diplomska naloga


Upravljanje z nepremičninami s posebnim poudarkom na vzdrževanju


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;upravljanje z nepremičninami;vzdrževanje;upravnik;večstanovanjska stavba;obnova;stanovanjski zakon;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Viršek]
UDC: 332.6/.8(043.2)
COBISS: 4759137 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3175
Downloads: 514
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Maintenance oriented real estate management
Secondary abstract: Due to the latest phenomena of vast spreading of multi-dwelling houses real estate management is becoming more and more interesting and important domain. Especially older buildings need systematic maintenance and holistic approach for its perfect functioning. That is why a new residential law has been confirmed in 2003. The law defines that flat owners in a multi-dwelling house, with more than two flat owners and more than eight individual parts select a manger. One of the most important manager's assignments is maintenance of the building. He must be aware that well being of residents is in correlation to his building managing performance. On the other hand condition and lifetime of a building is also a domain of flat owners, who contribute with their participating in maintenance processes. In first chapters of this work a reader can introduce himself with some most important real estate management laws. Management of multi-dwelling houses is definitely set in the limelight. To define the most common maintenance strategies and following troubles with its realization, a questionnaire has been formed and applicated on Slovenian managers. At the end, theory and experiences are nicely combined in two cases of frontage renovation on buildings in the city of Ljubljana.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;real estate management;maintenance;manager;multi-dwelling buildings;refurbishment;the residential law;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XX, 68 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Maintenance oriented real estate mangement
Keywords (ePrints): upravljanje z nepremičninami;vzdrževanje;upravnik;večstanovanjska stavba;obnova;Stanovanjski zakon
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): real estate management;maintenance;manager;multi-dwelling buildings;refurbishment;The residential law
Abstract (ePrints): Zaradi hitrega naraščanja števila večstanovanjskih stavb postaja dejavnost upravljanja z nepremičninami vse bolj zanimivo in pomembno področje. Predvsem starejše stavbe namreč potrebujejo sistematično vzdrževanje in celovito skrb za nemoteno obratovanje. S tem namenom je stanovanjski zakon, sprejet leta 2003, določil, da morajo etažni lastniki večstanovanjske stavbe, ki ima več kot dva etažna lastnika in več kot osem posameznih delov, imenovati upravnika. Eno izmed upravnikovih prednostnih nalog predstavlja skrb za vzdrževanje nepremičnine. Upravnik se mora zavedati, da je od obsega in načina vzdrževanja stavbe odvisna tudi kakovost bivanja v njej. To dejstvo morajo upoštevati tudi etažni lastniki, saj s svojo kulturo bivanja in sodelovanjem pri njenem vzdrževanju bistveno prispevajo k stanju in življenjski dobi stavbe. Diplomsko delo v prvih poglavjih navaja in opisuje vso pomembnejšo zakonodajo na področju upravljanja z nepremičninami. Poseben poudarek je namenjen vzdrževanju večstanovanjske stavbe. Na podlagi ankete, izvedene med upravniki, so v nadaljevanju analizirani najpogostejši načini pristopa k izvedbi vzdrževalnih del in največje težave pri njihovi realizaciji. Ob koncu je potek vzdrževalnih del prikazan na dveh konkretnih primerih obnove fasade na stavbah v Ljubljani.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Due to the latest phenomena of vast spreading of multi-dwelling houses real estate management is becoming more and more interesting and important domain. Especially older buildings need systematic maintenance and holistic approach for its perfect functioning. That is why a new residential law has been confirmed in 2003. The law defines that flat owners in a multi-dwelling house, with more than two flat owners and more than eight individual parts select a manger. One of the most important manager's assignments is maintenance of the building. He must be aware that well being of residents is in correlation to his building managing performance. On the other hand condition and lifetime of a building is also a domain of flat owners, who contribute with their participating in maintenance processes. In first chapters of this work a reader can introduce himself with some most important real estate management laws. Management of multi-dwelling houses is definitely set in the limelight. To define the most common maintenance strategies and following troubles with its realization, a questionnaire has been formed and applicated on Slovenian managers. At the end, theory and experiences are nicely combined in two cases of frontage renovation on buildings in the city of Ljubljana.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): real estate management;maintenance;manager;multi-dwelling buildings;refurbishment;The residential law
ID: 8310796