diplomsko delo
Sabina Pančur (Author), Darja Kerec (Mentor)


Velika planina kot družboslovna vsebina v 4. razredu devetletne osnovne šole


naravne in kulturne znamenitosti;pastirjevo življenje;turizem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Pančur]
UDC: 908:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9551433 Link will open in a new window
Views: 931
Downloads: 177
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Velika planina as a social sciences topic in the fourth class of the primary school
Secondary abstract: In a broader sense of the word the landscape park Velika planina includes Velika, Mala and Gojška planina. With its 5,2 square kilometers it is the biggest highland pasture in Slovenia. However, in a stricter meaning of the word Velika planina as an independent mountain covers 545 hectares, with its highest peak Gradišče, also called Njivice, of 1666 meter height above sea level. Due to its natural and cultural sights, particularly rich pastoral heritage, Velika planina attracts numerous visitors. The first part of my diploma work contains a short introduction of Velika planina as well as of the highest peak Gradišče with various accesses, either on pathways or by cable car. Then, natural and cultural sights, with the emphasis on those accessible to and interesting for children. Furthermore, I did some research work on shepherd's life on the mountain, some famous tales and mountain songs praising Velika planina, and on tourism.The didactic part of the diploma was carried out within two class periods at the primary school in Stranje. The teaching theme I chose from the curriculum was People in space and time, laying stress on the natural and cultural heritage and trying to show as many things in live as possible to the pupils. Therefore, I invited into the class a shepherd, dressed in traditional shepherd's clothes and showed them 'trniči' as well as different writings for them. ('Trnič' is a special salted cheese, formed in a shape of an onion and decorated with writings – wooden patterns. Each shepherd had his own writing pattern to make it clear who made the cheese.) Each pupil made their own 'trnič' as the 8th March gift to their mothers. Also, I made crosswords, whereas the pupils drew the visiting shepherd into their notebooks.In the last, empirical part I tried to find out how well the primary school teachers of Kamnik area are familiar with Velika planina and its educational values.
Secondary keywords: society;local studies;primary school;družba;domoznanstvo;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 94 str., [6] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Velika planina as a social sciences topic in the fourth class of the primary school
Keywords (ePrints): Velika planina
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Velika planina
Abstract (ePrints): Krajinski park Velika planina v širšem pomenu zajema Veliko, Malo in Gojško planino. S svojimi 5,2 km2 predstavlja največjo visokogorsko pašno planino na Slovenskem. Velika planina v ožjem pomenu, kot samostojna planina, pa se razprostira na površini 545 ha, z najvišjim vrhom Gradiščem, imenovanim tudi Njivice, visokim 1666 m nadmorske višine. Velika planina s svojimi naravnimi in kulturnimi znamenitostmi, predvsem z bogato pastirsko dediščino, v vseh letnih časih privablja številne obiskovalce. V diplomskem delu sem na kratko predstavila Veliko planino. Predstavila sem tudi najvišji vrh – Gradišče, možnost dostopa po različnih pešpoteh in z nihalko, nekatere naravne in kulturne znamenitosti, pri čemer sem se osredotočila predvsem na tiste, ki si jih lahko ogledamo tudi z otroki. Raziskala sem tudi pastirjevo življenje na planini, turizem, nekatere znamenite pripovedi in planinske pesmi, ki opevajo Veliko planino. V Osnovni šoli Stranje sem opravila nastop v 4. razredu, dolg dve šolski uri. Iz učnega načrta sem izbrala učno temo Ljudje v prostoru in času, kjer sem se osredotočila na naravno in kulturno dediščino. Učencem sem skušala prikazati čim več stvari v živo, zato sem v razred povabila pastirja v tradicionalni pastirski obleki, pokazala sem jim tudi trniče in pisave za trniče. Vsak je izdelal svoj trnič in ga odnesel domov svoji materi za 8. marec. Sestavila sem križanko, učenci pa so pastirja, ki nas je obiskal, narisali tudi v zvezke. Vempiričnem delu diplomske naloge pa sem raziskala, kako dobro učitelji razrednega pouka nekaterih osnovnih šol v Občini Kamnik poznajo Veliko planino in njeno pedagoško ponudbo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In a broader sense of the word the landscape park Velika planina includes Velika, Mala and Gojška planina. With its 5,2 square kilometers it is the biggest highland pasture in Slovenia. However, in a stricter meaning of the word Velika planina as an independent mountain covers 545 hectares, with its highest peak Gradišče, also called Njivice, of 1666 meter height above sea level. Due to its natural and cultural sights, particularly rich pastoral heritage, Velika planina attracts numerous visitors. The first part of my diploma work contains a short introduction of Velika planina as well as of the highest peak Gradišče with various accesses, either on pathways or by cable car. Then, natural and cultural sights, with the emphasis on those accessible to and interesting for children. Furthermore, I did some research work on shepherd's life on the mountain, some famous tales and mountain songs praising Velika planina, and on tourism.The didactic part of the diploma was carried out within two class periods at the primary school in Stranje. The teaching theme I chose from the curriculum was People in space and time, laying stress on the natural and cultural heritage and trying to show as many things in live as possible to the pupils. Therefore, I invited into the class a shepherd, dressed in traditional shepherd's clothes and showed them 'trniči' as well as different writings for them. ('Trnič' is a special salted cheese, formed in a shape of an onion and decorated with writings – wooden patterns. Each shepherd had his own writing pattern to make it clear who made the cheese.) Each pupil made their own 'trnič' as the 8th March gift to their mothers. Also, I made crosswords, whereas the pupils drew the visiting shepherd into their notebooks.In the last, empirical part I tried to find out how well the primary school teachers of Kamnik area are familiar with Velika planina and its educational values.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Velika planina
ID: 8311195