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Tjaša Gale (Author), Slavko Gaber (Mentor), Veronika Tašner (Co-mentor)


Otrok iz istospolne družine v šoli


istospolna družina


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Gale]
UDC: 316.362.34(043.2)
COBISS: 9614409 Link will open in a new window
Views: 955
Downloads: 287
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A child from queer family at primary school
Secondary abstract: In the process of pluralisation queer families are arising. In definition, a queer family has at least one of the parents social and not also biological. According to concern to the children in the heteronormative society, I explore the role of lesbian mothers raising an adolescent child which goes to Primary School. Dealing with the case of study, I collect data on descriptive level. The findings demonstrate that lesbian relationship is not lasting short and due to that threatening for a child. Jealousy among partners makes relationship uncertain. Lesbian mothers are not raising a gay, child has no emotional difficulties, is enough self-esteem, no too gentle and too sensitive. A student is an ordinary teenage, self-initiative included in diversity of activities. At the sociometry pupil reaches medium sociometric status, his social preference is average and social influence high. A child is controversial and assertive. Furthermore, division of labour by gender is not known in this family. That is also reason for boy choosing typical female profession. Strategy of positionism is not means for mother's operating in school; teachers also consider it as unwanted. Experience with queer family in school sphere is important for non-structural and non-institutional violence. Homophobia is also not present. Teachers are not qualified for teaching about homosexuality, but they feel autonomous about it. Clearly written aim in the curriculum and a person who will protect teachers from hetenormative reaction of parents are not needed.
Secondary keywords: sexual behaviour;child;parents;spolno vedenje;otrok;starši;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Pages: VII, 85 str., XLIV str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): A child from queer family at primary school
Keywords (ePrints): istospolna družina
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): queer family
Abstract (ePrints): Istospolne družine nastajajo v procesu pluralizacije; to so družine, v katerih je vsaj eden od staršev socialni, ne pa tudi biološki. V skrbi za otroke pa se v heteronormativni družbi pojavljajo različni očitki, zato sem želela preveriti, kako odraščanje v istospolni družini vpliva na otroka v osnovni šoli. S študijo primera učenca iz lezbične družine v šoli sem pridobivala podatke in jih obdelala kvalitativno in kvantitativno na deskriptivni ravni. Ugotovila sem, da razmerje mater lezbijk ni kratkotrajno in kot tako ogrožajoče za vzgojo otrok, je pa negotovo zaradi ljubosumja med partnericama. Materi lezbijki nista vzgojili geja, učenec ni čustveno labilen, nesamozavesten, pretirano nežen in občutljiv; je običajen najstnik, ki se samoiniciativno vključuje v različne dejavnosti. V razredu dosega srednji sociometrični status; njegova socialna preferenčnost je povprečna, socialni vpliv pa visok in ga s tem uvršča med kontroverzne in asertivne učence. Z delitvijo dela po spolu se ni seznanil, s čimer je povezana tudi njegova izbira poklica. Materi lezbijki v šoli ne delujeta s strategijo pozicioniranja, učitelji pa jo dojemajo kot nezaželeno. Izkušnje učiteljev in drugih udeležencev šole z istospolno družino so tiste, ki preprečujejo strukturno in institucionalno nasilje ter homofobijo v šoli. Učitelji se za poučevanje o homoseksualnosti ne čutijo dovolj sposobne, po drugi strani pa avtonomne za poučevanje o tem. Za to ne potrebujejo jasno zapisanega cilja v učnem načrtu niti ne osebe, ki bi jih obvarovala pred heteronormativnimi reakcijami drugih staršev.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the process of pluralisation queer families are arising. In definition, a queer family has at least one of the parents social and not also biological. According to concern to the children in the heteronormative society, I explore the role of lesbian mothers raising an adolescent child which goes to Primary School. Dealing with the case of study, I collect data on descriptive level. The findings demonstrate that lesbian relationship is not lasting short and due to that threatening for a child. Jealousy among partners makes relationship uncertain. Lesbian mothers are not raising a gay, child has no emotional difficulties, is enough self-esteem, no too gentle and too sensitive. A student is an ordinary teenage, self-initiative included in diversity of activities. At the sociometry pupil reaches medium sociometric status, his social preference is average and social influence high. A child is controversial and assertive. Furthermore, division of labour by gender is not known in this family. That is also reason for boy choosing typical female profession. Strategy of positionism is not means for mother's operating in school; teachers also consider it as unwanted. Experience with queer family in school sphere is important for non-structural and non-institutional violence. Homophobia is also not present. Teachers are not qualified for teaching about homosexuality, but they feel autonomous about it. Clearly written aim in the curriculum and a person who will protect teachers from hetenormative reaction of parents are not needed.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): queer family
ID: 8311337