Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Health of class teachers teaching in primary schools in the southeast region of Slovenia |
Secondary abstract: |
The thesis of this research was to determine what the health state of teachers who teach in primary schools in the southeast region of Slovenia is. The goals of the research were: to determine how many teachers are physically active in their spare time; which doctors did they visit in the past 12 months and in which months was it; how many days were in the past school year, absent from work; how do they evaluate their health situation and how do they take care of their health; how often do they feel under stress, tension and pressure, and how do they cope with it; how many teachers in southeast region are smokers; what attitude towards their body weight do they have; which are the most common medical diseases and conditions they face most frequently, what medical problems appear due to the working environment; how are they satisfied with their working environment and what is their attitude towards teaching physical education. The study included 80 classroom teachers and sports teachers from 23 primary schools in the southeast region. Data were collected through a questionnaire. Research has shown that 84.62 % of teachers do sports, averagely about 4.69 hours a week. In the past 12 months teachers of the southeast region most often visited a physician (71.25 % of respondents) and that was in the winter months. In the last school year they were, on average, absent of work because of disease for 7.67 days. 61.25 % of respondents assessed their health as good. 46, 84% of teachers believe that they take quite good care of their health. With the stress, tension and pressure is 46.25 % of the respondents occasionally or frequently encountered and 70 % of teachers manage those problems with some effort. There are 13.75 % smokers among respondents in this region. 55.7 % of teachers are satisfied with their body weight. Among medical conditions are the most common spinal diseases and injuries (16.25 %) and allergies (15 %). 95 % of participants are never faced with pain in the elbow, 71.25 % are occasionally confronted with cold, 47.5 % often encounter with fatigue and 17.5 % of teachers face with it very often. With their working environment they are mostly satisfied, only occasionally bothered by noise in the classrooms and not enough light in the corridors. 76 % of teachers like teaching physical education and half of them seems physical education class sometimes tiresome. 56.16 % of respondents would not leave the teaching of physical education to sports teacher. |
Secondary keywords: |
primary school;teacher;health;occupational disease;osnovna šola;učitelj;zdravje;poklicna bolezen; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
VI f., 80 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Health of class teachers teaching in primary schools in the southeast region of Slovenia |
Keywords (ePrints): |
razredni učitelj |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
primary teachers |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu smo z raziskavo želeli ugotoviti, kakšno je zdravstveno stanje učiteljev, ki poučujejo na osnovnih šolah v jugovzhodni regiji Slovenije. Cilji raziskave so bili: ugotoviti, koliko učiteljev je v prostem času športno aktivnih; katere zdravnike so obiskali v zadnjih 12-ih mesecih in v katerih mesecih je to bilo; koliko dni so bili v zadnjem šolskem letu bolniško odsotni; kako ocenjujejo svoje zdravstveno stanje; kako skrbijo za svoje zdravje; kako pogosto se počutijo pod stresom, napetostjo in pritiski ter kako to obvladujejo; koliko učiteljev je kadilcev; kakšen odnos imajo do svoje telesne teže; katera so najpogostejša bolezenska stanja pri njih; s katerimi zdravstvenimi težavami, ki so posledica delovnega okolja, se srečujejo najpogosteje; v kolikšni meri so zadovoljni s svojim delovnim okoljem in kakšen odnos imajo do poučevanja športne vzgoje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 80 razrednih učiteljev in športnih pedagogov iz 23 osnovnih šol v jugovzhodni regiji. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo vprašalnika. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je športno aktivnih učiteljev 84,62 %, ki se v povprečju ukvarjajo s športom 4,69 ure tedensko. Najpogosteje so učitelji jugovzhodne regije v zadnjih 12-ih mesecih obiskali splošnega zdravnika (71,25 %), in sicer v zimskih mesecih (december, januar, februar). V zadnjem šolskem letu so bili v povprečju bolniško odsotni z dela 7, 67 dni. 61,25 % vprašanih svoje zdravstveno stanje ocenjuje kot dobro. 46, 84 % učiteljev ocenjuje, da kar dobro skrbijo za svoje zdravje. S stresom, napetostmi in pritiski se 46,25 % sodelujočih srečuje občasno ali pogosto in 70 % učiteljev strese z nekaj truda obvladuje. Med vprašanimi učitelji je kadilcev 13,75 %. 55,7 % učiteljev je zadovoljnih s svojo telesno težo. Med bolezenskimi stanji so najpogostejše bolezni in okvare hrbtenice (16,25 %) ter alergije (15 %). 95 % vprašanih se nikoli ne srečuje z bolečinami v komolcu, 71,25 % se jih občasno sreča s prehladom, z utrujenostjo se jih pogosto sreča 47,5 %, zelo pogosto pa se z njo srečuje 17,5 % učiteljev. S svojim delovnim okoljem so večinoma zadovoljni, občasno jih moti le hrup v učilnici in premalo svetlobe na hodnikih. 76 % učiteljev radi poučujejo športno vzgojo in polovici se zdi pouk športne vzgoje včasih naporen. 56,16 % vprašanih poučevanja pouka športne vzgoje ne bi prepustilo športnemu pedagogu. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
The thesis of this research was to determine what the health state of teachers who teach in primary schools in the southeast region of Slovenia is. The goals of the research were: to determine how many teachers are physically active in their spare time; which doctors did they visit in the past 12 months and in which months was it; how many days were in the past school year, absent from work; how do they evaluate their health situation and how do they take care of their health; how often do they feel under stress, tension and pressure, and how do they cope with it; how many teachers in southeast region are smokers; what attitude towards their body weight do they have; which are the most common medical diseases and conditions they face most frequently, what medical problems appear due to the working environment; how are they satisfied with their working environment and what is their attitude towards teaching physical education. The study included 80 classroom teachers and sports teachers from 23 primary schools in the southeast region. Data were collected through a questionnaire. Research has shown that 84.62 % of teachers do sports, averagely about 4.69 hours a week. In the past 12 months teachers of the southeast region most often visited a physician (71.25 % of respondents) and that was in the winter months. In the last school year they were, on average, absent of work because of disease for 7.67 days. 61.25 % of respondents assessed their health as good. 46, 84% of teachers believe that they take quite good care of their health. With the stress, tension and pressure is 46.25 % of the respondents occasionally or frequently encountered and 70 % of teachers manage those problems with some effort. There are 13.75 % smokers among respondents in this region. 55.7 % of teachers are satisfied with their body weight. Among medical conditions are the most common spinal diseases and injuries (16.25 %) and allergies (15 %). 95 % of participants are never faced with pain in the elbow, 71.25 % are occasionally confronted with cold, 47.5 % often encounter with fatigue and 17.5 % of teachers face with it very often. With their working environment they are mostly satisfied, only occasionally bothered by noise in the classrooms and not enough light in the corridors. 76 % of teachers like teaching physical education and half of them seems physical education class sometimes tiresome. 56.16 % of respondents would not leave the teaching of physical education to sports teacher. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
primary teachers |
ID: |
8311154 |