diplomsko delo


Kodu kot prvi programski jezik v osnovni šoli


vizualni programski jezik;problemski pouk;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Glastovec]
UDC: 004.43(043.2)
COBISS: 9463625 Link will open in a new window
Views: 904
Downloads: 424
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Kodu as first programming language in primary school
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we present the programming environment Kodu Game Lab, which is intended for primary school pupils in learning introductory programming. With this programming environment pupils learn the basics of programming and algorithmic thinking. We performed an empirical study with the aim of checking the adequacy of the environment for introduction to programming. We also presented Kodu Game Lab to pupils in the third triad in selected primary school. Pupils with making their own games and animations, through problem-based learning, learn basic programming concepts such as objects, variables, and conditional sentences. Visual programming languages are getting more and more popular for the beginnings of programming. To pupils are easier to understand, since they are programming with the manipulation of visual objects. So they can gradually get used to the complexity of programming and algorithmic thinking. Visual programming environments provide not only learning but also having fun. In the visual programming pupils also do not need any knowledge of programming language syntax. Therefore, we summarize some of their general features and characteristics, before we focused on Kodu Game Lab.
Secondary keywords: programming;teaching method;primary school;programiranje;didaktična metoda;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in računalništvo
Pages: 73 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Kodu as first programming language in primary school
Keywords (ePrints): vizualno programsko okolje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): visual programming environment
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu smo predstavili programsko okolje Kodu Game Lab, ki je namenjeno učencem osnovne šole pri uvodnem učenju programiranja. Učenci z njim spoznajo osnove programiranja in algoritmičnega razmišljanja. Izvedli smo empirično raziskavo z namenom, da smo sami preverili primernost okolja za uvod v programiranje. Kodu Game Lab smo tudi predstavili učencem tretje triade v izbrani osnovni šoli. Učenci se z izdelovanjem lastnih iger in animacij, skozi problemsko zasnovano učenje, učijo osnovnih programerskih konceptov, kot so objekti, spremenljivke in pogojni stavek. Vizualni programski jeziki so vse bolj priljubljeni za začetke programiranja. Učencem so lažje razumljivi, saj programirajo z manipulacijo vizualnih objektov. Tako se lahko postopoma privadijo na zahtevnost programiranja in algoritmičnega razmišljanja. Vizualna programska okolja nudijo zabavo in ne le učenje. Pri vizualnem programiranju prav tako ne potrebujejo poznavanja sintakse kateregakoli programskega jezika. Zato smo povzeli tudi nekaj njihovih splošnih lastnosti in značilnosti, preden smo se osredotočili na Kodu Game Lab.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In this thesis we present the programming environment Kodu Game Lab, which is intended for primary school pupils in learning introductory programming. With this programming environment pupils learn the basics of programming and algorithmic thinking. We performed an empirical study with the aim of checking the adequacy of the environment for introduction to programming. We also presented Kodu Game Lab to pupils in the third triad in selected primary school. Pupils with making their own games and animations, through problem-based learning, learn basic programming concepts such as objects, variables, and conditional sentences. Visual programming languages are getting more and more popular for the beginnings of programming. To pupils are easier to understand, since they are programming with the manipulation of visual objects. So they can gradually get used to the complexity of programming and algorithmic thinking. Visual programming environments provide not only learning but also having fun. In the visual programming pupils also do not need any knowledge of programming language syntax. Therefore, we summarize some of their general features and characteristics, before we focused on Kodu Game Lab.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): visual programming environment
ID: 8310925