diplomsko delo
Merilin Šut (Author), Mateja Germ (Mentor)


Vpliv selenata na izbrane biokemijske fiziološke lastnosti pri mali vodni leči


mala vodna leča;selenat;fotosintezna barvila;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Šut]
UDC: 581.5(043.2)
COBISS: 9464393 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1231
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effect of selenate on selected biochemical and physiological characteristics on common duckweed
Secondary abstract: The aim of our research was to study the effect of different concentrations of selanate on selected biochemical and physiological characteristics in common duckweed. Plants were exposed to different concentrations of selenate solution (Na2SeO4). Selected biochemical and physiological characteristics of the studied plants were measured weekly. We monitored the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids), photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PS II) and electron transport system (ETS) activity. Our research showed that the addition of 0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L of selenate did not affect selected biochemical and physiological characteristics, while addition of 2 mg/L of selenate had a positive effect on the amount of photosynthetic pigments, photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PS II) and also increased electron transport system (ETS) activity. Addition of 5 mg/L and 10 mg/L of selenate presented stress for the plant.
Secondary keywords: botany;botanika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehnišak fak., Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Kemija in biologija
Pages: X, 73 f., [5] f. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Effect of selenate on selected biochemical and physiological characteristics on common duckweed
Keywords (ePrints): mala vodna leca (Lemna minor L.)
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): common duckweed (Lemna minor L.)
Abstract (ePrints): V okviru diplomskega dela smo ugotavljali vpliv selenata na izbrane biokemijske in fiziološke lastnosti pri mali vodni leci. Zanimala nas je tudi razlika v odzivu male vodne lece, ki je bila izpostavljena razlicnim koncentracijam selenata. Poskusne rastline smo izpostavili razlicnim koncentracijam raztopine natrijevega selenata (Na2SeO4) v rastni komori. V dolocenih casovnih presledkih smo merili izbrane biokemijske in fiziološke lastnosti preucevane rastline. Spremljali smo vsebnost fotosinteznih barvil (klorofila a in b ter karotenoidov), fotokemicno ucinkovitost fotosistema II (FS II) in aktivnost elektronskega transportnega sistema (ETS). Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali, da dodatek selenata v koncentracijah 0,5 in 1 mg/L ni vplival na izbrane biokemijske in fiziološke lastnosti preucevane rastline, medtem ko je dodatek 2 mg/L selenata pozitivno vplival na vsebnost fotosinteznih barvil, fotokemicno ucinkovitost fotosistema II in dvignil aktivnost elektronskega transportnega sistema. Dodatek selenata v koncentracijah 5 in 10 mg/L je povzrocil stres za preucevano rastlino.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The aim of our research was to study the effect of different concentrations of selanate on selected biochemical and physiological characteristics in common duckweed. Plants were exposed to different concentrations of selenate solution (Na2SeO4). Selected biochemical and physiological characteristics of the studied plants were measured weekly. We monitored the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids), photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PS II) and electron transport system (ETS) activity. Our research showed that the addition of 0.5 mg/L and 1 mg/L of selenate did not affect selected biochemical and physiological characteristics, while addition of 2 mg/L of selenate had a positive effect on the amount of photosynthetic pigments, photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PS II) and also increased electron transport system (ETS) activity. Addition of 5 mg/L and 10 mg/L of selenate presented stress for the plant.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): common duckweed (Lemna minor L.)
ID: 8310942