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Urška Hrast (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Oglaševanje v otroški reviji Cicido




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Hrast]
UDC: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 9579081 Link will open in a new window
Views: 782
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Advertising in children's magazine Cicido
Secondary abstract: Children are main target of numerous ads in all the media and are even more susceptible to ads as adults. In children's media there is often present disguised advertising which limits clear recognition of ad from editorial content. As written in the law and all media codes, the subscriber of an advertisement has to precisely specify whether a certain message is an advertisement or a journalistic contribution. In the thesis, I note that the advertisers in children's magazine Cicido repeatedly violated media laws and self-regulatory acts in force in Slovenia. 54% of the analyzed advertisements violated Slovenian Advertising Code rules or statutory provisions prohibiting acts of self-hybrid communication. The proportion of unmarked ads after 2005, however, decline, suggesting that the creators of the magazine in better account of (self-) regulation of articulation and non-commercial content. Editorial asserts that ensures compliance with advertising laws, but to what extent can protect the addressee? Parents, educators and children are not aware of the surreptitious advertising and therefore do not report such infringements to the designated bodies. I think there is a necessary to inform appropriately all involved, to educate them about the media and take stricter sanctions against the infringers. We should formulate the provisions of the Media Act more specifically, which in some cases allow for different interpretations.
Secondary keywords: advertising;oglaševanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: VI f., 90 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Advertising in children's magazine Cicido
Keywords (ePrints): otroci
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): children
Abstract (ePrints): Otroci so tarča vedno večjega števila oglasov v medijih, saj so zanje tudi bolj dovzetni kot odrasli. V medijih se vse pogosteje pojavlja prikrita oblika oglaševanja, ki onemogoča jasno razlikovanje oglasnih vsebin od uredniških. Kot navaja zakon in vsi kodeksi v medijih, mora naročnik oglasa natančno določiti, kdaj gre za oglasno sporočilo in kdaj za novinarski prispevek. V diplomskem delu ugotavljam, da so oglaševalci v otroški reviji Cicido večkrat kršili medijske zakone in samoregulativne akte, ki veljajo v Sloveniji. 54 % analiziranih oglasov je kršilo predpise Slovenskega oglaševalskega kodeksa oziroma zakonske določbe ter samoregulativne akte o prepovedi hibridnega sporočanja. Delež neoznačenih oglasov po letu 2005 vendarle upada, kar kaže na to, da so ustvarjalci revije v večji meri upoštevali (samo)regulacijo pri prepletanju netržnih in tržnih vsebin. Uredništvo zatrjuje, da skrbi za skladnost z oglaševalsko zakonodajo, a v kolikšni meri sploh lahko zaščiti naslovnika? Starši, vzgojitelji in otroci se ne zavedajo prikritega oglaševanja in ga ne prijavljajo kot kršitev pristojnim organom. Zato menim, da bi bilo treba slednje ustrezno osveščati in medijsko vzgajati, proti kršiteljem pa vpeljati bolj stroge sankcije. Natančneje bi morali formulirati tudi določila Zakona o medijih, ki v posameznih primerih dopuščajo različne interpretacije.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Children are main target of numerous ads in all the media and are even more susceptible to ads as adults. In children's media there is often present disguised advertising which limits clear recognition of ad from editorial content. As written in the law and all media codes, the subscriber of an advertisement has to precisely specify whether a certain message is an advertisement or a journalistic contribution. In the thesis, I note that the advertisers in children's magazine Cicido repeatedly violated media laws and self-regulatory acts in force in Slovenia. 54% of the analyzed advertisements violated Slovenian Advertising Code rules or statutory provisions prohibiting acts of self-hybrid communication. The proportion of unmarked ads after 2005, however, decline, suggesting that the creators of the magazine in better account of (self-) regulation of articulation and non-commercial content. Editorial asserts that ensures compliance with advertising laws, but to what extent can protect the addressee? Parents, educators and children are not aware of the surreptitious advertising and therefore do not report such infringements to the designated bodies. I think there is a necessary to inform appropriately all involved, to educate them about the media and take stricter sanctions against the infringers. We should formulate the provisions of the Media Act more specifically, which in some cases allow for different interpretations.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): children
ID: 8311271