legislation, rights of the child, ideas of multiculturalism, and post-modern attitudes and values. The results acquired have been compared with the results of the Slovak sample. We were particularly interested in standpoints of teachers with regard to the children with special needs, the efficiency of inclusion of children with special needs into elementary schools, the appropriate spatial and material conditions for work with children with special needs, technical assistance and support as well as cooperation with experts, who deal with children with special needs. Through open questions we wanted to establish the following: what would be the most appropriate manner of schooling of children with special needs, have the child’s rights to proper guidance been respected, what is the extent of the flow of information between team experts, kindergarten, and elementary school, and what are, in the opinion of teachers, the factors that influence successful inclusion practice. The doctoral dissertation also introduces legal bases and human rights for schooling of children with special needs in elementary schools. The research has been conducted with the use of the descriptive and functional multivariate method. The data have been collected through the quantitative approach. The research is very important, because a child’s development is particularly intense during his or her elementary education. The positive interaction among children with special needs and other pupils also largely depends on standpoints of a teacher and his qualifications. With the acquired information we were able to highlight advantages as well as deficiencies of inclusive education, and to draw out individual factors, which, in the opinion of teachers, influence the good practice. The scientific contribution of doctoral dissertation contributes to the inclusion theory, whereas the applicative contribution contributes to intervention, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): inclusion
ID: 8310710