diplomsko delo
Simona Sušnik (Author), Helena Smrtnik Vitulić (Mentor), Irena Lesar (Co-mentor)


Stališča različno starih učencev o dejavnikih učne uspešnosti


učna uspešnost


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Sušnik]
UDC: 371.26(043.2)
COBISS: 9439561 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1006
Downloads: 221
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Attitudes of students of different age regarding factores of academic achievement
Secondary abstract: The thesis presents the attitudes of the students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade regarding particular factors of academic achievement. The theoretical part deals with the basic characteristics of academic achievement, the factors of academic achievement and the attitudes that refer to the factors of academic achievement. Three groups of factors of academic achievement are primarily described in detail: personal characteristics, characteristics of the family and those of the school environment, which are all discussed in detail through the students’ attitudes in the thesis research. The empirical part of the thesis presents research results, those of the 516 students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade of eight different elementary schools. The research contained individual questions from the questionnaire developed by dr. Helena Smrtnik Vitulić and dr. Irena Lesar. The interests of the thesis research were: 1) what the attitudes of the students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade were on the intellectual and speech abilities, personal traits, strictness of teachers and knowledge of students, as well as the level of education and financial status of the family as factors of academic achievement; and 2) if students of different grades significantly differentiate in the understanding of the meaning of limited factors of academic achievement. The results show that the students believe that their academic evaluation sometimes depends on the individual’s speech and intellectual abilities; significant differences between the students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade mainly showed in their speech abilities, not so much in their intellectual abilities. Students of different grades have recognized studiousness out of several extended personal characteristics as the most important trait of an individual’s academic achievement. It is followed by acceptance, openness, emotional stability, and lastly extroversion; there were considerable differences between the students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade and their understanding of the meaning of some personal traits (acceptance, openness and emotional stability). Students of different grades have partly agreed on academic evaluation being dependent on a teacher’s strictness and on a student’s level of knowledge. The students of the 9th grade were considerably more convinced than those of the 7th and 5th grade, that the teacher’s strictness during the academic evaluation influences the individual’s academic achievement. The students of the 5th grade were noticeably more convinced than those of the 7th and 9th grade, that teachers only evaluate the knowledge of the students. Students of different grades have answered that it mostly isn’t valid, that the level of education and the financial status of the parents influence the student’s academic achievement; the students of the 5th grade were considerably more convinced than those of the 7th and 9th grade, that the education level of the parents influences the academic achievement; as far as the attitudes on the financial status of the parents are concerned, there were no distinctions between the students of different grades.
Secondary keywords: achievement gain;pupil attitude;age difference;šolska uspešnost;stališče učencev;starostna razlika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: VII, 45 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Attitudes of students of different age regarding factores of academic achievement
Keywords (ePrints): učna uspešnost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): academic achievement
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu so predstavljena stališča učencev 5., 7. in 9. razreda o posameznih dejavnikih učne uspešnosti. V teoretičnem delu so obravnavane temeljne značilnosti učne uspešnosti, dejavniki učne uspešnosti in stališča, ki se nanašajo na dejavnike učne uspešnosti. Podrobneje so opisane predvsem tri skupine dejavnikov učne uspešnosti, tj. osebnostne značilnosti, značilnosti družine in značilnosti šolskega okolja, ki so bile preko stališč učencev v diplomski raziskavi podrobneje obravnavane. V empiričnem delu so prikazani rezultati raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 516 učencev iz osmih različnih osnovnih šol, ki so obiskovali 5., 7. in 9. razred. V raziskavo so bila vključena posamezna vprašanja iz anketnega vprašalnika, ki sta ga sestavili dr. Helena Smrtnik Vitulić in dr. Irena Lesar. V diplomski raziskavi nas je zanimalo: 1) kakšna so stališča učencev iz 5., 7. in 9. razreda