Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Use of the aphasia test with slovenian-italian and italian-slovenian bilingual persons |
Secondary abstract: |
The language is the fundamental means of communication. We know the verbal language, the non-verbal language or gesture and the sign language. With the language we describe actions, concepts and things. A person can speak only one language (mother tongue), or more languages. We can learn other languages even during childhood, or later in adulthood. The level of knowledge of both languages varies from person to person, and it can be improved by learning and using it properly. Knowledge of the mother tongue or a second language can improve through the years, or can drop if it is not used. Various diseases can affect the application of a know language in the elderly population. Among the most significant is aphasia. Aphasia can be caused by a brain injury, stroke or a tumor. It is linked to a language that is already acquired. Aphasia is characterized by having difficulty with words: there can be too many or too few, depending from the injury.
In the theoretical part of the thesis we focused on three main areas: brain function, aphasia and biligualism, namely Slovene-Italian and Italian-Slovene. Considering the chosen topic, for the empiric part of the thesis we used the test for aphasia in bilingual subjects (Bilingual Aphasia Test - BAT), as it has been newly translated in Slovene. We wanted to establish guiding norms in bilingual subjects and determine whether the test is suitable for all ages. We tested bilingual subjects aged from 50 to 80 years, that had no neurologic are degenerative damage. With the results that we acquired we confirmed hypothesis 2, 3 and 4, so sex, language and education do not affect the results of the BAT test. According to the results we did find out that age does affect the results of the BAT test. The difference can be seen especially between the younger population (50-59 years old) and the older population (70-80 years old). This means that when using the BAT test we have to take into account these differences. |
Secondary keywords: |
bilingual aphasia test;speech defect;bilingualism;govorna motnja;dvojezičnost; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika |
Pages: |
77 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Use of the aphasia test with slovenian-italian and italian-slovenian bilingual persons |
Keywords (ePrints): |
test za afazijo pri dvojezični osebi |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
test for aphasia with bilingual person |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Jezik je temeljno sredstvo sporazumevanja. Poznamo besedni jezik, nebesedni jezik oz. kretnjo in znakovni jezik. Z jezikom opišemo dejanja, pojme in stvari. Oseba lahko govori le en jezik (prvi ali materni jezik), lahko pa govori več jezikov. Druge jezik se lahko naučimo že v otroštvu ali kasneje v odrasli dobi. Stopnja znanja obeh jezikov se razlikuje od človeka do človeka in se lahko z učenjem in pravilno uporabo tudi izboljšuje. Znanje maternega in drugega jezika se lahko z leti izboljšuje, lahko pa tudi upade, če se ga ne uporablja. Pri starejših ljudeh lahko pride tudi do različnih bolezni, ki vplivajo na uporabo poznanega jezika. Med najbolj značilne lahko štejemo afazijo. Afazija je lahko vzrok možganskih poškodb, kapi in tumorjev. Vezana je na jezik, ki je že razvit. Pri afazijah so značilne težave z besedami. Nekateri bolniki ne razumejo povedanega, nekateri pa nikakor ne morejo povedati želeno besedo.
V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo se osredotočili na tri glavna področja, in sicer: delovanje možganov, afazija in dvojezičnost, in sicer slovensko-italijanska ter italijansko-slovenska. Glede na izbrano temo smo za empirični del uporabili test za afazijo pri dvojezičnih osebah (Bilingual Aphasia Test - BAT), saj je bil na novo prirejen v slovenski jezik. Želeli smo določiti pilotske norme pri dvojezičnih osebah in ugotoviti, ali je test primeren za vse starosti. Testirali smo 24 dvojezičnih oseb starih od 50. do 80. let, ki so bile brez nevroloških ali degenerativnih okvar. Z rezultati, ki smo jih dobili, smo potrdili, da spol, jezik in izobrazba ne vplivajo na rezultate BAT testa. Odkrili smo, da starost vpliva na rezultate BAT testa. Razlika se kaže predvsem med mlajšo populacijo (50-59 let) in starejšo populacijo (70-80 let). To pomeni, da pri uporabi BAT testa moremo te razlike upoštevati. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
The language is the fundamental means of communication. We know the verbal language, the non-verbal language or gesture and the sign language. With the language we describe actions, concepts and things. A person can speak only one language (mother tongue), or more languages. We can learn other languages even during childhood, or later in adulthood. The level of knowledge of both languages varies from person to person, and it can be improved by learning and using it properly. Knowledge of the mother tongue or a second language can improve through the years, or can drop if it is not used. Various diseases can affect the application of a know language in the elderly population. Among the most significant is aphasia. Aphasia can be caused by a brain injury, stroke or a tumor. It is linked to a language that is already acquired. Aphasia is characterized by having difficulty with words: there can be too many or too few, depending from the injury.
In the theoretical part of the thesis we focused on three main areas: brain function, aphasia and biligualism, namely Slovene-Italian and Italian-Slovene. Considering the chosen topic, for the empiric part of the thesis we used the test for aphasia in bilingual subjects (Bilingual Aphasia Test - BAT), as it has been newly translated in Slovene. We wanted to establish guiding norms in bilingual subjects and determine whether the test is suitable for all ages. We tested bilingual subjects aged from 50 to 80 years, that had no neurologic are degenerative damage. With the results that we acquired we confirmed hypothesis 2, 3 and 4, so sex, language and education do not affect the results of the BAT test. According to the results we did find out that age does affect the results of the BAT test. The difference can be seen especially between the younger population (50-59 years old) and the older population (70-80 years old). This means that when using the BAT test we have to take into account these differences. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
test for aphasia with bilingual person |
ID: |
8311187 |