diplomsko delo
Manca Šoštarić (Author), Darja Zorc-Maver (Mentor)


Dojemanje ljubezni in partnerstva različnih generacij v postmoderni družbi




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Šoštarić]
UDC: 177.6(043.2)
COBISS: 9629513 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1187
Downloads: 131
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The perception of love and partnership by different generations in postmodern society
Secondary abstract: Living in a different social era can be the reason for the different beliefs people have, including their perception of love and partnership. People's lives from different generations often interact and their beliefs are confronted. This thesis, in its theoretical part, presents the development of partnership, different explanations of love, the new understanding of love and partnership in postmodern society, options of inter-generational cooperation and the role of social pedagogues. In the empirical part, the analysis of qualitative research is shown. Four interviews with people from two different generations was conducted. The aim of the research was to find out how individuals from different generations understand love and partnership, which are the social influences, and how they estimate the inter-generational cooperation. As found by this study, the characteristics of a partnership among older interviewees are in accordance with Giddens' (2000) definition of romantic love, and predictability of the course of partnership. Younger interviewees show a stronger need for individualization and their relationships have more characteristics of confluent love, as described by Giddens (2000). In general, all four interviewees see the needs for inter-generational cooperation
Secondary keywords: love;ethics;society;ljubezen;etika;družba;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 128 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The perception of love and partnership by different generations in postmodern society
Keywords (ePrints): ljubezen
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): love
Abstract (ePrints): Zaradi življenja v različnih družbenih obdobjih imajo posamezniki različnih generacij drugačne poglede in prepričanja, tudi pri razumevanju ljubezni in partnerstva. Pogosto se življenja ljudi različnih generacij prepletajo, njihova prepričanja pa soočajo. V diplomskem delu je v teoretičnem delu opredeljen razvoj partnerstva, predstavljene so nekatere razlage ljubezni, spremenjeno razumevanje ljubezni in partnerstva v postmoderni družbi, možnosti medgeneracijskega sodelovanja ter vloga socialnega pedagoga pri tem. V empiričnem delu so predstavljene analize kvalitativne raziskave, pri kateri so bili izvedeni štirje intervjuji z osebami dveh generacij. Namen raziskave je bil izvedeti, kakšen pogled imajo pripadniki različnih generacij na ljubezen in partnerstvo, kakšen vpliv ima na to družba ter kako intervjuvane osebe ocenjujejo medgeneracijsko sodelovanje. Kot ugotovljeno, se značilnosti partnerske zveze pri starejših intervjuvancih ujemajo s prisotnostjo romantične ljubezni, kot jo razume Giddens (2000), ter z vnaprejšnjo predvidljivostjo poteka partnerskega življenja. Pri mlajših pa je zaznati potrebo po individualizaciji, njihovo partnersko razmerje se povezuje z značilnostmi sotočne ljubezni po Giddensu (2000). Intervjuvane osebe na splošno vidijo potrebo po večjem medgeneracijskem sodelovanju.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Living in a different social era can be the reason for the different beliefs people have, including their perception of love and partnership. People's lives from different generations often interact and their beliefs are confronted. This thesis, in its theoretical part, presents the development of partnership, different explanations of love, the new understanding of love and partnership in postmodern society, options of inter-generational cooperation and the role of social pedagogues. In the empirical part, the analysis of qualitative research is shown. Four interviews with people from two different generations was conducted. The aim of the research was to find out how individuals from different generations understand love and partnership, which are the social influences, and how they estimate the inter-generational cooperation. As found by this study, the characteristics of a partnership among older interviewees are in accordance with Giddens' (2000) definition of romantic love, and predictability of the course of partnership. Younger interviewees show a stronger need for individualization and their relationships have more characteristics of confluent love, as described by Giddens (2000). In general, all four interviewees see the needs for inter-generational cooperation
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): love
ID: 8311363
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