doktorska disertacija
Miha Kramar (Author), Matej Fischinger (Mentor), Tatjana Isaković (Co-mentor)


Potresna ranljivost montažnih armiranobetonskih hal


gradbeništvo;disertacije;montažne armiranobetonske hale;montažni stiki;vitki konzolni stebri;globalna porušitev;kapaciteta konstrukcije;verjetnost porušitve;potresna ranljivost;potresno tveganje;faktor redukcije potresnh sil;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Kramar]
UDC: 624.012.45:624.042.7(043.3)
COBISS: 4122209 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2158
Downloads: 611
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Seismic vulnerability of precast reinforced concrete structures
Secondary abstract: In the Ph.D. thesis, the seismic vulnerability and seismic collapse risk of precast reinforced concrete structures, typical for the building practice in Slovenia and Europe, are discussed. Full-scale pseudo- dynamic and cyclic tests of some precast structures have confirmed the assumption of the large strength of connections, and have provided important information about the behaviour of very slender cantilever columns when subjected to large deformations, as the structure approaches collapse. Based on the experimental results obtained, an improved numerical model capable of modelling global collapse was formulated for such columns with large shear spans. The model was applied to the seismic risk assessment of precast structures. Seismic risk was evaluated by means of probabilistic analysis, taking into account the randomness in seismic excitations and other sources of uncertainty. A solution strategy, which is based on an intensity measure rather than a damage measure, has been suggested. A special study focused on the variance related to the uncertainty in the numerical modelling of the structure. A verified probabilistic method was used to assess the seismic risk of the whole range of the analyzed precast structures, as built in practice. It was found that the minimum detailing requirements according to Eurocode 8 usually provide such structures with sufficient overstrength so that the seismic risk is acceptably low (the probability of collapse is 0.1–1.2 % in 50 years). However, if only design reinforcement is provided in the structures, the seismic risk is rather high (the probability of collapse is 1.0–8.5 % in 50 years). The results have been used to obtain a quantitative evaluation of the force reduction factor used in Eurocode 8.
Secondary keywords: civil engieering;doctoral thesis;precast reinforced concrete structures;precast connections;slender cantilever columns;global collapse;collapse capacity;limit state probability;seismic vulnerability;seismic collapse risk;force reduction factor;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 176 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Seismic vulnerability of precast reinforced concrete structures
Keywords (ePrints): montažne armiranobetonske hale;montažni stiki;vitki konzolni stebri;globalna porušitev;kapaciteta konstrukcije;verjetnost porušitve;potresna ranljivost;potresno tveganje;faktor redukcije potresnh sil
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): precast reinforced concrete structures;precast connections;slender cantilever columns;global collapse;collapse capacity;limit state probability;seismic vulnerability;seismic collapse risk;force reduction factor
Abstract (ePrints): V doktorski disertaciji smo ocenili potresno ranljivost in tveganje za montažne armiranobetonske hale, ki so značilne za gradnjo v Sloveniji in Evropi. S psevdo-dinamičnimi in cikličnimi preizkusi montažnih hal v naravnem merilu smo potrdili predpostavko o močnih stikih in raziskali obnašanje zelo vitkih stebrov v post-kritičnem območju pri velikih deformacijah. S temi podatki smo lahko nadgradili numerične modele za opis globalne porušitve stebrov, ki so do sedaj veljali le za stebre z razmeroma majhnimi strižnimi razponi. Model smo uporabili v oceni tveganja z verjetnostno analizo, v kateri smo upoštevali nepredvidljivost potresne obtežbe in druge vire nezanesljivosti. Predlagali smo, da se uporabi metoda, v kateri kapaciteto konstrukcije namesto s pomikom, izrazimo z intenziteto potresne obtežbe. V posebni študiji smo obravnavali parameter te metode, s katerim ocenimo raztros, ki izhaja iz nezanesljivosti v določitvi numeričnega modela konstrukcije. Z izbrano in umerjeno metodo smo ocenili potresno tveganje za vse možne variante enoetažnih montažnih hal obravnavanega tipa, ki se lahko pojavijo v praksi. Ugotovili smo, da minimalne konstrukcijske zahteve v Evrokodu 8 praviloma zagotavljajo takšnim halam dovolj dodatne nosilnosti, da je potresno tveganje sprejemljivo (verjetnost porušitve 0.1–1.2 % v 50 letih). Če pa konstrukcijam zagotovimo le računsko potrebno armaturo, je tveganje dokaj visoko (verjetnost porušitve 1.0–8.5 % v 50 letih). Ti rezultati so omogočili kvantitativno ovrednotenje faktorja redukcije potresnih sil v Evrokodu 8.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the Ph.D. thesis, the seismic vulnerability and seismic collapse risk of precast reinforced concrete structures, typical for the building practice in Slovenia and Europe, are discussed. Full-scale pseudo- dynamic and cyclic tests of some precast structures have confirmed the assumption of the large strength of connections, and have provided important information about the behaviour of very slender cantilever columns when subjected to large deformations, as the structure approaches collapse. Based on the experimental results obtained, an improved numerical model capable of modelling global collapse was formulated for such columns with large shear spans. The model was applied to the seismic risk assessment of precast structures. Seismic risk was evaluated by means of probabilistic analysis, taking into account the randomness in seismic excitations and other sources of uncertainty. A solution strategy, which is based on an intensity measure rather than a damage measure, has been suggested. A special study focused on the variance related to the uncertainty in the numerical modelling of the structure. A verified probabilistic method was used to assess the seismic risk of the whole range of the analyzed precast structures, as built in practice. It was found that the minimum detailing requirements according to Eurocode 8 usually provide such structures with sufficient overstrength so that the seismic risk is acceptably low (the probability of collapse is 0.1–1.2 % in 50 years). However, if only design reinforcement is provided in the structures, the seismic risk is rather high (the probability of collapse is 1.0–8.5 % in 50 years). The results have been used to obtain a quantitative evaluation of the force reduction factor used in Eurocode 8.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): precast reinforced concrete structures;precast connections;slender cantilever columns;global collapse;collapse capacity;limit state probability;seismic vulnerability;seismic collapse risk;force reduction factor
ID: 8311036