Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Independence of pupils and their attitude towards academic achievement factors |
Secondary abstract: |
This diploma work focuses on the pupils' opinion about independent learning and factors of learning achievement. I have not found the literature that is dealing with the pupils' point of view on these two particular topics. First, in the theoretical part, the role of assessment in primary school, its development and different views on assessment through time, are presented. The acknowledgement, that the learning achievement depends on many different factors, leads to their presentation and analysis. The theoretical part is concluded by showing the influence of behavioural styles, parenting styles and authority on independent learning of children.
In the empirical part the results of the research on pupils' views of learning independence and factors of learning achievement are presented. 516 pupils from 12 different primary schools from the central region of Slovenia participated in this research. At the time of the research the pupils were attending the 5th, 7th and 9th grade. The questionnaire, created by Helena Smrtnik Vitulić and Irena Lesar for a broader research of the mentioned topics, has been used for my research.
Answering the question of independent learning 90% of pupils estimate themselves as independent when doing the schoolwork and only 10% as dependent on others.
From the point of gender differences girls estimate themselves as being more independent in comparison with boys when they doing their school work. On the other hand no differences in independent learning have been found because of age differences.
From the point of view of self-evaluation of learning achievement more than half of all pupils (55%) think that they are successful, two fifths (40%) estimate themselves as very successful, and only a few (4,5%) think their learning is less successful. No gender differences have been found in the evaluation of their learning achievement. The pupils, who think of themselves as less successful, generally lack the skill of independent learning. |
Secondary keywords: |
achievement;independent work;pupil;uspešnost;samostojno delo;učenec; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
66 str., [4] str. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Independence of pupils and their attitude towards academic achievement factors |
Keywords (ePrints): |
samostojnost |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
independent learning |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu je v ospredju vprašanje, kaj o samostojnosti in o dejavnikih učne uspešnosti menijo učenci, na katerega v strokovni literaturi po meni znanih podatkih še ni mogoče zaslediti odgovora. V teoretičnem delu je najprej predstavljena vloga ocenjevanja, njegovo spreminjanje in pogledi na ocenjevanje skozi čas. Spoznanje, da je učna uspešnost odvisna od mnogih dejavnikov, je vodilo v natančnejšo predstavitev in analizo le teh. Teoretični del se zaključi s predstavitvijo vpliva vzgojnih stilov, stilov starševstva in avtoritete na samostojnost otrok.
V empiričnem delu so prikazani rezultati raziskave o prepričanjih otrok o samostojnosti in dejavnikih učne uspešnosti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 516 učencev iz 12 različnih osnovnih šol iz osrednje Slovenije. Učenci so v času raziskave obiskovali 5., 7. in 9. razred. V raziskavi je bil uporabljen anketni vprašalnik, ki sta ga oblikovali dr. Helena Smrtnik Vitulić in dr. Irena Lesar za namene širše raziskave.
Z vidika samostojnosti so rezultati pokazali, da se skoraj 90 % učencev ocenjuje kot samostojne pri šolskem delu in le dobra desetina učencev kot nesamostojne. Z vidika spola se je pokazalo, da se dekleta ocenjujejo kot samostojnejše pri šolskem delu v primerjavi s fanti, nisem pa uspeli dokazati razlik pri opredeljevanju samostojnosti glede na starost učencev. Z vidika samoocene učne uspešnosti se dobra polovica učencev (55 %) ocenjuje kot uspešne, dve petini (40 %) je takšnih, ki se ocenjujejo kot zelo uspešne, in zelo malo (4,5 %) učencev svojo šolsko uspešnost ocenjuje kot manj uspešno. Z vidika spola nisem izsledila pomembnih razlik v samooceni šolske uspešnosti, se pa učenci, ki se ocenjujejo kot manj uspešne, večinoma ocenjujejo kot nesamostojne. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
This diploma work focuses on the pupils' opinion about independent learning and factors of learning achievement. I have not found the literature that is dealing with the pupils' point of view on these two particular topics. First, in the theoretical part, the role of assessment in primary school, its development and different views on assessment through time, are presented. The acknowledgement, that the learning achievement depends on many different factors, leads to their presentation and analysis. The theoretical part is concluded by showing the influence of behavioural styles, parenting styles and authority on independent learning of children.
In the empirical part the results of the research on pupils' views of learning independence and factors of learning achievement are presented. 516 pupils from 12 different primary schools from the central region of Slovenia participated in this research. At the time of the research the pupils were attending the 5th, 7th and 9th grade. The questionnaire, created by Helena Smrtnik Vitulić and Irena Lesar for a broader research of the mentioned topics, has been used for my research.
Answering the question of independent learning 90% of pupils estimate themselves as independent when doing the schoolwork and only 10% as dependent on others.
From the point of gender differences girls estimate themselves as being more independent in comparison with boys when they doing their school work. On the other hand no differences in independent learning have been found because of age differences.
From the point of view of self-evaluation of learning achievement more than half of all pupils (55%) think that they are successful, two fifths (40%) estimate themselves as very successful, and only a few (4,5%) think their learning is less successful. No gender differences have been found in the evaluation of their learning achievement. The pupils, who think of themselves as less successful, generally lack the skill of independent learning. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
independent learning |
ID: |
8311436 |