o intelektualnih in govornih sposobnostih, osebnostnih potezah, strogosti učitelja in znanju učencev ter izobrazbi in finančnem stanju družine kot dejavnikih učne uspešnosti ter 2) ali se učenci različnih razredov pomembno razlikujejo v razumevanju pomena omenjenih dejavnikov učne uspešnosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da po mnenju učencev včasih velja, da so šolske ocene odvisne od posameznikovih govornih in intelektualnih sposobnosti; pomembne razlike med učenci iz 5., 7. in 9. razredov so se pokazale glede govornih, ne pa glede intelektualnih sposobnosti. Učenci iz različnih razredov so med posameznimi širšimi osebnostnimi potezami vestnost prepoznali kot najpomembnejšo za posameznikovo učno uspešnost, nato sprejemljivost, odprtost, čustveno stabilnost in nazadnje ekstravertnost; med učenci iz 5., 7. in 9. razredov so se pokazale pomembne razlike v razumevanju pomena nekaterih osebnostnih potez (sprejemljivost, odprtost in čustvena stabilnost). Učenci iz različnih razredov so se delno strinjali, da so šolske ocene odvisne od učiteljeve strogosti in znanja učenca; učenci 9. razreda so bili pomembno bolj kot učenci iz 7. in 5. razreda prepričani, da na posameznikovo učno uspešnost vpliva učiteljeva strogost pri ocenjevanju učenca, učenci 5. razreda pa so bili pomembno bolj kot učenci iz 7. in 9. razreda mnenja, da učitelji ocenjujejo le znanje učencev. Učenci iz različnih razredov so odgovarjali, da večinoma ne velja, da izobrazba in finančno stanje staršev vplivata na učno uspešnost učencev; učenci 5. razredov so bili pomembno bolj kot tisti iz 7. in 9. razreda prepričani, da izobrazba staršev vpliva na učno uspešnost, v stališčih glede finančnega stanja staršev pa med učenci iz različnih razredov ni bilo razlik.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The thesis presents the attitudes of the students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade regarding particular factors of academic achievement. The theoretical part deals with the basic characteristics of academic achievement, the factors of academic achievement and the attitudes that refer to the factors of academic achievement. Three groups of factors of academic achievement are primarily described in detail: personal characteristics, characteristics of the family and those of the school environment, which are all discussed in detail through the students’ attitudes in the thesis research. The empirical part of the thesis presents research results, those of the 516 students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade of eight different elementary schools. The research contained individual questions from the questionnaire developed by dr. Helena Smrtnik Vitulić and dr. Irena Lesar. The interests of the thesis research were: 1) what the attitudes of the students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade were on the intellectual and speech abilities, personal traits, strictness of teachers and knowledge of students, as well as the level of education and financial status of the family as factors of academic achievement; and 2) if students of different grades significantly differentiate in the understanding of the meaning of limited factors of academic achievement. The results show that the students believe that their academic evaluation sometimes depends on the individual’s speech and intellectual abilities; significant differences between the students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade mainly showed in their speech abilities, not so much in their intellectual abilities. Students of different grades have recognized studiousness out of several extended personal characteristics as the most important trait of an individual’s academic achievement. It is followed by acceptance, openness, emotional stability, and lastly extroversion; there were considerable differences between the students of the 5th, 7th and 9th grade and their understanding of the meaning of some personal traits (acceptance, openness and emotional stability). Students of different grades have partly agreed on academic evaluation being dependent on a teacher’s strictness and on a student’s level of knowledge. The students of the 9th grade were considerably more convinced than those of the 7th and 5th grade, that the teacher’s strictness during the academic evaluation influences the individual’s academic achievement. The students of the 5th grade were noticeably more convinced than those of the 7th and 9th grade, that teachers only evaluate the knowledge of the students. Students of different grades have answered that it mostly isn’t valid, that the level of education and the financial status of the parents influence the student’s academic achievement; the students of the 5th grade were considerably more convinced than those of the 7th and 9th grade, that the education level of the parents influences the academic achievement; as far as the attitudes on the financial status of the parents are concerned, there were no distinctions between the students of different grades.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): academic achievement
ID: 8310876