diplomsko delo
Anica Podobnik (Author), Mojca Lipec-Stopar (Mentor)


Analiza inkluzivne neravnanosti učnih načrtov, učbenikov in delovnih zvezkov vprvem triletju osnovne šole


osebe s posebnimi potrebami;inkluzija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Podobnik]
UDC: 376.1:373.32(043.2)
COBISS: 9589577 Link will open in a new window
Views: 650
Downloads: 137
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of year one-to-three curriculum, workbooks and textbooks inclusiveness
Secondary abstract: Inclusion can be defined in various ways. However, it is most frequently connected with the education of people with special needs. The thesis highlights the meaning of a broader view of inclusion as integrating in society and describes in more detail the inclusion in the area of education. Awareness of diversity is a highly important factor in today’s politics of education worldwide. Among the factors having significant influence on the success of inclusion are teachers’ attitudes, beliefs and values. The success of inclusion depends mainly on the teachers – the curriculum, textbooks and workbooks form the basis for their work. These materials serve them to present also the contents regarding people with special needs and other groups that may have difficulties with social integration. By providing positive descriptions of all social groups, the education system stimulates equality in the society. The contents described in this thesis are defined as inclusive contents. The analysis of the curriculum, textbooks and workbooks inclusiveness for year one to three of primary education shows that the explicit inclusive contents prevail on the implicit ones. Participation, gender, the need for help and frequency of individual and group portraiture were also analyzed. The content analysis of the interviews with teachers who are successful at practical application of inclusion shows that they more frequently transmit the inclusive contents implicitly than explicitly. As a summary of the findings, key guidelines for dealing with inclusive contents in primary education were proposed. These guidelines have shown that systematic, as well as spontaneous transmission of inclusive contents are equally relevant. However, there are features of particular environments to be taken into account, and active participation to be included in the courses.
Secondary keywords: social integration;education;primary school;socialna integracija;vzgoja in izobraževanje;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: VI, 88 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Analysis of year one-to-three curriculum, workbooks and textbooks inclusiveness
Keywords (ePrints): edukacija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): education
Abstract (ePrints): Opredelitve inkluzije so zelo raznolike. Najpogosteje so povezane z edukacijo oseb s posebnimi potrebami. V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno, kaj vpliva na socialno vključevanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami in drugih skupin oseb, pri katerih lahko prihaja do težav socialnega vključevanja. Bolj nas je zanimal edukacijski vidik inkluzije. Zavedanje različnosti je danes zelo pomembno za šolsko politiko po vsem svetu. Med raznolikimi dejavniki, ki vplivajo na inkluzijo, so tudi stališča, vrednote in prepričanja učiteljev. Učni načrti, učbeniki in delovni zvezki, ki jih učitelji uporabljajo pri svojem delu, odločajo o tem, kaj se bodo učenci naučili, s tem pa vplivajo tudi na vsebine o osebah s posebnimi potrebami in drugih skupinah oseb, pri katerih lahko prihaja do težav socialnega vključevanja. Proces edukacije tako lahko z zagotavljanjem pozitivnega prikazovanja vseh oseb spodbuja enakopravnost v družbi. Opisane vsebine so v tem diplomskem delu opredeljene kot inkluzivne vsebine. V raziskavo so bili vključeni operativni cilji učnih načrtov, potrjeni učbeniki in vzorec delovnih zvezkov za prvo triletje osnovne šole. Vsebinska analiza inkluzivne naravnanosti vsebine gradiv je pokazala, da je v vseh več eksplicitnih kot implicitnih inkluzivnih vsebin. Analizirani so bili tudi aktivnost, spol, potreba po pomoči ter pogostost posameznega in skupinskega prikazovanja oseb. Vsebinska analiza intervjujev z učitelji, ki so dobri praktiki, pa kaže, da inkluzivne vsebine pogosteje podajajo implicitn¬¬o kot eksplicitno. Ključne usmeritve, ki smo jih na podlagi tega pripravili, kažejo na pomen tako načrtnega kot spontanega podajanja inkluzivnih vsebin, pri katerem je potrebno upoštevati posebnosti določenega okolja in vključevati čim več aktivnih oblik dela.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Inclusion can be defined in various ways. However, it is most frequently connected with the education of people with special needs. The thesis highlights the meaning of a broader view of inclusion as integrating in society and describes in more detail the inclusion in the area of education. Awareness of diversity is a highly important factor in today’s politics of education worldwide. Among the factors having significant influence on the success of inclusion are teachers’ attitudes, beliefs and values. The success of inclusion depends mainly on the teachers – the curriculum, textbooks and workbooks form the basis for their work. These materials serve them to present also the contents regarding people with special needs and other groups that may have difficulties with social integration. By providing positive descriptions of all social groups, the education system stimulates equality in the society. The contents described in this thesis are defined as inclusive contents. The analysis of the curriculum, textbooks and workbooks inclusiveness for year one to three of primary education shows that the explicit inclusive contents prevail on the implicit ones. Participation, gender, the need for help and frequency of individual and group portraiture were also analyzed. The content analysis of the interviews with teachers who are successful at practical application of inclusion shows that they more frequently transmit the inclusive contents implicitly than explicitly. As a summary of the findings, key guidelines for dealing with inclusive contents in primary education were proposed. These guidelines have shown that systematic, as well as spontaneous transmission of inclusive contents are equally relevant. However, there are features of particular environments to be taken into account, and active participation to be included in the courses.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): education
ID: 8311297