diplomska naloga


Vpliv šibkih mest v strukturi betona na njegovo odpornost proti prodoru vode


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;struktura betona;odpornost betona;vodotesnost betona;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [S. Kuzmanović]
UDC: 691.32(043.2)
COBISS: 4759905 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2331
Downloads: 363
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Influence of weak parts in concrete structure on resistance of concrete of water penetration
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis deals with the resistance of three different concretes against penetration of water under pressure. Water-binder ratio of first concrete mix was 0.55 and of second and third mix it was 0.40. The concrete mixes were made using crushed limestone aggregate, tap water and cement CEM II/A-M (LL-S) 42,5R. The second and the third mix incorporated polycarboxylate type of superplasticizer and in the third mix cement was partially replaced by fly ash. On fresh concrete mixes different consistency tests were carried out and air content was determined, and on hardened concrete mixes compressive and splitting tensile tests were carried out. In case of compressive strength the influence of curing and the type of mould material were tested as well. At the end the influence of weak parts in the concrete structure on the resistance against penetration of water under pressure were studied. The studied weak parts were honeycombs, bug holes and cold joints.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;concrete structure;resistance of concrete;concrete water penetration;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIII, 123 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Influence of weak parts in concrete structure on resistance of concrete to water penetration
Keywords (ePrints): struktura betona;odpornost betona;vodotesnost betona
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): concrete structure;resistance of concrete;concrete water penetration
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi smo najprej ugotavljali odpornost treh različnih betonov proti prodoru vode pod pritiskom. Vodovezivno razmerje prve mešanice je bilo 0,55, ostalih dveh mešanic pa 0,4. Za izdelavo mešanic smo uporabili drobljen apnenčev agregat, vodo iz ljubljanskega vodovodnega omrežja in cement CEM II/A-M (LL-S) 42,5R. Druga in tretja mešanica sta vsebovali tudi superplastifikator polikarboksilatnega tipa, pri tretji mešanici pa smo del cementa zamenjali z elektrofiltrskim pepelom. Poleg odpornosti betona proti prodoru vode smo preskušali tudi lastnosti betonov v svežem stanju ter njihovo tlačno in cepilno natezno trdnost. Pri tlačni trdnosti nas je, poleg razlik med različnimi sestavami, zanimal tudi vpliv nege in vrste opaža na doseženo tlačno trdnost betona. Sledile so preiskave vpliva šibkih mest v strukturi betona na njegovo odpornost proti prodoru vode. Šibka mesta, ki so bila predmet preiskav, so gnezda, hladni stiki in prisotnost zračnih žepov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The diploma thesis deals with the resistance of three different concretes against penetration of water under pressure. Water-binder ratio of first concrete mix was 0.55 and of second and third mix it was 0.40. The concrete mixes were made using crushed limestone aggregate, tap water and cement CEM II/A-M (LL-S) 42,5R. The second and the third mix incorporated polycarboxylate type of superplasticizer and in the third mix cement was partially replaced by fly ash. On fresh concrete mixes different consistency tests were carried out and air content was determined, and on hardened concrete mixes compressive and splitting tensile tests were carried out. In case of compressive strength the influence of curing and the type of mould material were tested as well. At the end the influence of weak parts in the concrete structure on the resistance against penetration of water under pressure were studied. The studied weak parts were honeycombs, bug holes and cold joints.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): concrete structure;resistance of concrete;concrete water penetration
ID: 8310795