magistrsko delo
Kristina Onufrija (Author), Lojze Gosar (Mentor), Ivo Lavrač (Thesis defence commission member), Janez Malačič (Thesis defence commission member), Andrej Pogačnik (Thesis defence commission member)


Strokovne osnove s področja demografije za potrebe prostorskega načrtovanja na občinski ravni


IPŠPUP;magistrska dela;prostorsko načrtovanje;strokovne podlage;strokovne osnove;demografija;občina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [K. Onufrija]
UDC: 314:711.13:711.4(1-2)(043.3)
COBISS: 5014369 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1775
Downloads: 431
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Expert Bases in Demography for Municipal Spatial Planning
Secondary abstract: : When spatial planning, both strategic and operational, is undertaken at municipal level, expert bases in demography represent an important element of analysis. However, the applicable legislation, including implementing regulations, does not prescribe any such demographic requirements and spatial planners are left to their own devices when it comes to identifying the necessity of formulating such expert bases and their content. The reality is that a municipality will seldom commission a demographic study in its own right, and even if it does so, such a study is frequently dismissed as irrelevant to the preparation of a spatial planning document or applied unprofessionally. This thesis underlines the need for demographic analyses in municipal spatial planning and their proper application in the design of strategic and operational spatial planning acts. While drawing attention to the existing legislation, the theoretical aspects and practical cases, the thesis explores the core content of demographic expert bases for the purposes of well- functioning municipal spatial planning with a special focus on housing and development of social infrastructure. The thesis deals with basic demographic aspects of spatial planning, provides a brief presentation of EU spatial planning and development documents and the significance of demographic expert bases in legislation, professional resources and practical work in spatial planning at municipal level. In the analytical part, a practical case of designing expert demographic bases (for the Municipality of Škofja Loka) is presented. In the outcome, the paper provides instructions on how to design such expert bases that will serve as orientation
Secondary keywords: IPŠPUP;master of science thesis;spatial planning;expert bases;demography;municipality;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXIII, 168 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Expert Bases in Demography for Municipal Spatial Planning
Keywords (ePrints): prostorsko načrtovanje;strokovne podlage;strokovne osnove;demografija;občina
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): spatial planning;expert bases;demography;municipality
Abstract (ePrints): : Strokovna podlaga s področja demografije je pomemben element analize v postopku prostorskega načrtovanja na občinskem nivoju, tako na strateški kot tudi izvedbeni ravni načrtovanja, vendar veljavna zakonodaja s tega področja trenutno tako v zakonskih kot tudi podzakonskih aktih ne predpisuje obveznih demografskih strokovnih podlag, temveč potrebnost in njihovo vsebino prepušča strokovni presoji prostorskih načrtovalcev. Trenutno so demografske študije (kot samostojna študija) za občino redko izdelane oz. v kolikor so izdelane, pogosto niso upoštevane oz. strokovno uporabljene pri pripravi prostorskega akta. Namen naloge je opozoriti na potrebnost demografskih analiz na občinskem nivoju prostorskega načrtovanja in potrebnost njihovega razumevanja pri pripravi prostorskih aktov (strateških in izvedbenih). Cilj je s pomočjo veljavne zakonodaje, teoretskih izhodišč in praktičnih primerov podati osnovne vsebine demografske strokovne osnove za potrebe kakovostnega občinskega prostorskega načrtovanja s poudarkom na potrebah po stanovanjih in opremljenosti z družbeno infrastrukturo. V nalogi so podane osnove demografije za potrebe prostorskega načrtovanja, na kratko so predstavljeni prostorsko razvojni dokumenti Evropske unije ter vloga demografskih strokovnih podlag v zakonodaji, strokovni literaturi in praksi (v prostorskem načrtovanju na občinskem nivoju). V analitičnem poglavju je prikazan praktičen primer izdelave demografske strokovne osnove (občine Škofja Loka) za potrebe prostorskega načrtovanja na
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): : When spatial planning, both strategic and operational, is undertaken at municipal level, expert bases in demography represent an important element of analysis. However, the applicable legislation, including implementing regulations, does not prescribe any such demographic requirements and spatial planners are left to their own devices when it comes to identifying the necessity of formulating such expert bases and their content. The reality is that a municipality will seldom commission a demographic study in its own right, and even if it does so, such a study is frequently dismissed as irrelevant to the preparation of a spatial planning document or applied unprofessionally. This thesis underlines the need for demographic analyses in municipal spatial planning and their proper application in the design of strategic and operational spatial planning acts. While drawing attention to the existing legislation, the theoretical aspects and practical cases, the thesis explores the core content of demographic expert bases for the purposes of well- functioning municipal spatial planning with a special focus on housing and development of social infrastructure. The thesis deals with basic demographic aspects of spatial planning, provides a brief presentation of EU spatial planning and development documents and the significance of demographic expert bases in legislation, professional resources and practical work in spatial planning at municipal level. In the analytical part, a practical case of designing expert demographic bases (for the Municipality of Škofja Loka) is presented. In the outcome, the paper provides instructions on how to design such expert bases that will serve as orientation
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): spatial planning;expert bases;demography;municipality
ID: 8311004