diplomsko delo
Kaja Batistič (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Motiv šolstva v slovenski mladinski književnosti




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Batistič]
UDC: 821.163.6-93(043.2)
COBISS: 9579849 Link will open in a new window
Views: 682
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A school motif in slovenian youth literature
Secondary abstract: In this diploma work we have searched through youth literature that has been published since the revolutionary year of 1848 and we have selected those books in which the motif of school is most clearly and vividly displayed. Economic, political and cultural changes in the Slovenian territory had a major effect on education, so in line with them, we divided the time we are dealing with into six periods. In the second part of our work, we tried to find the most representative literary works, describing education in the Slovenian territory. We wanted to determine from the analysis of the selected works how the changes in Slovenian schools throughout history reflected in youth literature. We tried to find out how teachers, students and school in general, were described once and how writers see them nowadays. We concluded that historical events had a major impact on youth literature. Books reveal between the lines the truth in their unique and very interesting way. Teachers were different than they are today. Their education skills, knowledge or attitude towards children, were not playing a very important role. They were often only messengers of political or religious ideologies of the individual ruling regimes. Pieces of youth literature are revealing the children's traumas that were engendered by physical punishment and the prohibition of expression in the mother tongue, but also happy, pleasant moments of gratitude, curiosity and good memories of school days. In the same vein literary works that describe and tell stories from today's classrooms reveal that we still face challenges. Law nowadays protects children better than it used to. Children can therefore feel more secure, but their attitude towards school has deteriorated. They do not like school and laugh at teachers.
Secondary keywords: children's and youth literature;school;teacher;pupil;mladinska književnost;šola;učitelj;učenec;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: VII, 75 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): A school motif in slovenian youth literature
Keywords (ePrints): šola
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): school
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu smo med mladinskimi književnimi deli, ki so izšla od revolucionarnega leta 1848 do danes, poiskali tista, ki najbolj slikovito in nazorno prikažejo motiviko šolstva na Slovenskem. Gospodarske, politične in kulturne spremembe na Slovenskem so pustile velik pečat tudi v šolstvu in skladno z njimi smo obdobje od leta 1848 do danes razdelili na šest obdobij, znotraj katerih smo v drugem delu diplomske naloge poiskali najbolj reprezentativna književna dela, ki opisujejo šolstvo na slovenskem ozemlju. Iz analize izbranih del smo želeli ugotoviti, kako so se spremembe v slovenskem šolstvu skozi zgodovino izražale v mladinski književnosti. Zanimalo nas je, kako so bili učitelji, učenci, šola predstavljeni nekoč in kako jih pisatelji vidijo danes. Ugotovili smo, da so imeli zgodovinski dogodki na mladinsko književnost velik vpliv. Knjige nam med vrsticami razkrivajo resnico na njihov edinstven in nadvse zanimiv način. Učitelji so bili nekoč res drugačni kot so danes. V ospredju ni bila njihova izobrazba, znanje ali odnos do otrok, ampak so bili velikokrat zgolj razširjevalci političnih ali religioznih ideologij posameznih vladajočih režimov. Mladinska dela razkrivajo otroške travme, ki so jih vzbujale fizične kazni, prepovedi izražanja v maternem jeziku, pa tudi vesele, prijetne trenutke hvaležnosti, vedoželjnosti in lepih spominov na šolske dni. Tudi književna dela avtorjev, ki opisujejo in pripovedujejo zgodbe iz današnjih učilnic, razkrivajo, da imamo še vedno opraviti s problemskimi situacijami. Otroci so s strani zakona mogoče res bolj zaščiteni in se zato počutijo bolj varni, vendar se je njihov odnos do šole s tem kvečjemu poslabšal. Šole ne marajo, učiteljicam se posmehujejo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In this diploma work we have searched through youth literature that has been published since the revolutionary year of 1848 and we have selected those books in which the motif of school is most clearly and vividly displayed. Economic, political and cultural changes in the Slovenian territory had a major effect on education, so in line with them, we divided the time we are dealing with into six periods. In the second part of our work, we tried to find the most representative literary works, describing education in the Slovenian territory. We wanted to determine from the analysis of the selected works how the changes in Slovenian schools throughout history reflected in youth literature. We tried to find out how teachers, students and school in general, were described once and how writers see them nowadays. We concluded that historical events had a major impact on youth literature. Books reveal between the lines the truth in their unique and very interesting way. Teachers were different than they are today. Their education skills, knowledge or attitude towards children, were not playing a very important role. They were often only messengers of political or religious ideologies of the individual ruling regimes. Pieces of youth literature are revealing the children's traumas that were engendered by physical punishment and the prohibition of expression in the mother tongue, but also happy, pleasant moments of gratitude, curiosity and good memories of school days. In the same vein literary works that describe and tell stories from today's classrooms reveal that we still face challenges. Law nowadays protects children better than it used to. Children can therefore feel more secure, but their attitude towards school has deteriorated. They do not like school and laugh at teachers.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): school
ID: 8311263