diplomsko delo
Ana Ložar (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Kvalitativna primerjalna analiza pravljic bratov Grimm in Manice Koman na osnovi strukturalistične teorije Vladimirja J. Proppa


morfologija pravljice;Propp;Vladimir;1895-1970;Grimm;Jacob;1785-1863;Wilhelm;1786-1859;Koman;Manica;1880-1961;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Ložar]
UDC: 398.2(043.2)
COBISS: 9506889 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1468
Downloads: 189
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Qualitative comparative analysis of Grimm brothers' and Manica Koman's fairy tales, based on the structuralist literary theory of Vladimir J. Propp
Secondary abstract: The present BA thesis, titled A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Grimm Brothers' and Manica Koman's Fairy Tales, Based on the Structuralist Literary Theory of Vladimir J. Propp, consists of two parts. The first one presents the biography and work of the Grimm brothers, and the biography and work of Manica Koman, a Slovene folktale writer. Biography and work facts about the former were mainly found in Hermann Gerstner's detailed biography of the Brothers Grimm, Die Brűder Grimm: Eine Biographie. Furthermore, the author attended an exhibition of Grimm brothers' fairy tales and other works, which took place in the National and University Library in 2012. Photos of their two original fairy tale collections are enclosed to the thesis. Manica Koman's biography data were gathered from various encyclopaedias, articles, lexicons, at the Slovenian School Museum in Ljubljana, at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (namely at the Literary Sciences Department of the Institute for Cultural History), and at the History Archive in Ljubljana. Her identity documents were acquired at the Archbishopric Archive in Ljubljana and at the Ljubljana City Administration Office. Additional data were obtained at Mrs Mihaela and Marija Novak in Vižmarje, Ljubljana. However, we owe the most useful and precious biography details to Mrs Ana Jerina, the writer's niece. This section of the thesis also includes an interview with Mrs Jerina, Manica Koman's identity papers and some photos of her, now owned by her niece. The Manuscript Department at the National and University Library offered us facts about Koman's work. Following this, the crucial elements of Vladimir J. Propp's literary theory, on which the comparison of the tales is based, is introduced. The second part of the thesis gives a parallel comparison of a selection of nine Koman’s and Grimm brothers’ fairy tales according to Vladimir J. Propp’s structuralist literary theory. We conclude with an analysis of similarities and differences between the mentioned tales in terms of motif, characters, and their functions.
Secondary keywords: fairy tale;pravljica;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 163 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Qualitative comparative analysis of Grimm brothers' and Manica Koman's fairy tales, based on the structuralist literary theory of Vladimir J. Propp
Keywords (ePrints): življenje Jacoba in Wilhelma Grimma
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's biography
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo z naslovom Kvalitativna primerjalna analiza pravljic bratov Grimm in Manice Koman na osnovi strukturalistične teorije Vladimirja J. Proppa je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. V prvem delu sem predstavila življenje in delo bratov Grimm ter življenje in delo ljudske pisateljice Manice Koman. Podatke o življenju in delu Jacoba in Wilhelma Grimma sem dobila od nemškega kronista Hermanna Gerstnerja, ki je njuno življenje in delo natančno opisal v knjigi Brata Jacob in Wilhelm Grimm, življenjepis. Podatke o delih bratov Grimm sem prav tako pridobila v tej knjigi. V oktobru 2012 pa sem si v NUK-u ogledala razstavo pravljic in drugih njunih del. Obe knjigi pravljic bratov Grimm sem fotografirala in sliki priložila v diplomsko delo. Podatke o življenju Manice Koman sem dobila v enciklopedijah, člankih, leksikonih, v Šolskem muzeju Ljubljana, na ZRC SAZU (na Inštitutu za kulturno zgodovino – Oddelek za literarne vede) in v Zgodovinskem arhivu Ljubljana. Osebne dokumente Manice Koman sem pridobila na Nadškofijskem arhivu Ljubljana in na Upravni enoti Ljubljana. Podatke o Manici Koman sem pridobila v Vižmarjih, pri gospeh Mihaeli in Mariji Novak. Največ dragocenih podatkov iz življenja Manice Koman pa sem pridobila od ge. Ane Jerina, ki je nečakinja Manice Koman. V tem delu diplomske naloge sem priložila intervju, ki sem ga opravila z go. Ano Jerina, slike Manice Koman, ki so last ge. Jerina, in osebne dokumente Manice Koman. Podatke o delu Manice Koman pa sem dobila na rokopisnem oddelku Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice. Predstavila sem tudi bistvene elemente literarne teorije Vladimirja J. Proppa, iz katere izhaja primerjava pravljic. V drugem delu sem paralelno predstavila primerjavo izbora devetih pravljic Manice Koman in bratov Grimm po strukturalistični literarni teoriji Vladimirja J. Proppa. Na koncu sem predstavila analizo podobnosti in razlik izbora vseh devetih pravljic bratov Grimm in Manice Koman po motivu, nastopajočih junakih in funkcijah junakov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The present BA thesis, titled A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Grimm Brothers' and Manica Koman's Fairy Tales, Based on the Structuralist Literary Theory of Vladimir J. Propp, consists of two parts. The first one presents the biography and work of the Grimm brothers, and the biography and work of Manica Koman, a Slovene folktale writer. Biography and work facts about the former were mainly found in Hermann Gerstner's detailed biography of the Brothers Grimm, Die Brűder Grimm: Eine Biographie. Furthermore, the author attended an exhibition of Grimm brothers' fairy tales and other works, which took place in the National and University Library in 2012. Photos of their two original fairy tale collections are enclosed to the thesis. Manica Koman's biography data were gathered from various encyclopaedias, articles, lexicons, at the Slovenian School Museum in Ljubljana, at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (namely at the Literary Sciences Department of the Institute for Cultural History), and at the History Archive in Ljubljana. Her identity documents were acquired at the Archbishopric Archive in Ljubljana and at the Ljubljana City Administration Office. Additional data were obtained at Mrs Mihaela and Marija Novak in Vižmarje, Ljubljana. However, we owe the most useful and precious biography details to Mrs Ana Jerina, the writer's niece. This section of the thesis also includes an interview with Mrs Jerina, Manica Koman's identity papers and some photos of her, now owned by her niece. The Manuscript Department at the National and University Library offered us facts about Koman's work. Following this, the crucial elements of Vladimir J. Propp's literary theory, on which the comparison of the tales is based, is introduced. The second part of the thesis gives a parallel comparison of a selection of nine Koman’s and Grimm brothers’ fairy tales according to Vladimir J. Propp’s structuralist literary theory. We conclude with an analysis of similarities and differences between the mentioned tales in terms of motif, characters, and their functions.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's biography
ID: 8311161