specialistično delo
Jerneja Langus (Author), Breda Kroflič (Mentor)


Metode plesno gibalne terapije v preprečevanju težav na področju čustvovanja in vedenja v osnovni šoli


gibalno-plesna terapija;ustvarjalni gib;celostne metode;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Langus]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9540681 Link will open in a new window
Views: 871
Downloads: 190
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Dance movement therapy methods as prevention of emotional and behaviour disorders at lower grade of primary school
Secondary abstract: In the present specialist thesis, I examine how the methods of therapy through art - particularly methods of dance and movement therapy – affect the holistic development of a child at an early primary school level. The methods of dance and movement therapy are thereby perceived as prevention methods with the intent to prevent asocial behavioural patterns in class, and as a form of psychosocial aid. Through a holistic approach comprised of bodily, experience-based, cognitive, and social activities, I encourage a child’s holistic development. Based on this particular intent, I examine the effects of the creative movement method within the scope of the research sample. I perceive the creative movement method or dance and movement therapy respectively as one of the methods of movement therapy, which should be regarded as a distinct form of therapy through art. In the present specialist thesis, I outline the following contents in detail: Social and asocial behaviour as opposing notions, and; in connection with the aforementioned relation; issues with regard to emoting and behaviour. I hint at certain procedures of aid and assistance for cases, in which such forms of (negative) behaviour (may) manifest themselves. I define the term “holistic development of a child” and accentuate class inclusion as a contemporary form of inclusion of children with special needs. With the aid of the creative movement method as one of the methods of group dance and movement therapy, I highlight the reasons for the outlined approach towards educational practice-based work with children at early primary school levels. Based on the aims set, I provide an outline of a group dance-movement-activity based programme. With the practical implementation of the outlined activities and through qualitative research in accordance with the method of a group-based case study, I aspire to obtain answers to the following research questions: 1) Do dance and movement activities decrease the level of asocial behaviour? – and – 2) To what extent are dance and movement activities effective as means of preventing issues in the field of emoting and behaviour in primary school? This is my approach towards finding answers with regard to the efficiency of dance-and-movement-therapy-based methods within the education process. During the timeframe of performing the activities, I monitor the process and the changes in dance-and-movement expressivity put forth by the children, in the communicative, emotional, behavioural, and interactional variables, as well as in group dynamics and in the level of progress of each respective child. I applied a specific social behaviour assessment inventory – VAN (victim, aggression, neurological distress signs) and the Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents, and analyzed the acquired video material according to the EBL (Emerging Body Language) method. Based on the research questions, the findings have shown that the dance-and-movement based activities of the children have decreased the level of asocial behaviour in certain children. This lead to an increase of positive social interaction among all the children within in the observed group. The observation analysis has also shown that the noted methods also successfully worked as means of preventing issues in the field of emoting and behaviour. The empathy level of the children had increased. The occurring behavioural forms of victim, aggression, and neurological distress signs have substantially decreased. Researches focusing on studying the effects of methods of therapy through art on primary school children are rare. My positive findings should contribute towards a higher level of regard for dance and movement therapy methods and as a step towards the inclusion of the aforementioned into educational practice within the scope of primary schools with the salient intent of preventing issues in the field of emoting and behaviour, encouraging positive social interactions, and a positive in-class environment. The recent, encouraging reactions of the children regarding this distinct approach, also hint that further research in this particular direction clearly appears to be both interesting and significant.
Secondary keywords: behaviour;dance;primary school;vedenje;ples;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Specialist thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: VI, IV f., 120 str., [8] f. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Dance movement therapy methods as prevention of emotional and behaviour difficulties in primary school
Keywords (ePrints): preprečevanje težav na področju čustvovanja in vedenja
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preventing issues in the field of emoting and behaviour
Abstract (ePrints): V specialističnem delu preverjam, kako metode pomoči z umetnostjo, zlasti metode plesno gibalne terapije, učinkujejo na celostni razvoj otroka na nižji stopnji osnovne šole. Metode Plesno gibalne terapije so pri tem pojmovane kot preventiva z namenom preprečevanja asocialnih vzorcev vedenja v razredu in kot oblika psihosocialne pomoči. S celostnim pristopom prepletanja telesnih, doživljajskih, miselnih in socialnih dejavnosti spodbujam celostni razvoj otroka. S tem namenom v okviru obravnavanega vzorca v raziskavi preverjam učinke metode ustvarjalnega giba in plesa. Metodo ustvarjalnega giba in plesa pojmujem kot eno od metod plesno gibalne terapije, ki je ena od vrst pomoči z umetnostjo. V specialističnem delu teoretsko podrobneje predstavljam naslednje vsebine: socialno vedenje in asocialno vedenje kot nasprotje prvega ter v povezavi s tem, težave na področju čustvovanja in vedenja. Nakažem nekatere poti pomoči pri pojavih takih oblik vedenja. Opredelim pojem celostnega razvoja otroka, poudarim razredno inkluzijo kot sodobno kulturo vključevanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami. S pomočjo ustvarjalnega giba, kot ene izmed metod skupinske plesno gibalne terapije