Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Prison subculture in prisons Ljubljana and Dob pri Mirni |
Secondary abstract: |
Prison and its specifics present a territory, where a completely unique social system is developed. This social system has been researched since the origin of prisons.
The goal of this BA dissertation entitled »Prison subculture in prisons Ljubljana and Dob pri Mirni« is to investigate the characteristics of prison subculture in two biggest prisons in Slovenia, and also how prison subculture affects the every day life of people in them.
In the theoretical part we first present total institutions, their origin, formation and development and the term, which is (in bibliography) almost always mentioned in the concept of total instituions - deinstitutionalisation.
In the second part we describe the characteristics and specifics of the institution, where the research subject exists – the prison. The end of this part contains a short presentation of Slovenian prisons. Because the interviews used in graduation research took place in prisons Ljubljana and Dob pri Mirni, these two are presented in more detail.
The emphasis in the next chapters is on reviewing the features of prison as a social system, prisonization and two theoretical models (deprivation model and importation model). These two models reveal the factors that affect the prisonization process. We also present the adaptation strategies (for the life in prison) of the inmates.
The final segment of the theoretical part is focused on the terms subculture and prison subculture and emphasises the vital elements for the understanding of prison subculture.
The empirical part of this dissertation presents the research methodology, data collection and processing, and the interpretation of the results. |
Secondary keywords: |
prison;prisoner;subculture;zapor;zapornik;subkultura; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika |
Pages: |
108 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Prison subculture in prisons Ljubljana and Dob pri Mirni |
Keywords (ePrints): |
totalna institucija |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
total institution |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Zapor predstavlja (ponavadi) premajhno in prenapolnjeno območje, kjer je zbranih veliko število različnih karakterjev s kriminalno preteklostjo, od katerih se z omejitvami, ki so del njihovega vsakdana, vsak spopada na svoj način. Njihovo življenje diktirajo zavodska pravila, da pa ta pravila ne ostanejo le mrtva črka na papirju, skrbijo zaposleni v zavodu. Posameznik se mora znajti in preživeti, tako da izpolnjuje formalna pričakovanja, ki so postavljena s strani zavoda, hkrati pa mora paziti, da ga soobsojenci ne spoznajo kot preveč konformnega zavodskim pravilom. Če ne izpolnjuješ vseh zahtev, si lahko sankcioniran formalno (zavod), kot tudi na neformalni ravni (ostali zaporniki).
Strinjamo se lahko, da zavod za prestajanje kazni z vsemi svojimi specifikami predstavlja edinstven teritorij, kjer se razvije povsem edinstven družbeni sistem, katerega se raziskuje praktično od pojava zaporov dalje.
Eden izmed ključnih dejavnikov rehabilitacije obsojencev je svetovalno delo v zavodu. Svetovalna služba v zavodu za prestajanje kazni zapora je delovni prostor marsikaterega socialnega pedagoga, ki je tako (so)odgovoren za rehabilitacijo obsojencev med njihovem bivanjem v zavodu. Da pa bi bila rehabilitacija čim bolj učinkovita je za socialnega pedagoga pomembno poznavanje in razumevanje zapora kot edinstvenega in zelo kompleksnega socialnega sistema, kjer odnosi med posamezniki in relacije teh odnosov potekajo na drugačen način, kot v zunanjem svetu.
Zavod za prestajanje kazni lahko razumemo kot posebno družbeno tvorbo, ki je nastala na obrobju družbe. Sestavljen je iz posameznikov, ki jih je družba zavrgla oziroma na nek način eliminirala iz svoje sredine. Če posameznik obsodbo pravnega sistema in posledično družbe sprejme, potem deluje v zavodu kot predvidevajo zavodska pravila; lahko rečemo, da je podobno, kot ga je zavrgla družba, zavrgel tudi sam sebe oziroma je sprejel vlogo in oznake, ki so mu bile pripisane bodisi upravičeno bodisi neupravičeno. Seveda pa je takih posameznikov malo, večina obsojencev namesto da bi zavrgla same sebe, raje zavračajo družbo in sistem, ki sta ga obsodila na prestajanje zaporne kazni. Lahko govorimo torej o kolektivnem odgovoru na zaznamovanost s strani družbe, kar pa nas pripelje do zaporniške subkulture.
(Pre)velika vpletenost obsojenca v zaporniško subkulturo je lahko velika ovira pri uspešni obravnavi le-tega, tako da je za socialnega pedagoga zelo pomembno, da ta socialni fenomen pozna, razume in ga prepozna. Svoje diplomsko delo sem zato posvetil raziskovanju zaporniške subkulture v dveh največjih zaporih pri nas. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Prison and its specifics present a territory, where a completely unique social system is developed. This social system has been researched since the origin of prisons.
The goal of this BA dissertation entitled »Prison subculture in prisons Ljubljana and Dob pri Mirni« is to investigate the characteristics of prison subculture in two biggest prisons in Slovenia, and also how prison subculture affects the every day life of people in them.
In the theoretical part we first present total institutions, their origin, formation and development and the term, which is (in bibliography) almost always mentioned in the concept of total instituions - deinstitutionalisation.
In the second part we describe the characteristics and specifics of the institution, where the research subject exists – the prison. The end of this part contains a short presentation of Slovenian prisons. Because the interviews used in graduation research took place in prisons Ljubljana and Dob pri Mirni, these two are presented in more detail.
The emphasis in the next chapters is on reviewing the features of prison as a social system, prisonization and two theoretical models (deprivation model and importation model). These two models reveal the factors that affect the prisonization process. We also present the adaptation strategies (for the life in prison) of the inmates.
The final segment of the theoretical part is focused on the terms subculture and prison subculture and emphasises the vital elements for the understanding of prison subculture.
The empirical part of this dissertation presents the research methodology, data collection and processing, and the interpretation of the results. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
total institution |
ID: |
8311182 |