Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Evaluation of the work with talented students |
Secondary abstract: |
One of the most important roles of education and schooling is, inter alia, care of
gifted students and guidance and development of their potential. Gifted students are the ones
that society expects most of. Innate gifts depend on high intelectual abilities as well as on
abilities, which can solve problems and acomplish tasks better and faster than gifted students'
Innate gifts are complex, developmentally dynamic and contextual phenomena which are the
result of interactive actions of biological, psychological, pedagogical and psycho-social
factors and introduce at large exceptional human potential or achievement (Juriševic, 2012).
By introducing nine-grade primary school in Slovenia it has become mandatory to work with
gifted students. The nomination, gift identification and work with gifted students are
statutory whereas implementation and embeding of the programme remains each school's
The adoption of the concept work with gifted children in 1999 identifies fundamental
principles of working with gifted children and suggests forms of gift support, resulting from
models of best practises from those schools which had offered programmes for gifted students
before its law enforcement.
After the law inforcement a number of various issues arose. With the help of organized
training for headteachers, school advisors and teachers, the schools were able to execute the
programmes for gifted students.
This master's thesis represents the gifted students support from theoretical and empirical point
of view. The theoretical part comprises the definition of aptitude (gift), historical overview
and the concept of work in nine-grade primary school as well as the results of the research of
the gift support in Europe.
The empirical part discloses the point of view of headteachers on work organization with
gifted students and issues that had arisen in the process of law enforcement. Headteachers
answered the questions on implementing the concept of Nominating and work with gifted
children according to the school size, its geographical position and headteachers' own
profesional field. We wanted to establish whether the work with gifted children is a priority
defined in the school year plan, what their opinion on the procedure of monitoring and
working with the gifted children is, and the parents affinity for work with gifted children in
The answers of headteachers included in the research show that work with gifted children
runs according to the guidelines suggested by the concept of Nominating and work with
gifted students. The issues mainly arise when it has to be embeded in the timetable, in finding
financial resources and in paying the teachers involved in the process. Other issues are
adequate teacher qualification to work with the gifted students and the burden of the gifted
students with various competitions and extra curricular activities.
School subjects are not equally represented, most commonly science is exposed.
In the last part of the thesis various suggestions to improve the concept of work with gifted
children are included. Many changes adhere to executors and teachers in schools. We also
suggest some solutions pointed directly to work with gifted children and teachers involved as
well as some system changes in terms of organizig camps under the wing of governement
organizations and introduction of a new subject with contents regarding work with gifted
children into undergraduate pedagogical studies. |
Secondary keywords: |
gifted;primary school;nadarjeni;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje na razredni stopnji |
Pages: |
166 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Evaluation of the work with talented students |
Keywords (ePrints): |
evalvacija |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
evaluation |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Temeljna naloga vzgoje in izobraževanja je tudi skrb za nadarjene učence:
usmerjanje nadarjenih in razvijanje njihovih potencialov, kajti prav nadarjeni učenci so tisti,
od katerih pričakujemo prispevek k družbenemu napredku. Nadarjenost pogojujejo tako
visoke intelektualne sposobnosti kot sposobnost rešiti in opraviti določene naloge bolje in
hitreje od vrstnikov.
Pri nadarjenosti gre za kompleksen, razvojno dinamičen in kontekstno pogojen fenomen, ki je
rezultat interaktivnega delovanja bioloških, psiholoških, pedagoških in psiho-socialnih
dejavnikov ter v najširšem pomenu predstavlja izjemne človeške potenciale oz. dosežke
(Juriševic, 2012). Z uvedbo devetletne osnovne šole v Sloveniji je delo z nadarjenimi učenci
postalo zakonska obveza, v Beli knjigi so bile predstavljene smernice za delo z nadarjenimi
učenci, Zakon o osnovni šoli pa je delo z njimi tudi zakonsko opredelil. Določen je postopek
evidentiranja in identifikacije nadarjenih učencev, opredeljeno je delo z njimi, izvedba in
umestitev izvedbe v program pa je avtonomija šole. Koncept: Odkrivanje in delo z
nadarjenimi ucenci v devetletni osnovni šoli (v nadaljevanju Koncept), ki je bil potrjen leta
1999, opredeljuje temeljna načela za delo z nadarjenimi učenci in predlaga oblike dela z
njimi. Te izhajajo iz mednarodnih izkušenj ter spoznanj različnih raziskav in modelov dobre
prakse tistih šol, ki so že pred uveljavitvijo zakonodaje ponujale programe dela z nadarjenimi
učenci. V praksi so se tako učitelji kot ravnatelji ob uvedbi devetletne šole pri delu z
nadarjenimi znašli pred razlicnimi težavami. Šole so s pomočjo izobraževanja, organiziranega
za ravnatelje, šolske svetovalne delavce in učitelje, uspele uveljaviti in izvajati program dela z
V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno delo z nadarjenimi učenci s teoretičnega in empiričnega
vidika. V teoreticnem delu je predstavljen pojem nadarjenosti, zgodovinski pregled, Koncept,
postopki evidentiranja in prepoznave nadarjenih učencev, priporočene oblike dela z njimi ter
izsledki raziskav dela z nadarjenimi v mednarodnem prostoru.