osvetlim razloge za predstavljeni pristop do vzgojno izobraževalnega dela z otroki na nižji stopnji osnovne šole. Na podlagi zastavljenih ciljev predstavljam program plesno gibalnih dejavnosti v skupini. S praktičnim izvajanjem načrtovanih dejavnosti ter s kvalitativnim raziskovanjem po metodi skupinske študije primera iščem odgovore na raziskovalni vprašanji ali gibalno plesne dejavnosti zmanjšujejo asocialno vedenje in prispevajo k pozitivni socialni interakciji in v kolikšni meri gibalno plesne dejavnosti delujejo kot način preprečevanja težav na področju čustvovanja in vedenja v osnovni šoli.S tem iščem odgovore o učinkovitosti preventivnih metod plesno gibalne terapije v vzgojno izobraževalnem procesu. V času izvajanja dejavnosti spremljam proces in spremembe v gibno-plesnem izražanju otrok, komunikacijske, emocionalne, vedenjske in interakcijske spremenljivke, dinamiko skupine in napredek posameznega otroka. Uporabim Inventarij za učiteljevo ocenjevanje socialnega vedenja učencev – ŽAN (vedenjski pojavi Žrtev, Agresivnosti, Nevrotskih tesnobnih znakov), Indeks empatičnosti za otroke in mladostnike in analiziram posneto fotografsko in video gradivo po metodi EBL. Ugotovitve glede na zastavljeni raziskovalni vprašanji so pokazale, da so gibalno plesne dejavnosti zmanjšale asocialno vedenje nekaterih otrok. S tem se je povečala pozitivna socialna interakcija vseh otrok v skupini. Analiza opažanj je pokazala tudi, da omenjene metode delujejo kot način preprečevanja težav na področju čustvovanja in vedenja. Povečala se je empatičnost otrok, pojavne oblike vedenja žrtve, agresivnosti in nevrotskih znakov so bile vidno manjše. Raziskav, ki bi proučevale učinke metod umetnostne terapije na učence v osnovni šoli, ni veliko. Moje pozitivne ugotovitve prispevajo k večji prepoznavnosti metod plesno gibalne terapije in vključevanja le-teh v vzgojnoizobraževalni proces v osnovni šoli z namenom preprečevanja težav na področju čustvovanja in vedenja ter spodbujanja pozitivne socialne interakcije in pozitivne razredne klime. Dosedanji ugotovljeni spodbudni odzivi učencev na tak pristop so tudi razlog, zaradi katerega se zdi raziskovanje v tej smeri zanimivo in vredno.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the present specialist thesis, I examine how the methods of therapy through art - particularly methods of dance and movement therapy – affect the holistic development of a child at an early primary school level. The methods of dance and movement therapy are thereby perceived as prevention methods with the intent to prevent asocial behavioural patterns in class, and as a form of psychosocial aid. Through a holistic approach comprised of bodily, experience-based, cognitive, and social activities, I encourage a child’s holistic development. Based on this particular intent, I examine the effects of the creative movement method within the scope of the research sample. I perceive the creative movement method or dance and movement therapy respectively as one of the methods of movement therapy, which should be regarded as a distinct form of therapy through art. In the present specialist thesis, I outline the following contents in detail: Social and asocial behaviour as opposing notions, and; in connection with the aforementioned relation; issues with regard to emoting and behaviour. I hint at certain procedures of aid and assistance for cases, in which such forms of (negative) behaviour (may) manifest themselves. I define the term “holistic development of a child” and accentuate class inclusion as a contemporary form of inclusion of children with special needs. With the aid of the creative movement method as one of the methods of group dance and movement therapy, I highlight the reasons for the outlined approach towards educational practice-based work with children at early primary school levels. Based on the aims set, I provide an outline of a group dance-movement-activity based programme. With the practical implementation of the outlined activities and through qualitative research in accordance with the method of a group-based case study, I aspire to obtain answers to the following research questions: 1) Do dance and movement activities decrease the level of asocial behaviour? – and – 2) To what extent are dance and movement activities effective as means of preventing issues in the field of emoting and behaviour in primary school? This is my approach towards finding answers with regard to the efficiency of dance-and-movement-therapy-based methods within the education process. During the timeframe of performing the activities, I monitor the process and the changes in dance-and-movement expressivity put forth by the children, in the communicative, emotional, behavioural, and interactional variables, as well as in group dynamics and in the level of progress of each respective child. I applied a specific social behaviour assessment inventory – VAN (victim, aggression, neurological distress signs) and the Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents, and analyzed the acquired video material according to the EBL (Emerging Body Language) method. Based on the research questions, the findings have shown that the dance-and-movement based activities of the children have decreased the level of asocial behaviour in certain children. This lead to an increase of positive social interaction among all the children within in the observed group. The observation analysis has also shown that the noted methods also successfully worked as means of preventing issues in the field of emoting and behaviour. The empathy level of the children had increased. The occurring behavioural forms of victim, aggression, and neurological distress signs have substantially decreased. Researches focusing on studying the effects of methods of therapy through art on primary school children are rare. My positive findings should contribute towards a higher level of regard for dance and movement therapy methods and as a step towards the inclusion of the aforementioned into educational practice within the scope of primary schools with the salient intent of preventing issues in the field of emoting and behaviour, encouraging positive social interactions, and a positive in-class environment. The recent, encouraging reactions of the children regarding this distinct approach, also hint that further research in this particular direction clearly appears to be both interesting and significant.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preventing issues in the field of emoting and behaviour
ID: 8311177