diplomska naloga
Renata Pavlovič (Author), Helena Korošec (Mentor)


Izboljšanje kakovosti dela v vrtcu z uporabo lutk




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [R. Pavlovič]
UDC: 792.97:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 9381449 Link will open in a new window
Views: 875
Downloads: 241
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Improving the guality of work in the kindergarden by using marionettes/pupets
Secondary abstract: In the curriculum for kindergartens art is a very rich area. This is because art gives children an opportunity to express themselves and to communicate. In the theoretical part I summarised an essentiel features of the theater in the past and present. After that I explained the puppet"s origins and its educational value. The theoretical part summarises the essential features of the theater in the past and present. It focuses on the beginner of the Slovenian puppetry and on the puppetry in Dolenjska. After that it defines the puppet's origins and its educational value. Since puppets can be found evrywhere I connected them with practice. In the practical part with various interactions I implemented a puppet Max in a group and it soon became a pet. The children created a variety of scenes and dialogue for the puppet theatre. The game also included various types of puppets and puppet techniques. The active creative process with puppets was held daily in the group of nineteen children aged three to four years. It has shown that puppets can be successfully included in group and individual work in the group. The thesis presents a direct experience of achieving the objectives of the kindergarten curriculum in all areas. It confirmes that the use of puppets affects child's overall development especially in the imagination and self-creation. the inclusion of the puppets has significantly contributed to the child's creativity in the art field. Children, through thrir own artistic activities with pupprts,have learned new things, words, concepts much faster and thus expanded their experiental treasure.
Secondary keywords: puppetry;motivation;creativity;pre-school child;lutke;motivacija;ustvarjalnost;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: XIV, 102 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Improving the guality of work in the kindergarden by using marionettes/pupets
Keywords (ePrints): umetnost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): art
Abstract (ePrints): V kurikulu za vrtce je umetnost zelo bogato področje. To pa zato, ker daje umetnost otroku možnost izražanja in komuniciranja. Izkušnje s področja umetnosti, kamor so umeščene lutke, so zaradi celovitosti doživljanja in ustvarjanja pomemben dejavnik uravnoteženega otrokovega razvoja in duševnega zdravja. V teoretičnem delu povzemam bistvene značilnosti lutkovnega gledališča nekoč in danes. Osredotočim se na začetnika slovenskega lutkarstva ter lutkarstvo na Dolenjskem. Nadalje razložim, od kod izvira lutka, kaj je lutka ter njen vzgojni in izobraževalni pomen. Ker se z lutkami lahko srečamo na vsakem koraku, sem teorijo povezala s prakso. V praktičnem delu z različnimi interakcijami v skupino uvedem lutko - Maksa, ki je postal pravi ljubljenec skupine. Otroci so ustvarjali različne scene in dialoge za lutkovno gledališče. V igro sem vključila tudi različne tipe lutk in lutkovne tehnike. Aktiven ustvarjalni proces z lutko se je vsakodnevno odvijal v skupini devetnajstih otrok, starih od treh do štiri let. Pokazalo se je, da lahko lutke uspešno vključimo v skupinsko in individualno delo v skupini. Diplomska naloga predstavlja neposredno izkušnjo doseganja kurikularnih ciljev v vrtcu z vseh področij. Potrjuje, da uporaba lutke vpliva na otrokov celostni razvoj, zlasti na domišljijo in samostojno ustvarjanje. Vključitev lutke je bistveno prispevala k večji otrokovi ustvarjalnosti na umetnostnem področju. Vsakodnevne praktične izvedbe dejavnosti v skupini so ustvarile pozitivne odnose in komunikacijo. Otroci so preko lastne aktivnosti pri umetniških dejavnostih – dejavnostih z lutkami, hitreje osvojili nove stvari, besede, pojme in si tako širili svoj izkustveni zaklad.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the curriculum for kindergartens art is a very rich area. This is because art gives children an opportunity to express themselves and to communicate. In the theoretical part I summarised an essentiel features of the theater in the past and present. After that I explained the puppet"s origins and its educational value. The theoretical part summarises the essential features of the theater in the past and present. It focuses on the beginner of the Slovenian puppetry and on the puppetry in Dolenjska. After that it defines the puppet's origins and its educational value. Since puppets can be found evrywhere I connected them with practice. In the practical part with various interactions I implemented a puppet Max in a group and it soon became a pet. The children created a variety of scenes and dialogue for the puppet theatre. The game also included various types of puppets and puppet techniques. The active creative process with puppets was held daily in the group of nineteen children aged three to four years. It has shown that puppets can be successfully included in group and individual work in the group. The thesis presents a direct experience of achieving the objectives of the kindergarten curriculum in all areas. It confirmes that the use of puppets affects child's overall development especially in the imagination and self-creation. the inclusion of the puppets has significantly contributed to the child's creativity in the art field. Children, through thrir own artistic activities with pupprts,have learned new things, words, concepts much faster and thus expanded their experiental treasure.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): art
ID: 8310787