V empiričnem delu nas je zanimal predvsem pogled in stališče ravnateljev na organizacijo
dela z nadarjenimi učenci in težave, s katerimi se ravnatelji srečujejo pri uveljavljanju
zakonodaje in pri organizaciji dela z nadarjenimi učenci.
Ravnatelji so odgovarjali na vprašanja o uresničevanju Koncepta, zanimale so nas razlike pri
delu z nadarjenimi učenci glede na velikost in geografski položaj šol ter predmetno področje
ravnateljeve izobrazbe. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, ali je delo z nadarjenimi učenci za
ravnatelje prednostna naloga, ki je opredeljena v letnem delovnem načrtu šole, kakšno je
mnenje ravnateljev o postopku odkrivanja nadarjenih učencev in delu z njimi in ali so po
mnenju ravnateljev starši delu z nadarjenimi učenci v šolah naklonjeni.
Odgovori ravnateljev, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, kažejo, da delo z nadarjenimi učenci
večinoma poteka po Konceptu. Težave se pojavljajo pri umestitvi dela z nadarjenimi učenci v
urnik, pri zagotavljanju finančnih sredstev za izvedbo programa in pri plačilu učiteljem. Prav
tako predstavlja težavo ustrezna usposobljenost učiteljev za delo z nadarjenimi učenci ter
obremenjenost nadarjenih učencev s tekmovanji in izvenšolskimi dejavnostmi. Pri delu z
nadarjenimi učenci so po mnenju ravnateljev najpogosteje obravnavane naravoslovne vsebine.
V zaključnem delu magistrske naloge so podani predlogi za spremembe na področju dela z
nadarjenimi učenci. Veliko sprememb je naravnanih na izvajalce, torej na strokovne delavce v
šolah. Predlagane rešitve so usmerjene v neposredno delo z nadarjenimi učenci in strokovnimi
delavci ter v nekatere sistemske spremembe; predvsem pri organizaciji taborov v okviru
vladnih organizacij in uvedbi novega predmeta z vsebinami za delo z nadarjenimi učenci v
okviru dodiplomskega študija na pedagoških smereh. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
One of the most important roles of education and schooling is, inter alia, care of
gifted students and guidance and development of their potential. Gifted students are the ones
that society expects most of. Innate gifts depend on high intelectual abilities as well as on
abilities, which can solve problems and acomplish tasks better and faster than gifted students'
Innate gifts are complex, developmentally dynamic and contextual phenomena which are the
result of interactive actions of biological, psychological, pedagogical and psycho-social
factors and introduce at large exceptional human potential or achievement (Juriševic, 2012).
By introducing nine-grade primary school in Slovenia it has become mandatory to work with
gifted students. The nomination, gift identification and work with gifted students are
statutory whereas implementation and embeding of the programme remains each school's
The adoption of the concept work with gifted children in 1999 identifies fundamental
principles of working with gifted children and suggests forms of gift support, resulting from
models of best practises from those schools which had offered programmes for gifted students
before its law enforcement.
After the law inforcement a number of various issues arose. With the help of organized
training for headteachers, school advisors and teachers, the schools were able to execute the
programmes for gifted students.
This master's thesis represents the gifted students support from theoretical and empirical point
of view. The theoretical part comprises the definition of aptitude (gift), historical overview
and the concept of work in nine-grade primary school as well as the results of the research of
the gift support in Europe.
The empirical part discloses the point of view of headteachers on work organization with
gifted students and issues that had arisen in the process of law enforcement. Headteachers
answered the questions on implementing the concept of Nominating and work with gifted
children according to the school size, its geographical position and headteachers' own
profesional field. We wanted to establish whether the work with gifted children is a priority
defined in the school year plan, what their opinion on the procedure of monitoring and
working with the gifted children is, and the parents affinity for work with gifted children in
The answers of headteachers included in the research show that work with gifted children
runs according to the guidelines suggested by the concept of Nominating and work with
gifted students. The issues mainly arise when it has to be embeded in the timetable, in finding
financial resources and in paying the teachers involved in the process. Other issues are
adequate teacher qualification to work with the gifted students and the burden of the gifted
students with various competitions and extra curricular activities.
School subjects are not equally represented, most commonly science is exposed.
In the last part of the thesis various suggestions to improve the concept of work with gifted
children are included. Many changes adhere to executors and teachers in schools. We also
suggest some solutions pointed directly to work with gifted children and teachers involved as
well as some system changes in terms of organizig camps under the wing of governement
organizations and introduction of a new subject with contents regarding work with gifted
children into undergraduate pedagogical studies. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
evaluation |
ID: |
8311126 |