Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Gesture in the picture |
Secondary abstract: |
In this thesis I summarized and examined the field of gestural painting. I followed the starting methods of paiting in the Renaissance and gestural painting up to the 20th century. I tried to find a way how to link those contents with the teaching curriculums at various educational levels.
The theory, as the main part of this thesis, covers the early European Renaissance period and the period of Jackson Pollock. I examined: the content differences among works of art from those two periods, in what way the works of art were depicted and the painting through its gestuality.
The main part of this thesis explores the area of gestural painting all the way to the Abstract Expressionism.
The thesis is also based on practical work. In my own personal research of painting, in seventh and eighth semester, I depicted abstract with strongly emphasized gesturality. I was particularly interested in the dripping technique, so I incorporated this concept in my teaching curriculum for the seventh, eighth an ninth grade students of primary school. The pedagogical part includes a lesson plan, reproduction of works from the students and analysis of students' performance. |
Secondary keywords: |
painting;slikarstvo; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika |
Pages: |
76 f. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Gesture in the picture |
Keywords (ePrints): |
gesta |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
a gesture |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu sem povzela oziroma raziskala področje geste (risbe) v sliki. Sledila sem začetkom načina slikanja v obdobju renesanse ter nato sledila gestualnosti v slikarstvu vse do 20. stoletja in sočasno poiskala možnosti vsebinskih povezav z učnimi programi na različnih stopnjah izobraževanja.
Teorija, kot osrednji del naloge, obsega zgodnjeevropski čas renesanse ter čas slikanja Jacksona Pollocka. Raziskala sem torej vsebinske razlike med umetninami omenjenih obdobij, način upodabljanja v določenem času ter raziskala slikarstvo skozi njegovo gestualnost.
Osrednji del naloge tako raziskuje področje gestualnega v sliki vse do abstraktnega ekspresionizma.
Naloga obsega tudi praktični del s področja lastnega raziskovanja slikarstva, ko sem v sedmem in osmem semestru študija tudi sama upodabljala abstraktno z močno poudarjeno gestualnostjo. Pri tem me je predvsem zanimala tehnika kapljanja (dripping), zato sem ta koncept vgradila tudi v svoj pedagoški učni načrt na osnovni šoli v tretji triadi. Pedagoški del vključuje učno pripravo, reprodukcije del učencev ter analizo uspešnosti. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
In this thesis I summarized and examined the field of gestural painting. I followed the starting methods of paiting in the Renaissance and gestural painting up to the 20th century. I tried to find a way how to link those contents with the teaching curriculums at various educational levels.
The theory, as the main part of this thesis, covers the early European Renaissance period and the period of Jackson Pollock. I examined: the content differences among works of art from those two periods, in what way the works of art were depicted and the painting through its gestuality.
The main part of this thesis explores the area of gestural painting all the way to the Abstract Expressionism.
The thesis is also based on practical work. In my own personal research of painting, in seventh and eighth semester, I depicted abstract with strongly emphasized gesturality. I was particularly interested in the dripping technique, so I incorporated this concept in my teaching curriculum for the seventh, eighth an ninth grade students of primary school. The pedagogical part includes a lesson plan, reproduction of works from the students and analysis of students' performance. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
a gesture |
ID: |
8310856 |