knjiga umetnika
Nives Markovič (Author), Zdenko Huzjan (Mentor), Beatriz Tomšič-Čerkez (Co-mentor)




knjiga umetnika;konkretna poezija;vizualna poezija;poštna umetnost;umetniška fotografija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Marković]
UDC: 7.01(043.2)
COBISS: 9382985 Link will open in a new window
Views: 938
Downloads: 212
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: »LJ« Artist book
Secondary abstract: The thesis paper deals with the artist book, an art form that has become a part of the university curriculum since the beginning of my university studies. It is most closely connected with the fields of sketch and photography. Both personl sketch and the field of photography have been of particular interest to me during my university years and I prepared an exhibition on the subject, presented by Faculty of Education Gallery. This thesis covers the historical and theoretical background of the artist book and maps the creation of my own artist book, an artistic superaddition titled LJ. Some of the pioneers of the artist book are also mentioned, including Ed Ruscha, the author of the Twenty Six Gasoline Stations. He was one of the first artist to draw attention to the various artistic possibilities of this art form intertwining different graphic components including sketch, photography, font, paper characteristic, and other visual effects. Franc zagoričnik is presented as a native artist interested in the art form. He was a member of the OHO group, which reached the same conclusions as Ruscha in the 1970s. The thesis places the artist book within the field of education, since this particular pedagogical approach has been shown to give the pupil freedom of choice and thus enrich his sensibilty to artistic expression. Pratical reasearch was conducted at a high school in Koper, while theoretical research heavily relied on the MGLC library, which is the only Slovene library to carry contemporary literature on this particular art form.
Secondary keywords: fine arts;likovna umetnost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 112 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): »LJ« Artist book
Keywords (ePrints): knjiga umetnika
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): artist book
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomska naloga raziskuje področje knjige umetnika (artist book). Ta umetniška oblika je postala v času mojega študija, del študijskega procesa, povezana predvsem s področjem risbe in fotografije. Med študijem sem resno raziskovala osebno risbo in področje fotografije, ter pripravila tudi osebno razstavo v galeriji Pedagoške fakultete. V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala zgodovinsko ozadje in teorijo knjige umetnika, ter ob tem oblikovala oziroma ustvarila lastno knjigo – umetniški presežek z naslovom LJ. Med pionirji knjige umetnika omenjam Američana Eda Ruscha in njegov umetniški izdelek Twenty six gasoline stations, kjer med prvimi opozarja na možnosti, ki jih ponuja tovrstna umetnost in kjer se povezuje kot grafični prikaz tako risba, fotografija, izbira tiska, raznolikost papirja in drugi vizualni učinki. Med domačimi umetniki s tega področja omenjam Franca Zagoričnika, kot člana skupine OHO, ki je pri nas v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja povzela enake izkušnje. Knjigo umetnika sem tesno povezala s pedagoškim področjem, kjer se je izkazalo, da tovrstno delo oziroma likovno področje ponuja bogato izbiro in s tem bogati učenčevo senzibilnost do likovnega izražanja. Raziskavo sem opravila na srednji šoli v Kopru. Pri virih mi je pomagala predvsem knjižnica MGLC, ki edina pri nas zbira tovrstno umetnost in sočasno literaturo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The thesis paper deals with the artist book, an art form that has become a part of the university curriculum since the beginning of my university studies. It is most closely connected with the fields of sketch and photography. Both personl sketch and the field of photography have been of particular interest to me during my university years and I prepared an exhibition on the subject, presented by Faculty of Education Gallery. This thesis covers the historical and theoretical background of the artist book and maps the creation of my own artist book, an artistic superaddition titled LJ. Some of the pioneers of the artist book are also mentioned, including Ed Ruscha, the author of the Twenty Six Gasoline Stations. He was one of the first artist to draw attention to the various artistic possibilities of this art form intertwining different graphic components including sketch, photography, font, paper characteristic, and other visual effects. Franc zagoričnik is presented as a native artist interested in the art form. He was a member of the OHO group, which reached the same conclusions as Ruscha in the 1970s. The thesis places the artist book within the field of education, since this particular pedagogical approach has been shown to give the pupil freedom of choice and thus enrich his sensibilty to artistic expression. Pratical reasearch was conducted at a high school in Koper, while theoretical research heavily relied on the MGLC library, which is the only Slovene library to carry contemporary literature on this particular art form.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): artist book
ID: 8310750
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