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Tjaša Strgar (Author), Janez Jerman (Mentor)


Ustreznost usmeritve v program in prešolanje učencev


usmerjanje otrok;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Strgar]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9440841 Link will open in a new window
Views: 780
Downloads: 174
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Adequacy of committing into a program and retraining students
Secondary abstract: Two of the categories of children with special needs are also children with mental disorder and children with learning difficulties. These groups are normally committed into the following educational programs: regular educational program with additional support, educational program with lower educational standards and special programs of education. Judgement and decision about committing into a program concerns commissions charged for committing students with special needs into a program. They, on the basis of different expertise, chose a program best suitable for a child with special needs to educate in. When found, that the choice of a program was inadequate, another estimation is required. In the process of committing children into a program, early diagnosis and intervention are essential. Later committed or long-term education in inadequate program can be very stressful for the child and the teachers. Personal views of students (Jurišič, 2003) who were retrained from regular schools to schools with lower educational standards show negative feelings in regular schools, but after retraining they experienced emotional progress. The research in the Posavje region shows that most of the students have been retrained to a program with lower educational standard in second triad with average age of 9. This means that the students had been in inadequate program for 3 years (which can indicate that problems started to show in the 4th grade or too much tolerance of the problems and reducing the lever of knowledge in lower grades). We can also quickly see that as much as 22 percent of students have repeated a grade in regular school or they have moved forward without necessary standards. We can see cases of students who have been educated in all of the three programs listed above (3 students from OŠ dr. Mihajala Rostoharja Krško). Further on it is shown, that students with mental disorder are retrained from programs with lower educational standard to special educational programs in the 4th grade. With the help of the information gained in Commission charged for committing students with special needs into a program Novo mesto 2, a growth of the first committed students is detected over the years and on the other side a decrease of recommitted students. Conversations with professional workers (special education teachers) of Commission Novo mesto 2 show, that it is evident that there are no statutory tests (which are not available to the general public) for diagnosis of deficits and obstacles in students, and that perhaps can contribute to inadequacy of committing. In one part of the research there is also a survey to advisory services of schools in which they provide the programs with lover educational standards and/or special programs of education. However, because of the minority of the returned and correct replies, the results cannot be generalized to the Slovene area.
Secondary keywords: backward child;special school;legislation;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;šola s prilagojenim programom;zakonodaja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: VII, 82 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Adequacy of committing into a program and retraining students
Keywords (ePrints): usmerjanje v programe
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): committing into programs
Abstract (ePrints): Med otroke s posebnimi potrebami spadajo tudi otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju ter otroci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja. Ti dve skupini otrok sta navadno usmerjeni v naslednje vzgojno izobraževalne programe: izobraževalni program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo, prilagojen izobraževalni program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom in posebni program vzgoje in izobraževanja. Presoja in odločitev o usmerjanju v program je na strani komisij za usmerjanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Komisije, na podlagi različnih strokovnih mnenj o posameznem otroku, ocenijo program, za katerega smatrajo, da se bo otrok sposoben po njem izobraževati. V kolikor je bila ta ocena, in z njo povezana usmeritev, neustrezna, je potrebno otroka ponovno usmeriti (in, po potrebi, prešolati). Pri usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami je vsekakor ključna tudi zgodnja diagnostika in intervencija. Kasnejše usmeritve in dolgotrajnejše šolanje v neustreznem programu je lahko za učenca (pa tudi za učitelje) precej neugodno. Prav stališča učencev (Jurišič, 2003), ki so bili prešolani iz redne osnovne šole v osnovne šole s prilagojenim programom kažejo, da so v rednih osnovnih šolah občutili negativna čustva, po prešolanju pa se, po njihovem mnenju, težave postopoma manjšajo. V raziskovanju na področju Posavja se izkaže, da je večina učencev usmerjenih v prilagojene izobraževalne programe z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom v drugi triadi, s povprečno starostjo 9 let. To pomeni, da so bili otroci v neustreznem programu tri leta (kar lahko pomeni bodisi pokazatelj težav v razvoju šele v 4. razredu bodisi prevelika toleranca težav ali reduciranje zahtev (standardov znanja) v nižjih razredih). Prav tako je hitro razbrati iz dobljenih podatkov to, da je kar 22 odstotkov otrok ponavljalo razred v redni osnovni šoli, ali pa so napredovali brez doseženih standardov znanja. Prav tako so prikazani primeri učencev, ki so se izobraževali po vseh programih navedenih zgoraj (3 učenci iz OŠ dr. Mihajla Rostoharja). Nadaljnje se izkaže, da so otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju prešolani iz prilagojenega programa z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom v posebni program vzgoje in izobraževanja v 4. razredu. S pomočjo podatkov Komisije za usmerjanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami Novo mesto 2 je zaznana rast prvih usmeritev v program skozi leta in upadanje ponovnih usmeritev. Po pogovoru s strokovnimi delavci (natančneje specialnimi pedagogi) KOUPP NM2 je razvidno, da ni točno določenih testov in diagnostičnih instrumentov (ki ne bi bili na voljo tudi laikom) za diagnosticiranje ovir, motenj in primanjkljajev pri učencih, kar morebiti prispeva k neustreznim usmeritvam v program. V del raziskovanja je spadala tudi anketa svetovalnim službam šol, kjer izvajajo prilagojene programe z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom in/ali posebni program vzgoje in izobraževanja. Vendar pa, zaradi premajhnega števila vrnjenih in ustrezno izpolnjenih anket, rezultatov ne moremo posplošiti na področje Slovenije.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Two of the categories of children with special needs are also children with mental disorder and children with learning difficulties. These groups are normally committed into the following educational programs: regular educational program with additional support, educational program with lower educational standards and special programs of education. Judgement and decision about committing into a program concerns commissions charged for committing students with special needs into a program. They, on the basis of different expertise, chose a program best suitable for a child with special needs to educate in. When found, that the choice of a program was inadequate, another estimation is required. In the process of committing children into a program, early diagnosis and intervention are essential. Later committed or long-term education in inadequate program can be very stressful for the child and the teachers. Personal views of students (Jurišič, 2003) who were retrained from regular schools to schools with lower educational standards show negative feelings in regular schools, but after retraining they experienced emotional progress. The research in the Posavje region shows that most of the students have been retrained to a program with lower educational standard in second triad with average age of 9. This means that the students had been in inadequate program for 3 years (which can indicate that problems started to show in the 4th grade or too much tolerance of the problems and reducing the lever of knowledge in lower grades). We can also quickly see that as much as 22 percent of students have repeated a grade in regular school or they have moved forward without necessary standards. We can see cases of students who have been educated in all of the three programs listed above (3 students from OŠ dr. Mihajala Rostoharja Krško). Further on it is shown, that students with mental disorder are retrained from programs with lower educational standard to special educational programs in the 4th grade. With the help of the information gained in Commission charged for committing students with special needs into a program Novo mesto 2, a growth of the first committed students is detected over the years and on the other side a decrease of recommitted students. Conversations with professional workers (special education teachers) of Commission Novo mesto 2 show, that it is evident that there are no statutory tests (which are not available to the general public) for diagnosis of deficits and obstacles in students, and that perhaps can contribute to inadequacy of committing. In one part of the research there is also a survey to advisory services of schools in which they provide the programs with lover educational standards and/or special programs of education. However, because of the minority of the returned and correct replies, the results cannot be generalized to the Slovene area.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): committing into programs
ID: 8310861